Israel Under Attack: Does Anyone Care?

cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 13 Aug, 2013 05:21 pm
Kerry: The US "views all of the settlements as illegitimate,"
21 hrs ago 0:48
Reuters Videos Politics
As Israel announced plans to expand settlements, U.S. Secretary of State Kerry said, the U.S. "views all of the settlements as illegitimate." Rough Cut (no reporter narration)

Yes. Who knows? We may have some now, but the number of Asians in Silicon Valley continues to grow; they're the ones earning the right kind of education.

Over 50% of engineers and scientists in Silicon Valley are Asians.

From mercurynews.com.
Asian workers now dominate Silicon Valley tech jobs
By Dan Nakaso
Reply Wed 14 Aug, 2013 10:38 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Kerry: The US "views all of the settlements as illegitimate,"
21 hrs ago 0:48
Reuters Videos Politics
As Israel announced plans to expand settlements, U.S. Secretary of State Kerry said, the U.S. "views all of the settlements as illegitimate." Rough Cut (no reporter narration)

Yes. Who knows? We may have some now, but the number of Asians in Silicon Valley continues to grow; they're the ones earning the right kind of education.

Over 50% of engineers and scientists in Silicon Valley are Asians.

From mercurynews.com.
Asian workers now dominate Silicon Valley tech jobs
By Dan Nakaso

Who said otherwise? What is your point?
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 14 Aug, 2013 11:02 am
The points?

You wrote,
What a blatant lie! Palestinian Israelis have rights equal to those of other Israelis. I guess you just can't stand the truth.

An outright lie.

You also made the statement,
Even if they were Asian haters?

For one of the most popular industries in our area that are predominately Asians, hating Asians is an oxymoron. LOL
0 Replies
Reply Thu 15 Aug, 2013 10:47 am
Advocate, the author's impudent boldness in writing such a title for his article, is highly insulting to any thinking person....He's screeching about incoming rockets onto Israeli proper's territory, yet he mindlessly dismisses the root cause of why the rocket attacks keep coming. His naive article is staggering! How can the author of such an article honestly believe people will overlook the barefaced audacity of continued settlement building within Palestinian territory, the illegal occupation of these people?! Surely, the author must be a raving maniac! The world is fed up with Israel's recalcitrance, a move designed by them to stall until it's built more and more of the West Bank and anything else it feels it needs to feel safe. The reality that you posted such an out-of-place article merely proves you're not as astute as I once believed, not even a little bit.

To be perfectly honest although somewhat brutal, I don't think people will care one iota what happens to Israel especially in light of the way the Israelis mistreats the Palestinians in that ghetto hole similar to an apartheid state!
Reply Thu 15 Aug, 2013 11:01 am

What a blatant lie! Palestinian Israelis have rights equal to those of other Israelis

So, Advocate, if Palestinian Israelis have the same rights equal to those of other Israelis, do you think we will ever see an Israeli Prime Minister who is a Palestinian Israeli?! Not that achieving this goal by the Palestinians will eliminate the hatred towards this group by Israel, but it would have reached something of a milestone.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 15 Aug, 2013 11:32 am
On July 31, the Knesset approved the first reading of a bill to raise the electoral threshold in the general elections from 2% of the total votes cast to 4%.

If, during the last elections, the electoral threshold was 4%, the three Arab parties - Balad (three seats), Ra’am-Ta’al (four seats) and Hadash (four seats) - would not have entered the Knesset.

(The same would have happened to former Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz’s Kadima Party, which only won two seats in the Knesset but is "the hot new trend among the Israeli left".)

The election threshold in Germany is 5%. Minority parties are excluded from it (Since 1948 the Danish party hhis members in the state parliament in Schleswig-Holstein [recently even ministers]. The Sorbs in Brandenburg are excluded as well but didn't form an own political party until now, same with the Frisians in Lower Saxony. Roma and Sinti aren't concentrated in any region/state but spread over all Germany.) That's regulated in § 6 Abs. 6
Satz 2 BWahlG on federal level and in related state election laws.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 15 Aug, 2013 07:28 pm
Moment-in-Time wrote:


What a blatant lie! Palestinian Israelis have rights equal to those of other Israelis

So, Advocate, if Palestinian Israelis have the same rights equal to those of other Israelis, do you think we will ever see an Israeli Prime Minister who is a Palestinian Israeli?! Not that achieving this goal by the Palestinians will eliminate the hatred towards this group by Israel, but it would have reached something of a milestone.

