Why There Cannot Be Peace Between Israel and the Palestinians

Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2012 12:48 pm
I am bigot however toward any group of people that celebrity the blowing up of men, women and children going about their daily lives

And tell me again, who "celebrates" this blowing up of men, women and children?
Do you ever listen to the hypocrisy that you spew on a daily post by post basis?
Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2012 01:03 pm

Would you care for me to go to youtube and post such celebrations by the Palestinians families and friends of the idiots who blow themselves along with innocents men and women by the bus load?

Or that the families are pay a reward for having a family member who were a suicide bomber?


Despite the Palestinian Authority’s financial hardships, it spends tens of millions of shekels each month paying salaries to prisoners held in Israeli jails for security offenses and acts of terrorism against Israel — including mass murderers — and last year Prime Minister Salam Fayyad tripled their monthly pay. The PA also pays monthly stipends to the families of suicide bombers.

Payments are made not only to members of Fatah, the political faction of PA President Mahmoud Abbas, but also to those of his bitter Islamist rivals from Hamas, and other factions.

As of May 2011, the PA spent NIS 18 million ($4.5 million) per month on compensating Palestinian inmates in Israeli prisons and a further NIS 26 million ($6.5 million) on payments to families of suicide bombers. In all, such payments cost the PA some 6 percent of its overall budget, Israel’s Channel 2 news reported on Monday night, citing documentation signed by Fayyad.

The PA also makes payments to Israeli Arabs jailed for security offenses against Israel, the report said.

Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2012 01:28 pm

reasoning logic
Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2012 03:32 pm
OK so there are a lot of extremest in Palestine, Should we stereotype them all in this way? Are you willing to admit that there are extremest ideologies in Israel and in your own country as well? How would you act if you were helpless because your neighbors were stronger than you and were given land you thought should be yours?

Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2012 03:50 pm
So you show some extremely brainwashed idiots, who are willing to waste their life based on some religion. If you're covering this subject, at least show both sides of the struggle.
And I can see how these people can be brainwashed so easily. Look at how Israeli treats Palestinians (And who knows how many instances such as these are covered up by the media):

reasoning logic
Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2012 04:17 pm
Thank you for giving us a reality update.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2012 05:41 pm
The sheer hypocrisy and double speak emanating from the Zionists after the UN vote on Palestine is astounding, what with the US’ UN ambassador Susan Rice making utterly ridiculous claims such as, “the resolution places further obstacles in the path to peace” and “prospects for peace have only receded,” and referring to this resolution as “provocative,” and an “effort that seeks to delegitimize the state of Israel.”

The only reason I see that this resolution can be seen as an obstacle to peace, and that it has receded the prospects for peace is that it has given the Zionists a pretext to end negotiations and continue arrogating land east of the Green Line with impunity.

In all actuality, this has been the most peaceable step in the Israel/Palestine conflict since the breakdown of negotiations in late 2010. The only recent step that has prompted Israel to even begin to consider easing its oppression of the Palestinians of Gaza was the violence that ensued with the launching by the militants there of rockets that had the range to reach the cities of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Unfortunately, violence is the only thing that will prompt the Zionists to even consider slacking the chain of their oppression of the Palestinian peoples.

Rice stated that the resolution does not change the reality on the ground, and that is one of the true obstacles to peace. The reality on the ground is that Israel continues to build and expand its settlements in areas east of the Green Line which has made the prospects for the so-called “Two State Solution” untenable. The “Two State Solution” is a non-starter.

And finally, Rice concluded her comments by saying that the two parties “must find a way to live side by side in the land they share” and thereby completely and obliviously ignoring the reality on the ground. What land is being “shared,” exactly, and by whom? The Zionists who have complete and total control of the land along with the water and air, have shared and are sharing absolutely none of it in regard to a two state solution, and now they’ve latched on to a pretext to ever deny its “sharing.”
reasoning logic
Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2012 05:52 pm
what with the US’ UN ambassador Susan Rice making utterly ridiculous claims such as, “the resolution places further obstacles in the path to peace” and “prospects for peace have only receded,” and referring to this resolution as “provocative,” and an “effort that seeks to delegitimize the state of Israel.”

