@reasoning logic,
Quote:JTT why have you not responded to the last replies that I have made such as my own mother getting the facts wrong even though I see her as a loving person?
I never saw anything about your mother, RL. Loving people do not ignore the plight of the millions brutalized by the US government. Not a soul has come to grips with this.
It's exactly as Harold Pinter says, "[T]he crimes of the US ... have been systematic, constant, clinical, remorseless, and fully documented but nobody talks about them."
You go ahead and treat them with kid gloves. These are supposed to be adults. Gracie, a fourteen year old girl, put them all to shame.
Quote:We all get the facts wrong and I think that if we try and engage others without compassion we will not get very far.
Sentient beings do not get so many voluminous facts wrong, RL. Sentient beings do not completely discount facts from their own government inquiries that illustrate just how evil the US has been. Sentient beings do not face ten million dead and in various and sundry fashion either ignore it or deny it outright.
Sentient beings do not whine about their own misfortunes right after destroying two countries and causing the deaths of, "they really could give a ****" how many Iraqis and Afghans.