Israel Under Attack: Does Anyone Care?

cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 15 Feb, 2013 03:49 pm
If you tire of my posts, you can scroll through them.

Better yet, you can put me on Ignore.
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 15 Feb, 2013 04:41 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I will not be silent when all these "people" do is resort to ad hominems, and don't respond to the articles I post with any credible source to refute them.

My position is a simple and fair one; I don't believe in inequality for any group of people whether it's in the US or elsewhere in the world. That's because I suffered from discrimination in the US during WWII. I believe in equality for all.

If all they can do is resort to calling me "anti-Semite," I'll accept it as a badge of honor - to know I'm actually reaching some nerves. There are Jews who believe as I do; that stealing other people's property is wrong.

Reply Fri 15 Feb, 2013 05:48 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

I will not be silent when all these "people" do is resort to ad hominems, and don't respond to the articles I post with any credible source to refute them.

But you are the king of ad hominem personal attacks on those who disagree with you. Do you wish to add hypocrisy to the list?
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 20 Feb, 2013 04:13 pm
Better still, put me on Ignore. That'll provide you peace, and you won't have to read posts by a hypocrite.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Feb, 2013 04:33 pm
You have to admire CI for admitting that he is a hypocrite [omitting a number of other things].
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 20 Feb, 2013 05:47 pm
No, I'm just playing games with georgeob, because I really didn't ask him to prove his claim.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Mar, 2013 04:09 am
@cicerone imposter,
@cicerone imposter,
I will not be silent when all these "people" do is resort to ad hominems, and don't respond to the articles I post with any credible source to refute them.

My position is a simple and fair one; I don't believe in inequality for any group of people whether it's in the US or elsewhere in the world. That's because I suffered from discrimination in the US during WWII. I believe in equality for all.

If all they can do is resort to calling me "anti-Semite," I'll accept it as a badge of honor - to know I'm actually reaching some nerves. There are Jews who believe as I do; that stealing other people's property is wrong.

Yes, Imposter, there are many Jewish-Americans who believe as you do with a strong sense of fair play.... strong moral principles and just plain human decency. You and I are not alone even though those, who think differently, consistently drown out our words. The Palestinians should be given their own state ...not lip service by the US and its AIPAC bought congress who would willingly throw their mother under the bus for Israel.

BTW, anytime one offers constructive criticism of Israel one is termed an anti-Semite; one is not allowed to voice anti-sentiments against the Zionist nation.
Reply Mon 25 Mar, 2013 07:58 am
The trouble is that many people, including even a few Jews, and certainly including a number of people who post here, do not extend any measure of decency and fair play to Israel and its Jewish residents.

The Pals have been offered their own state from the outset. However, there has been great pressure from other Muslim countries on the Pals to not accept any reasonable settlement. Further, every Pal leader knows that certain death awaits him should he enter into a reasonable settlement with Israel. E. g., Arafat said this when he walked away from a fair agreement offered at Camp David.
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 25 Mar, 2013 09:20 am
You wrote,
people who post here, do not extend any measure of decency and fair play
. You wouldn't recognize "decency and fair play" if it confronted you head on!

Those of us who post here have shown evidence after evidence of Israel's illegal take-over of Palestinian lands (expanding settlements), and you have the audacity (chutzpah) to talk about decency.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Mar, 2013 11:49 am

The trouble is that many people, including even a few Jews, and certainly including a number of people who post here, do not extend any measure of decency and fair play to Israel and its Jewish residents.

Because after a fashion people become immune to Israel's postering....saying one thing, government after government, while persistently building more and more settlements. Abbas said "stop the building of new settlements until we determine where the borders will be," but Bibi Netanyahu is determine not to stop. It's like two people arguing over a piece of cheese.....one partner keeps eating the cheese to such a degree, pretty soon there will be no cheese left to argue over. I don't think it's too much to ask Israel to stop being greedy. Israel, in the minds of the world, has no intention whatsoever to allow the Palestinians a state.

