On the advancement of our civilisation's level of technology - I believe the source was British Telecoms Key Strategic Thinker and Futurist. At the moment all I can find to his future predictions for the next 70 years are:
All very spectulative. Somewhere in the future we may have a better understanding of physics that uncovers primordal energy sources or ways of manipulating matter and energy that look like magic in a far as what we can do today. You can't predict innovations and breakthroughs, nor when they may happen.
So even things like the speed of light being a constant and conservation of matter and energy are just effects of 4 of the supposed 10 or 11 dimensions of our reality. We may find there truly are 11 dimensions and by manipulating the predicted hidden dimensions be able to 'apparently' bend the laws of the 4 know dimensions we have today.
All very spectulative - but in 2 years or 20,000 years we might be there.
Thanks for the update on the grand colour scheme
I missed that - the universe now matches the colour of my kitchen!
Now to your excellent points above:
1. Nothing that we have found in the universe so far requires a creator. Everything seems to be explainable by natural laws. Saying "God did it" adds no information to the theory, and just leaves us with the same questions, but an added complexity that violates Occam's Razor. What did god make the universe out of, did he have a choice of physical laws, why did he create it, where did god come from, does god have a physical presence, etc.
Random chance in the fine tuning of constants to permit intellgent life seems too remote to contemplate unless the Universe is infinite (a bouncing - Big Bang / Big Crunch model) or there are infinite universe according to experts in genetics and theoretical physics.
Natural laws as we understand them reveal no data on why the constants of physics are what they are.
* * * My Personal Beliefs follow * * *
One creation model may be God interacted with two carefully selected membranes in M-Theory and caused them to interact to form a new membrane (A + B = C), where this membrane inherited just the laws and physical constants we percieve today.
Yes God could choose the pyhsical laws by mixing the right membranes in the right way together. Picture it as a hyper complex mathematical translation function.
Why do it - the Golden question? Maybe to create us in an indeterminate world and see what given intelligence and free world we would do. Maybe by examining us he determines more about himself. An act of creation may be an act of love. Maybe one day we will be elevated to have alot more of his characteristics, knowledge and powers and promote his agenda for the infinte membranes or within this reality.
No idea where god comes from, maybe God is a wave function of the infinite membranes. I am not fit to answer this question.
God exists outside this universe. I believe as per Hawkings that God only interacts with this Universe thru his/its laws of reality (as he knows them not our limited understanding of physics) and within the scope of preserving free will to us or any other promise he has made us that puts a constraint on his behaviour or style and frequencies of interaction. So as an example - within our reality God is as bound by the Uncertainity principle as we are. I am unsure how God's spirit interacts with our conciousness and dreams!
2. There is no logical reason to create billions of galaxies with billions of stars each just to provide one planet to breed human beings on. One could argue that god created gazillions of planets with intelligent life, of course. But how could we feel "special" if he did?
My point too! I ponder perhaps exactly this much initial big bang energy/mass was required to set our physical constants to their precise levels within the laws of physics that hold sway. So from my above A + B = C equation. Perhaps 11 dimensional C sets the laws of physics accoring to your interaction function F(A,B), but the starting Energy levels or ratio of Higgs Bosons determine your physical constants within those laws. So if Big Bang starting energy was half or double perhaps C or h would be radically different. Maybe this is wht we have so many stars - left over by products of a Big bang necessary to create a Universe with precisely these rules and constants.
3. The fossil record, DNA evidence, and observation clearly show that life evolved on earth over the last 3.8 billion years. For the first 3 billion years no multi-celled animals existed. There is no logical reason for the delay if life was created. There is no need for god if life evolved.
Agree with your first two sentences. But I believe God works consistently within the Universe to abide by its (his) laws - else reality would be warped and maybe irreperably damaged. So I ponder God may constraint himself to act physically like an uber-scientists who knows all the tricks and backdoors to physics in our Universe, but just doesn't magic things in and out breaking the laws of (his) reality he created on a whim. That is a perfect reason for the timeframe science observes.
4. 99% of all species that ever existed on earth are gone. They were replaced by other species, which were replaced by still other species, each one becoming more like the forms we see living today. Why would a god make and discard so many prototypes before coming up with the current models?
Evolution does this directly, to abide by God's will and plan. The world is indeteriminate at the quantum level - something God must have explicitely wanted. Too God gifts us free will - so this would also constrain him magicing things around at random.
5. The human body does not reflect good design practices, with everything from birth defects, autoimmune diseases, injury-prone joints, useless appendages that cause problems (wisdom teeth, sinuses, appendix), to unwanted body hair. If a god created woman, he is sadistic as well as an incompetent engineer. Many other animals are not optimally designed, but reflect the tinkering you would expect if they evolved naturally.
As per the above, free will and conserving the laws of reality allow us to evolve over time. If God kept interfering or short cutting things, or if the Universe was not indeterminate the whole Universe and us would be no more than a gigantic slide rule or Matrix program. There would be no point to it. God would already know its outcomes. Non determinism is the key IMHO to understanding God's greatness. I ponder that God is not evolving too! (Heresey in many religions)
6. There is no logical reason to create parasites to infest, cripple and kill innocent children who have no access to medical care. Why would god want or allow parasites to torment wild animals? It does make sense that a mindless process of evolution produced them.
As per 4 and 5 above.
7. There is no consensus in the world about which god is the true one, and some of them claim that anyone who does not believe as they do will go to hell. There is no rational basis for choosing among them, and most people believe whatever they were taught to believe as children. Most claim divine revelation as their basis. Some have mutually exclusive beliefs, so they can't all be right. Since god has failed to indicate CLEARLY AND TO EVERYBODY which religion is right, one must assume that either god doesn't care what people believe, or he simply doesn't exist. If he doesn't care, he might as well not exist.
Agreed - because of my above points and because I see Religion as a work (in progress) of mankind's - meaning its fundamentally flawed to be no better or worse than our best attempts as imperfect creatures. Also God gave us all free will - sinner and saints, prophets and liars and politicans - you can't do that unless you're hand off and subtle in your leadership style. If God instantaneously zapped all bad people - there wouldn't be much free will and maybe he'd have subverted his own plans!
8. A study of the world's religions shows that the concept of god has evolved along with human societies. Gods are generally modeled on human traits and desires, rather than being independent of them. Therefore, it seems that god was created by man to explain the unknown and give man a way to affect his fate: by propitiating the gods with rituals, prayer and sacrifice.
Agreed - as per my point 7 logic. Religion is makind reaching towards an external being complex. Faith is an internal personal view. Religion is an external, codified dogma (loved the movie Dogma by the way
9. There is no indication that god intercedes in any way in human existence. Heartfelt prayers by his most faithful followers go unanswered, and it is despicable to say that "sometimes the answer is no" when you have prayed for the life of your child to be spared or a disaster to be averted. If god makes no difference in the world, his existence is unnecessary.
See points above on free will + we can't tell what God is doing. If I pray for a war and you don't how can God satisfy us both? If I pray for God to come - and you pray for him not to - again confusion. Free will has to mean God interacts rarely and/or in spirit to guide us towards lifes goals and successes.
10. "Is he (God) willing to prevent evil but not able? Then he is impotent. Is he able but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Whence then is evil?" [Epicurus, 350-?270 BC]
God fulfills his own plans and agendas. God limits himself in accordance to furthering these plans and promises he made to himself or us. So Evil and Randomness and Chaos are part of God's design at present - Free will and non-determinism are the benchmark - except at some watershed events in history - only he knows why!
Remember - this is my own current and personal belief system - not absolute facts, but hopefully at least reasoned ideas!