It makes me sadden to vote democratic and further legitimizes the ignorance of the republican party.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2012 05:55 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

Neither the Arabs nor Jews are 'heirs' to that land, as Abraham either didn't exist or was just some dude. It's all bullshit excuses for the same things that every other nation and people have done since the dawn of time, and nobody has a right to get back the land they lost thousands of years ago, based on a made-up story.

Sometimes I can't believe that we live in such an infantile world


What’s more, the Zionists conflate ethnicity with religion in their assertions that Palestine belongs to “the Jews.” So, some of their ancestors professed the Jewish religion, and the Jewish religion arose in Palestine, and there were Jews in Palestine. So what? “The Jews” to which the Zionists refer, and to which the British made their infamous promise in their Belfour Declaration, are a people from Europe with mixed European and Semitic ethnicity. The idea that Palestine belongs to these people is preposterous.
Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2012 07:40 pm
I am bigot however toward any group of people that celebrity the blowing up of men, women and children going about their daily lives and I am surely do look down on such a people no matter what their blood line or skin color happen to be.

Finally, some honesty from you, Bill. You are bigoted towards Americans because of their long history of "blowing up of men, women and children going about their daily lives".

And you look down on Americans. Why oh why then don't you demand that your terrorist presidents stop this carnage?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2012 09:21 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Neither the Arabs nor Jews are 'heirs' to that land, as Abraham either didn't exist or was just some dude. It's all bullshit excuses for the same things that every other nation and people have done since the dawn of time, and nobody has a right to get back the land they lost thousands of years ago, based on a made-up story.

Sometimes I can't believe that we live in such an infantile world


The fact that the West Bank is the ancient homeland of the Jews is not a made up story, and they are very much the heirs to their ancient homeland.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2012 09:30 pm
Setanta wrote:
They also say that it's not true that Jews were absent from Palestine--and then they sidestep that by saying that the Jews have maintained close ties over the last 3700 years. That's a slick bait and switch. They were absent during the Babylonian captivity, and the Romans ran them out over 1800 years ago. But that doesn't count, they maintained close ties.

It's like stolen property. It still belongs to the legitimate owner.

The fact that the Jews were forcibly removed from their ancient homeland does not invalidate their ownership of that land.

Setanta wrote:
What is saddest is that clowns like Oralloy claim one is repeating "blood libel" and Advocate claims that anyone who criticizes Israel is a "Jew hater" (the exact term he used in addressing me recently).

For the record, I do not believe you are lying, or are an anti-Semite. There are times where I find you to be factually incorrect, but I believe you are merely mistaken.

Setanta wrote:
What makes that the saddest thing is that the people of Israel themselves suffer so badly because of the cupidity and greed of the Zionists. It's not just the Palestinians who are victimized by that bunch.

I don't think the Israelis are suffering.

In fact, Netanyahu is responding to yesterday's UN outrage by building settlements in the E-1 area.

That will give Israel a solid block of settlements from Jerusalem all the way to the rim of the Jordan River Valley, severing the Palestinian West Bank into northern and southern halves once and for all.

I also don't think it is the Israelis (or the Zionists) who are victimizing the Palestinians. The Palestinians are victimizing themselves, with their never-ending attempts to murder people instead of making peace.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2012 09:35 pm
RST wrote:
Tell that to the righteous religious nuts here (oralloy and BillRM) who believe Jews have inheritance to the land, because they and other religious fanatics claim that their god gave it them.

Feel free to try to cite a single instance of me ever saying anything like that.

RST wrote:
I'm just trying to beat them with their own argument that they have supported so far.

If you want to do that, you'll have to start trying to use the historical record against me, since that is what I base my arguments on.