I guess you never heard. In an election, a candidate must get the votes to win.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 15 Aug, 2013 07:31 pm
Moment-in-Time wrote:

Advocate, the author's impudent boldness in writing such a title for his article, is highly insulting to any thinking person....He's screeching about incoming rockets onto Israeli proper's territory, yet he mindlessly dismisses the root cause of why the rocket attacks keep coming. His naive article is staggering! How can the author of such an article honestly believe people will overlook the barefaced audacity of continued settlement building within Palestinian territory, the illegal occupation of these people?! Surely, the author must be a raving maniac! The world is fed up with Israel's recalcitrance, a move designed by them to stall until it's built more and more of the West Bank and anything else it feels it needs to feel safe. The reality that you posted such an out-of-place article merely proves you're not as astute as I once believed, not even a little bit.

To be perfectly honest although somewhat brutal, I don't think people will care one iota what happens to Israel especially in light of the way the Israelis mistreats the Palestinians in that ghetto hole similar to an apartheid state!

I have not seen where you have been given authority to speak for the world's population. I think that intelligent people who are knowledgeable of the facts in the Mideast know that Israel is in the right.
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 15 Aug, 2013 09:29 pm
Poor Advocate. He thinks using words like "I don't think" is speaking for the whole world! Where did you learn English?
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 16 Aug, 2013 03:51 am
Advocate wrote:

Moment-in-Time wrote:

Advocate, the author's impudent boldness in writing such a title for his article, is highly insulting to any thinking person....He's screeching about incoming rockets onto Israeli proper's territory, yet he mindlessly dismisses the root cause of why the rocket attacks keep coming. His naive article is staggering! How can the author of such an article honestly believe people will overlook the barefaced audacity of continued settlement building within Palestinian territory, the illegal occupation of these people?! Surely, the author must be a raving maniac! The world is fed up with Israel's recalcitrance, a move designed by them to stall until it's built more and more of the West Bank and anything else it feels it needs to feel safe. The reality that you posted such an out-of-place article merely proves you're not as astute as I once believed, not even a little bit.

To be perfectly honest although somewhat brutal, I don't think people will care one iota what happens to Israel especially in light of the way the Israelis mistreats the Palestinians in that ghetto hole similar to an apartheid state!

I have not seen where you have been given authority to speak for the world's population. I think that intelligent people who are knowledgeable of the facts in the Mideast know that Israel is in the right.

You are kidding with that comment, right Advocate?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Aug, 2013 05:57 am
Advocate wrote:
I have not seen where you have been given authority to speak for the world's population.

It's a common meme among anti-Semites to pretend that they speak for the entire world when they spew their hate.

She clearly is doing whatever she can to try to make the peace talks collapse.

The funny thing is, she will be the one whining the loudest if the talks do collapse and the Palestinians start paying the consequences for their refusal to ever make peace.
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 16 Aug, 2013 09:58 am
The only people "spewing hate" are people like you who are bigoted against Palestinians who live in an apartheid state of Israel.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Aug, 2013 11:16 am

I have not seen where you have been given authority to speak for the world's population. I think that intelligent people who are knowledgeable of the facts in the Mideast know that Israel is in the right.

Advocate, I, too, have not seen where I speak for the world's population, and I beg your pardon if you have misinterpreted my post. It's difficult to believe I should have prefaced my words with "IMO, I don't think people will care one iota what happens to Israel …."

I have never promulgated the idea that I had an exclusive right/authority on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, but like any peace loving proponent, I'm deeply anxious and troubled regarding the dangerously precarious condition of the oppressed Palestinians……at the rate the Zionist government is building settlements, pretty soon there will be no land to argue over because Israel would have taken it all!

The Israeli government's misapplication of the American taxpayer's dollars to actualize their goal of STEALING land from these poor defenseless people and then have the presumption to scream they're being attacked by rockets is too damn much!!!!! If it were not so pathetically troubling, it would be downright hilarious at the effrontery of it all!

In my best judgment, Advocate, you do not have a moral compass, an ethics' guide to treating other people (Palestinians) humanely....one of your supporters once inferred Palestinians were subhuman. You have a long way to go before you'll see an up-swell in sympathy for Israel's current plight.
Reply Fri 16 Aug, 2013 01:42 pm
Oh, how you go on!