This is why there is very little respect for the Israeli government. The UN tries to pass sanctions against the Zionist nation but the powerful US always vetos such. The US could make Israel toe the line by withholding American tax payer money, but the Zionist nation via AIPAC gives handsomely huge contributions to the Republican and Democratic congress so they will always be PRO-Israel. Obama has his hands tied. And the US congress would kill their mother before turning on Israel. Netanyahu had the damn nerve to come to America and try to intervene/politically influence the presidential election....the Israeli PM wanted Romney to win....Too bad! Mitt Romney who wanted to balance the American economy on the backs of poor Americans lost!!!!!

The world over tend to view Israel negatively because of the apartheid way it treats the Palestinians, the indigenous people who were there to greet the European Jews after they were given 56% of the region in 1948.
Reply Mon 25 Mar, 2013 03:52 pm
Your post is, typically, so one-sided.

When have the Pals respected the borders of Israel? They have incessantly attacked the state. The Pals, of course, have no state.

As far as loans and grants from the USA to Israel, they represent a fabulous investment for the USA. For the price of a couple of bombers, the USA gets enormous intelligence, a potential airforce base, and a potential active force working for the USA. Other benefits flow to the USA in return for the pittance paid.

At one point, it was known in DC that the USA got benefits for funds given to Israel equal to the benefits received for the expenditure of about $100 billion spent on keeping our troops in Germany.
Reply Mon 25 Mar, 2013 04:48 pm
Moment-in-Time wrote:
Yes, Imposter, there are many Jewish-Americans who believe as you do with a strong sense of fair play.... strong moral principles and just plain human decency.

CI is an anti-Semite. He has no sense of fair play, no moral principles whatsoever, and nothing even remotely approaching human decency.

I'm sure self-hating Jews enjoy the abuse he spews, but normal people find him repugnant.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
The Palestinians should be given their own state ...not lip service by the US and its AIPAC bought congress who would willingly throw their mother under the bus for Israel.

If the Palestinians want their own state, they need to try making peace.

And since they've abrogated the Oslo Accords, they need to accept building their state on whatever land Israel chooses to leave them. There aren't going to be 1967 borders anymore.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
BTW, anytime one offers constructive criticism of Israel one is termed an anti-Semite;

Wrong. People get called anti-Semites for spewing hateful lies about Israel.

Sometimes anti-Semites try to pretend that their vile lies are "constructive criticism", but such nonsense does not change the reality that all they are doing is spewing vile lies.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Mar, 2013 04:57 pm
Moment-in-Time wrote:
Abbas said "stop the building of new settlements until we determine where the borders will be," but Bibi Netanyahu is determine not to stop.

If Abbas wanted a halt to settlement construction, he should have tried making peace.

And he should have done it before he abrogated the Oslo Accords.

Now that Israel is free to annex all land west of the Separation Fence, they are free to build whatever they want on that land.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
It's like two people arguing over a piece of cheese.....one partner keeps eating the cheese to such a degree, pretty soon there will be no cheese left to argue over.

Nonsense. Israel has traded land for peace before, with settlements on the land that they gave up, and they simply withdrew their settlers.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
The world over tend to view Israel negatively because of the apartheid way it treats the Palestinians, the indigenous people who were there to greet the European Jews after they were given 56% of the region in 1948.

Only anti-Semites use hate terms like Apartheid to refer to Israel.

Only anti-Semites view Israel negatively.

And the Israelis are indigenous to Israel.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Mar, 2013 05:26 pm
Your post is, typically, so one-sided.

I'm so sorry you feel this way, Advocate; however, I do not agree with your assessment.

When have the Pals respected the borders of Israel? They have incessantly attacked the state. The Pals, of course, have no state.

1967 is the end of Israeli boarders.


As far as loans and grants from the USA to Israel, they represent a fabulous investment for the USA.

How so?!

For the price of a couple of bombers, the USA gets enormous intelligence, a potential airforce base, and a potential active force working for the USA. Other benefits flow to the USA in return for the pittance paid.

What intelligence?! Where was Israel prior to 9/11? Israel is known for keeping its ear to the ground, alert to the happenings in the Arab world. Why did not Israel alert us that Bin Ladin was coming? Did Israel know in advance about the coming attack but kept because it knew such an attack would motivate the American people to want to go to war and the get rid of Saddam Hussein who has sent scud missiles into Israel during the first Gulf War? It was thought these scud missiles might have nerve gas and so the Israelis were given gas masks to wear and told to hide in the basement. Getting rid of Hussein was very much on the mind of Israeli leaders, the same as today with their wanting to get the US to attack Iran. (The American people are war wary and President Obama is not about to attack Iran for Israel.)