Good luck with that. Historical facts tend to be pretty inflexible.
Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2012 10:05 pm
Oralboy wrote:
That the West Bank is the ancient homeland of the Jews is an established historical fact. Nothing mythological about it.

That, today, Israel is their homeland, is also a fact.

More like mired in religious Zionism mythology than historical fact.

Zionism has always had both religious and secular aspects, the religious belief being that land of Israel (Judea/Samaria - the “West Bank”) was given to the ancient Israelites by their God.
You support beliefs of Zionism, correct? So I am sure you believe this as well.
Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2012 10:28 pm
georgeob1 wrote:
The illegality came when, soon after the war, Israel announced that it would forever control the eastern boundary of the West Bank (along the Jordan valley), thus cutting the entire west Bank off from any independent direct contact with the external world. Israel then went on to control movement across the land, water and air rights, and all elements of the civil society of the West Bank, without giving the population of the land any rights whatsoever, and no voice at all in the action of the government that was controlling their lives Israel abused this power by systematically driving Palestinians off their land to make way for israeli settlements and further isolate the Palestinians in numerous disconnected enclaves in which they could be easily controlled. In short they created a ghetto into which the population was confined, much as the former European oppressors of Jews had done to them. In this action the crimes of the Israelis were every bit as illegal and evil as were the similar crimes inflected on the European Jews by the Nazis.

You are overlooking the peace process. The Palestinians were given autonomy over their own areas back in the 1990s, when people still foolishly believed they were interested in peace.

The Palestinians would have also been given their own state had the peace process continued, but they torpedoed the peace process by murdering people until it collapsed.

georgeob1 wrote:
Thus you are merely evading the obvious legal and moral issue here.

That is because it doesn't exist. The Palestinians were offered a peaceful path to their own state. They decided that they'd rather murder people.

Whatever happens to them now is just a result of them refusing to make peace. There are no legal or moral issues involved.

georgeob1 wrote:
History is not with you on this point. The Oppressive Orange government of Northern Ireland was backed up by the Power of the British Empire for three centuries in the face of a growing Irish (Catholic) population in the territory (The British exterminated most of the Irish population in the 17th century when they gave the land to an imported population, but, like Palestine, the opporssed population was much more fertile than its oporessors.) As time passed the Power of the British Empire waned and its willingness to aid its client syate in Northern Ireland was finally exhausted. The same is happening to Israel today in that the popular and political committment of the United States to sustain Israel's growing intransigence and continued oppression is quite obviously waning.

There is no "growing intransigence" or "continued oppression" on the part of Israel. They have been entirely reasonable.

And the US willingness to help Israel is also not waning.

georgeob1 wrote:
Israel's weapons will not be able to save it under these conditions.

I disagree. I think Israel's weapons could save them even without the US.

Israel might have to be more proactive about bombing their neighbors if they did not have US weapons, but they could do that.

georgeob1 wrote:
oralloy wrote:
And if Israel ever faced a threat that could not be eliminated by the combined forces of the Israeli and US military, Israel could just take care of it by popping off a few atomic shells.

A delusion.

No. Israel has atomic artillery shells ready for just that purpose.

georgeob1 wrote:
Israel is surrounded by people it has oppressed and misused.

All they do is defend themselves. That is not oppression or misuse.

georgeob1 wrote:
It's enemies are hundreds of yards away, not thousands of miles. Such an action would start a bloodbath from which Israel is not likely to emerge.

Israel's nearby enemies are never going to be so big a threat that they cannot be handled by conventional means. The atomic shells are for something that Israel cannot handle conventionally.

There is no chance of Israel's neighbors causing a bloodbath that Israel will not emerge from. If they try, the bloodbath will primarily be focused on the people attacking Israel.

georgeob1 wrote:
Do you really beliece our president means his words when he piously asserts our "unwavering" committment to aid Israel? Do you really believe that most Americans support such a policy?

