@mark noble,
Quote:Biblically, God is omnipotent
No, Sorry Mark, She isn't. First of all omnipotence negates the idea of freewill and second, She cannot do the impossible. Thus if the humanoid is a requirement, he can only be evolved on the surface of a spherical rock full of cracks and with a molten core under pressure; orbiting somewhat precariously in the immediate absence of a big, heavy asteroid of random pathway, a huge hydrogen bomb and destined eventually to be drawn into and destroyed by a phenom called the Big Crunch
Again She cannot perform that which cannot be done, for instance make herself both exist and not exist, or in a more practical vein perhaps, make something out of nothing
Hence storms, earthquakes, volcanoes, strife, pain, disease, war, etc
Quote:and omnipresent (everywhere at once).
But yes, as an apodictical existential pantheist I can attest She is indeed everywhere all at once
Quote:So what is the role of 'SATAN'?
He is more nearly abstract than She. On the absgtract-concrete spectrum with a rock, say, near the left or concrete end and Her near the opposite, or abstract, He is represented to Her right (forgive pun)
Quote:Keep in mind.... Satan cannot act unless God allows it, for God is Omnipotent.
False, He has freewill just as She. Perhaps He embodies what we consider Her imperfections
Quote:Satan, being ALLOWED to commit evil,
….by freewill..though you must remember "evil" is a relative phenom. What She the Christian Power considers good in his treatment, the porker for instance finds evil of the most awful magnitude, forced by her to live in mud as he does; then She hangs him up by the rear legs bleeding to death in the utmost pain from a split throat before ultimately eating him
Quote:does so with God's consent.
In a sense true, only because She permits what owing to freewill She cannot control
Quote:And God, in His own words, professes to be the (SOLE) harbinger of both good and evil (Isaiah 45:7)…..
Forgive me Mark but not all of us take the tome so seriously. However some of us do nevertheless consider its truth in a purely symbolic form
Quote:SO...... Satan is clearly of NO purpose whatsoever...
True, but only in the sense that his inevitable presence can't be avoided. His (largely abstract) existence does however make life more interesting to be sure
Quote:And please - straight answers only - the faith and fulfilment crap is not relevant .
Straight answer: A q of that magnitude requires volumes in reply. But first you have to concede that according to the general principle that nothing is entirely anything while everything is partly something else, its position on the concrete-abvstract spectrum is not a measure of its reality
Indeed the Universe is Her body and all the activity therein Her mind at work
(Even Costco for instance, slightly to the right of the rock, is largely abstract, its concrete form merely groupings of humanoids moving physical objects from one location to another whilst muttering at one another)