Dear Mr. Kerry

Reply Wed 3 Mar, 2004 06:53 pm
When is Fedral going to retract his lying quote?
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Reply Wed 3 Mar, 2004 07:13 pm
Already had this discussion ...
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Reply Wed 3 Mar, 2004 07:34 pm
McG can't remember that far back, nimh. (He thanks you for reminding him, though.)

And Fedral doesn't care if he spreads lies.

This is Neoconservative Republicanism on display.

We'll probably have to smack 'em down again next week...
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Reply Wed 3 Mar, 2004 08:19 pm
McGentrix wrote:
Both went through basic training. The biggest issue here is the left's unwillingness to believe that the reserves counts as being a soldier.

Laughing Aaaaahahahahaha!!!

Your a trip, man. It seems You won't see things from my point of view, not matter how hard I or anyone else tries, so I just Rolling Eyes to the other stuff you wrote, but that last comment just took it over the edge, and at that, I have to stop, take a deep breath and walk you through it. Take my hand...

A big reason why people are ragging on Bush about his national guard service is because he got a blatant hook-up, while Kerry actually went to war when he was called to go. Thus:

Bush=hook-up / avoid any chance of getting killed by VC
Kerry=no hook-up / risk of death or injury

Now, there is nothing wrong with that (hell, I've gotten a job or two through friends. Who hasn't?). The problem is that Bush is playing like he was a GI Joe when he was just some lucky schmoe from a powerful family who was able to avoid going to war.

In fact, he's even SAID he's gone to war!
Bush joked, "I've been to war. I've raised twins. If I had a choice, I'd rather go to war."
-Houston Chronicle, January 28, 2002, Monday 3 STAR EDITION
(By the way, I just verified that myself on Lexis-Nexis... one of the perks of being a law student Very Happy )

Still with me? I hope so. I'm almost done.

YES, Bush went through basic training. The difference is AFTER basic training, he was shuttled into the national guard, which was well known as a great way to avoid going to 'nam back then. No big secret there. I'm not ragging on those in the national guard, but you CAN'T just gloss over the fact that they were the fortunate ones who were not shipped right out to Vietnam.
After Kerry went through basic training, he was sent over to fight and risk his life. I think that merits a little more credit than your allowing for.

Last point:
The left acknowledges the national guard as being soldiers. Nonetheless, there is a considerable difference from those who were in the national guard during Nam from those who went over to fight in Nam. Conservatives have no ground to criticize or question Kerry's service, especially when compared to that of Bush.

Come on, dude. Be real, if just for one moment. If you don't agree with that point by now, then your nose is just too deeply buried up the collective conservative a$$ for you to EVER come out. (I'm trying not to offend, but damn, your making it hard for me).
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Reply Wed 3 Mar, 2004 08:19 pm
So, if were to quote someone else as saying "all democrats are lying pigs that are not worth the dirt they sleep in." it wouldn't be as though I said it right?

What if I quoted Mackubin Thomas Owens who says
In fact, the entire Winter Soldiers Investigation was a lie. It was inspired by Mark Lane's 1970 book entitled Conversations with Americans, which claimed to recount atrocity stories by Vietnam veterans. This book was panned by James Reston Jr. and Neil Sheehan, not exactly known as supporters of the Vietnam War. Sheehan in particular demonstrated that many of Lane's "eye witnesses" either had never served in Vietnam or had not done so in the capacity they claimed.

Keep trying guys. Maybe sometime you will actually believe your own lies...
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Reply Wed 3 Mar, 2004 10:32 pm
McGentrix wrote:
So, if were to quote someone else as saying "all democrats are lying pigs that are not worth the dirt they sleep in." it wouldn't be as though I said it right?

Oh, I think we all know who said it, McGentrix, you don't need to offer any sources. I'll bet it was a real nasty sack of **** who is so freaking partisan that he'd pretend history didn't happen.

Doubtless, he's the same jerk who laughed up his sleeve at the fools who were brave enough to actually go to war, then sticks it in the backs of the ones who returned and calls them liars. Nobody we'd want to know.
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Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2004 07:22 am
I would agree with you Piffka.

If you haven't read Mackubin's article yet, I would hope you will as it is rather informative.
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ebrown p
Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2004 09:24 am
Wow I love this discussion.!

As I have said before I hope this discussion about Kerry's war record keeps on. The fact that Conservatives keep going back to it makes me overjoyed!

Now just what does George W have to say about the atrocities of war?

<Hee Hee I can hardly contain myself>
Keep up the good work Fedral et al. ...
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Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2004 09:37 am
As a matter of fact, Mcgentrix, I linked to that article a few posts ago. There is absolute proof that you are not reading with comprehension.

However you and your party's foolish and diabolical mis-remembering of how the Viet Nam War really went is totally squashed by the chronicles of non-partisan history. Take a look, but read with real comprehension and don't just read what your masters have written. Try, for example, the articles about this in the Encyclopedia Brittanica) and you'll see why you are on such shaky ground.

You need to find another point to hassle Kerry -- this one is dead and you and your ilk are wrong. As Edgar said,
Edgar Blythe wrote:
Anybody who says atrocities did not occur is either a liar or exceptionally stupid.

Lying and misquoting should be beneath you. The only reason I posted at all is to make sure that anybody who reads this will know that the original post by FEDRAL was deliberately misquoted and that he then refused to correct the error.