Of course. We're the good guys. So are the Israelis. We'll always help each other.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2012 10:41 pm
InfraBlue wrote:
The sheer hypocrisy and double speak emanating from the Zionists after the UN vote on Palestine is astounding,

I doubt anyone can cite any hypocrisy or doublespeak from them.

InfraBlue wrote:
what with the US’ UN ambassador Susan Rice making utterly ridiculous claims such as, “the resolution places further obstacles in the path to peace” and “prospects for peace have only receded,” and referring to this resolution as “provocative,”

Nothing ridiculous about that.

The Palestinians and the UN have just nullified the Oslo Accords, ended negotiations for good (the negotiations depended on Oslo), and ended any chance of a Palestinian state based on 1967 borders (such a state depended on negotiations).

InfraBlue wrote:
The only reason I see that this resolution can be seen as an obstacle to peace, and that it has receded the prospects for peace is that it has given the Zionists a pretext to end negotiations and continue arrogating land east of the Green Line with impunity.

The fact that the Palestinians and the UN have just nullified the Oslo Accords is a bit more than a mere pretext.

InfraBlue wrote:
In all actuality, this has been the most peaceable step in the Israel/Palestine conflict since the breakdown of negotiations in late 2010. The only recent step that has prompted Israel to even begin to consider easing its oppression of the Palestinians of Gaza was the violence that ensued with the launching by the militants there of rockets that had the range to reach the cities of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Unfortunately, violence is the only thing that will prompt the Zionists to even consider slacking the chain of their oppression of the Palestinian peoples.

As if telling a Palestinian not to murder people was a "chain of oppression".

InfraBlue wrote:
Rice stated that the resolution does not change the reality on the ground, and that is one of the true obstacles to peace. The reality on the ground is that Israel continues to build and expand its settlements in areas east of the Green Line which has made the prospects for the so-called “Two State Solution” untenable. The “Two State Solution” is a non-starter.

No, what makes a two state solution untenable is the fact that the Palestinians refuse to make peace.

The settlements are no problem. In the absence of a peace process, Israel is free to build and annex as they please.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2012 10:44 pm
InfraBlue wrote:
What’s more, the Zionists conflate ethnicity with religion in their assertions that Palestine belongs to “the Jews.” So, some of their ancestors professed the Jewish religion, and the Jewish religion arose in Palestine, and there were Jews in Palestine. So what?

There was also a Jewish state, and a Jewish people. And that people have never given up their claim to their homeland.

InfraBlue wrote:
“The Jews” to which the Zionists refer, and to which the British made their infamous promise in their Belfour Declaration, are a people from Europe with mixed European and Semitic ethnicity. The idea that Palestine belongs to these people is preposterous.

The West Bank is their ancient homeland. They have never given up their claim to it.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2012 10:49 pm
RST wrote:

You engage in name-calling because you are too stupid to come up with an intelligent argument.

RST wrote:
More like mired in religious Zionism mythology than historical fact.

Nope. That the West Bank is the Jews' ancient homeland is a historical fact.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Dec, 2012 02:54 am
The lunacy of aserting that someone still has title to land because their ancestors once inhabited it thousands of years ago, and that theerefore they are justified in killing women and children to get it back, as well as endangering their own women and children, is beyond belief. Zionists endanger both Palestinian and Israeli, Jewish women and children with their madness. Part of that madness is the claim to their "right of return" after 1800 years, while denying a right of return to the people who inhabited that land just a few generations ago. The goofiest part of the Zionist lunacy is expecting the world to accept "God gave this land to me."
Reply Sat 1 Dec, 2012 03:38 am
Setanta wrote:
Part of that madness is the claim to their "right of return" after 1800 years, while denying a right of return to the people who inhabited that land just a few generations ago.

While the Israelis have no intention of letting the murderous Palestinians flow into their country, they would have been willing to let a Palestinian state form based on 1967 borders, had the Palestinians ever been willing to negotiate in peace.

That's all in the past now, but Israel will still allow the creation of a Palestinian state. It is just going to be a lot smaller than it would have been.

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