SCoates wrote:If she needs time, that's one thing but being with all sorts of guys will solve her desires about as much as trying all kinds of drugs will rid one of their desire for drugs. It will get her addicted, and less and less happy.
No offence, but from my own modest degree of experiences and the sometimes much more extensive experiences of my friends, that strikes me as utter nonsense. Is it based on personal experience?
I have wandered a little bit, and saw others wander a lot, and in all cases it was a phase that just kindof needed to spend itself. I have not once seen someone who got "addicted" to "being with all sorts of guys" and started doing it progressively more. I know it happens that it kind of solidifies into some self-destructive pattern, in a pathological small number of cases where it usually
is tied up with questions of self-esteem, but in the overwhelming majority of times, once you've tried your bunch of guys (gals), you'll quickly come to some realisations about the whole thing that'll have you looking for some steady home base after all.
Thing is, I guess some people can come to these realisations without trying out, but some will only be able to settle down with a sturdy belief that, yes, this is the right choice, once they've seen (explored) the other side of the medal, too - and if they force themselves to too early a choice, it will bite back at them later in life - when consequences may be much more dire, as Sozobe points out.