Obviously Rabel believes this is a clever response, but that's hardly a blurb to put on the dust jacket of your memoirs.
Not having as razor sharp a wit as you I'm having a little difficulty figuring out what you've tried to suggest.
Based upon your post it seems you're commenting that he was unwilling, during his presidency, to intrude his opinions on the governance of another person who has shared the weight of office.
That can't be though since it's hardly clever and, more importantly, not particularly insulting to Bush.
I could only assume that by choosing to quote me you scotched up your intended quip: Bush was irrelevant in office as he is in retirement.
Again, that gets a giggle from the easily amused Rabel, but considering all the anger and ill feelings W seemed to generate in liberals such as yourself, it's difficult to see how you might consider his presidency irrelevant.