At one point, it was known in DC that the USA got benefits for funds given to Israel equal to the benefits received for the expenditure of about $100 billion spent on keeping our troops in Germany.

Really?! Would you be so kind as to enlighten the American people whose wages have diminished badly since GWB went to two wars without paying for either of them. Three Billion annually, in addition, the American tax payer pays for money to Egypt so they will be friendly and guard the underground tunnels so ammunition will not be shipped into Hamas. We pay Jordan in order for them to speak to Israel.

Israel is a liability! Case closed. If the Zionist nation were to give the Palestinians their state, then the rockets into Israel would stop. Even the Arab league said they would recognize the Zionist nation if it were to return to its 1967 boarders. Israel's response was we have it too good with the mighty US in our pocket, a power we can manipulate like a puppet. We tell the US to jump and the US asks us "How high?"
Reply Mon 25 Mar, 2013 05:33 pm
For the price of a couple of bombers, the USA gets enormous intelligence, a potential airforce base, and a potential active force working for the USA.

Israel does not have space to put an airforce base or any other military base for the US.....it's simply too small.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Mar, 2013 06:15 pm
Moment-in-Time wrote:
1967 is the end of Israeli boarders.

Nope. All prospects for 1967 borders ended when the Palestinians abrogated the Oslo Accords.

Now Israel gets to annex everything west of the Separation Fence.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
The American people are war wary and President Obama is not about to attack Iran for Israel.

Obama is going to bomb Iran for the good of the entire planet, Israel included.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
Israel is a liability! Case closed.

Nonsense. Our friends and allies only make us stronger.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
If the Zionist nation were to give the Palestinians their state, then the rockets into Israel would stop.


First, the Palestinians are refusing to even negotiate the creation of their "state".

And second, Israel tried just unilaterally pulling out to see if the Palestinians would create their state without negotiations, and that was when the rockets STARTED.

If Israel were to unilaterally pull out even more, it would only result in the rockets increasing.

What makes the rockets stop is heavy bombardment by the Israeli Air Force.
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 25 Mar, 2013 06:42 pm
You lie.

The Accord provided for the creation of a Palestinian interim self-government, the Palestinian National Authority (PNA). The Palestinian Authority would have responsibility for the administration of the territory under its control. The Accords also called for the withdrawal of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) from parts of the Gaza Strip and West Bank.

The facts.
While the Oslo Accord was a great step toward peace in the region, many groups on both sides were opposed to its implementation. In February 1994, an Israeli settler, Baruch Goldstein, killed twenty-nine Palestinians at a mosque in the West Bank town of Hebron. In November 1995, a right-wing Israeli named Yigal Amir assassinated Prime Minister Rabin. In February and March 1996, the Islamic fundamentalist movement Hamas, which had gained support after the signing of the Oslo Accords, conducted a series of suicide bombings in Israel that killed fifty-seven Israelis. This prompted Shimon Peres, the acting prime minister, to break off the peace talks.

Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/oslo-accords#ixzz2ObO9MiuD
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Mar, 2013 06:58 pm
Advocate, I believe I owe you an apology. See the following quotes.

Advocate: "For the price of a couple of bombers, the USA gets enormous intelligence, a potential airforce base, and a potential active force working for the USA."

I, too quickly, responded by replying:

Moment-in-Time: "Israel does not have space to put an Airforce base or any other military base for the US.....it's simply too small."

You, Advocate, had said **a potential active force** inferring Israel would be the Airforce for the US. Please forgive me as often I'm in such a rush I fail to get it right. When I find I'm wrong to a poster I wish to make it right.

I wish you a very nice evening.
Reply Tue 26 Mar, 2013 08:03 am
Israel is the size of New Jersey. It could easily prepare a base big enough for US planes.

Israel has, could, and would act in a limited way for the USA.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Mar, 2013 08:11 am
I find it the height of chutzpah that Abbas would demand preconditions to sitting down with Israel. Consider that Abbas will not even recognize Israel's right to exist.

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