I'm sure it's not - it was a woman from India advocating leaving the abuser.
'Cause, you know, India's got a billion people. One size solutions don't fit, well, anyone. The poster above (forgotten the name, sorry) who's saying to stay in the marriage at all costs is full of ****. An abusive marriage is not worth staying in, and as long as people value marriage over personal safety, there will continue to be demonization of domestic abuse victims. I say this as a married person. I love marriage. I think it's wonderful, and I think it's important. I've been married over 20 years.
But if it was abusive, I'd have hit the road years ago, and I don't appreciate this ignorant poster shoving down this woman's attempt to assert herself and consider getting away. She needs support, not some idiot trying to tell her to work out. Abuse generally "works out" two ways - death of the victim or imprisonment of the perpetrator. Insisting that the victim hang around is an invitation to continue the abuse and nothing more.