You ignore the ceaseless attacks by the Pals on Israel and its people. The latter never even set foot in the WB and Gaza until the Arab invasion in the '67 War. This was despite the ceaseless Pal attacks dating back to before there was a state of Israel. These facts certainly give Israel the right to take the WB and Gaza as war prizes, although Israel has always been willing to negotiate an agreement for a Pal nation, under which agreement there would be many concessions for the undeseving Pals.
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 16 Aug, 2013 01:57 pm
What you fail to understand is the very human reaction to losing their freedoms, homes, and any legal standing in a country that continues to steal their land.

You just don't know how it feels to lose your home and property, and all other freedoms including legal and movement from place to place.

You're an idiot!
Reply Fri 16 Aug, 2013 02:11 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Their homes were not stolen. The Pals abandoned their homes at the request of the invading Arab armies. Thus, they were traitors to their new country. Many Pals didn't do this and are now valued citizens of Israel.

The Pals didn't own the land on which settlements have been built. Thus, the land was not stolen.

Many people share the above views, and are hardly idiots for doing so.
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 16 Aug, 2013 02:56 pm
I'm going to let someone else challenge your ignorance. I'm tired of providing evidence of Israel's apartheid and the stealing of property and homes - evidenced by international civil rights organizations.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Aug, 2013 03:23 pm
... These facts certainly give Israel the right to take the WB and Gaza as war prizes, although Israel has always been willing to negotiate an agreement for a Pal nation, under which agreement there would be many concessions for the undeserving Pals.

What war prizes? The Geneva Convention states no land should be seized in Palestine through wars because two people have to live on that land!!!

Israeli-occupied territories
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Israeli-occupied territories, also called the disputed territories,[1] are the territories which have been designated as occupied territory by the United Nations and other international organizations, governments and others to refer to the territory seized by Israel during the Six-Day War of 1967 from Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. They consist of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem; the Gaza Strip, (though Israel disputes this and argues that since the implementation of its disengagement from Gaza in 2005 it no longer occupies the territory); much of the Golan Heights; and, until 1982, the Sinai Peninsula. The West Bank and Gaza Strip are also referred to as the Palestinian territories or "Occupied Palestinian Territory". The Palestinian Authority, the EU,[2] the International Court of Justice,[3] the UN General Assembly[4] and the UN Security Council[5] consider East Jerusalem to be part of the West Bank and occupied by Israel; Israel considers all of Jerusalem to be its capital and sovereign territory.

The International Court of Justice,[3] the UN General Assembly[4] and the United Nations Security Council regards Israel as the "Occupying Power".[6] The term "Occupying Power" has taken on a precise legal meaning following the International Court of Justice advisory opinion in July 2004 that Israel is occupying this territory in violation of international law.[7] The Israeli High Court of Justice concurs with this language, and has ruled that Israel holds the West Bank under "belligerent occupation".[8]

Israeli governments have preferred the term "disputed territories" in the case of the West Bank.[9][10]

The first use of the term 'territories occupied' was in United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 following the Six Day War in 1967, which called for "the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East" to be achieved by "the application of both the following principles: ... Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict ... Termination of all claims or states of belligerency" and respect for the right of every state in the area to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries.
Israel's annexation of East Jerusalem in 1980 (see Jerusalem Law) and the Golan Heights in 1981 (see Golan Heights Law) has not been recognised by any other country.[11] United Nations Security Council Resolution 478 declared the annexation of Jerusalem "null and void" and required that it be rescinded. United Nations Security Council Resolution 497 also declared the annexation of the Golan "null and void". Following withdrawal by Israel from the Sinai Peninsula in 1982, as part of the 1979 Israel–Egypt Peace Treaty, the Sinai ceased to be considered occupied territory. Israel unilaterally disengaged from Gaza in September 2005, and declared itself no longer to be in occupation of the Strip. However, as it retains control of Gaza's airspace and coastline, it continues to be designated as an occupying power in the Gaza Strip by the United Nations Security Council, the United Nations General Assembly[12] and some countries and various human rights organizations.[13][14][15][16]

cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 16 Aug, 2013 03:30 pm
Advocate doesn't understand international laws.

Bigotry is always based on ignorance and misinterpretation of facts.

There's no hope for bigots.
Reply Fri 16 Aug, 2013 04:39 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Advocate doesn't understand international laws.

Israel has continued to ignore international rules of law but pretty soon that tiny country will be brought to heel. Israel simply cannot continue to flaunt the laws of the Geneva Convention and expected to be honored as a a law-abiding member of the UN organization.

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