parados wrote:And yet you keep ignoring that Romney has refused
to release his records for $5 million to charity
Wait a minute, Mr. Parados.
Did u offer Romney $5,000,000???
anyone offer him $5,000,000????? R u
imagining things that never happened, Mr. Parados ?????
Did Romney ever allege that he is un-selfish??
I don 't believe that he ever said that (tho he
DID spend a few years
on a Mormon charity mission; I 'd not have been there for a minute).
parados wrote:while Obama released his for free.
It looks like the secrecy that Obama wants to
is in the records that Trump wants,
not in his taxes.
I guess we know where the bodies r buried, huh ??
parados wrote:Meanwhile Romney has NOT released his college records or his application for passport.
Was he supposed to? Did someone offer
him money to do so??
parados wrote:And yet you want to claim Obama's must be gross?
YES. It looks like maybe Trump found Obama's toxic waste site.
Not even for
$5,OOO,OOO for the
inner-city kids
will Obama let
THAT information get out, right ?????
sinister must it
BE, do u think????? Suitable for Halloween??)
parados wrote:Reality must not be your strong suit today David.
We 'll know when Obama releases
the secret, concealed information which he is covering up, won 't we, Mr. Parados ?