Sadly, when these Neo-Republicans* lie and lie and lie (to each other!), and then they publish those lies... they whole damn party begins to believe their own lies. You've become stuck in a rut of your own making. I feel sorry for you, but you're not bringing me down. You see, I know how to read with comprehension. Your 1984 re-writing of history won't get anywhere here.

George Orwell's 1984 -- Important Quotations Explained

George Orwell's 1984 Explained
---1984 -A conclusion---

The very heart of Orwell's message is freedom ... the existence of doublethink and Newspeak as concepts both lead to the ultimate in power, the ability to deny the masses the liberty of free thought.

If only we did stop and think about the myriad of sources bombarding us as people, maybe individuals might realise that they are not as free as they thought, even in countries that are supposedly free democracies. A heady concoction of other people, advertising and mass media all influence what we think and feel. How often do we actually challenge what we see and hear on the radio and television? Just think for a moment why you think about something the way you do. Inevitably, that thought will have been put there by a third party.

...This, above all is else, is what Orwell was trying to get across in his book and it's the understanding of this notion that gives us our ultimate liberation.

Free yourself McGentrix... learn to read with comprehension.

*The Neo-Republicans do not hold to the tenets of real Republicanism. As some in my family said (including one who was a Republican State Party Chairman) ...

"I didn't leave the Republican party, the Republican party left me."

Those were people who knew how to read (with comprehension). They became Independents because they couldn't stomach the BS and oligarchy to which the Neo-Republicans currently cling.
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Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2004 09:49 am
Where do you think I got the link from Piffka?

You seemed to have missed some of the pertinent facts in that article, such as:

The first cliché is that atrocities were widespread in Vietnam. But this is nonsense. Atrocities did occur in Vietnam, but they were far from widespread. Between 1965 and 1973, 201 soldiers and 77 Marines were convicted of serious crimes against the Vietnamese. Of course, the fact that many crimes, either in war or peace, go unreported, combined with the particular difficulties encountered by Americans fighting in Vietnam, suggest that more such acts were committed than reported or tried.

But even Daniel Ellsberg, a severe critic of U.S. policy in Vietnam, rejected the argument that the biggest U.S. atrocity in Vietnam, My Lai, was in any way a normal event: "My Lai was beyond the bounds of permissible behavior, and that is recognizable by virtually every soldier in Vietnam. They know it was wrong....The men who were at My Lai knew there were aspects out of the ordinary. That is why they tried to hide the event, talked about it to no one, discussed it very little even among themselves."

The second cliché is that is that Vietnam scarred an entire generation of young men. But for years, many of us who served in Vietnam tried to make the case that the popular image of the Vietnam vet as maladjusted loser, dehumanized killer, or ticking "time bomb" was at odds with reality. Indeed, it was our experience that those who had served in Vietnam generally did so with honor, decency, and restraint; that despite often being viewed with distrust or opprobrium at home, most had asked for nothing but to be left alone to make the transition back to civilian life; and that most had in fact made that transition if not always smoothly, at least successfully.

Stolen Valor made it clear why John Kerry's testimony in 1971 slandered an entire generation of soldiers. Kerry gave credence to the claim that the war was fought primarily by reluctant draftees, predominantly composed of the poor, the young, or racial minorities.

The record shows something different, indicating that 86 percent of those who died during the war were white and 12.5 percent were black, from an age group in which blacks comprised 13.1 percent of the population. Two thirds of those who served in Vietnam were volunteers, and volunteers accounted for 77 percent of combat deaths.

Today, Sen. Kerry appeals to veterans in his quest for the White House. He invokes his Vietnam service at every turn. But an honest, enterprising reporter should ask Sen. Kerry this: Were you lying in 1971 or are you lying now? We do know that his speech was not the spontaneous, emotional, from-the-heart offering that he suggested it was. Burkett and Whitley report that instead, "it had been carefully crafted by a speech writer for Robert Kennedy named Adam Walinsky, who also tutored him on how to present it."

But the issue goes far beyond theatrics. If he believes his 1971 indictment of his country and his fellow veterans was true, then he couldn't possibly be proud of his Vietnam service. Who can be proud of committing war crimes of the sort that Kerry recounted in his 1971 testimony? But if he is proud of his service today, perhaps it is because he always knew that his indictment in 1971 was a piece of political theater that he, an aspiring politician, exploited merely as a "good issue." If the latter is true, he should apologize to every veteran of that war for slandering them to advance his political fortunes.
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Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2004 01:10 pm
McGentrix wrote:
So, if were to quote someone else as saying "all democrats are lying pigs that are not worth the dirt they sleep in." it wouldn't be as though I said it right?

What if I quoted Mackubin Thomas Owens who says
In fact, the entire Winter Soldiers Investigation was a lie. It was inspired by Mark Lane's 1970 book entitled Conversations with Americans, which claimed to recount atrocity stories by Vietnam veterans. This book was panned by James Reston Jr. and Neil Sheehan, not exactly known as supporters of the Vietnam War. Sheehan in particular demonstrated that many of Lane's "eye witnesses" either had never served in Vietnam or had not done so in the capacity they claimed.

Keep trying guys. Maybe sometime you will actually believe your own lies...

Hhmmmm ...

Two different things here, I think.

One is the allegation that Kerry went around blithely calling his fellow 'Nam vets rapists who randomly cut off ears etc.

Thats a smear, and is based on fraudulent quotation. What happened is that a bunch of 'Nam vets declared themselves against the war, based on their own experiences, and at the "Winter Soldier Investigation" recounted what they, themselves had done wrong; Kerry then spoke before the Senate Committee and recounted what his fellow vets had told, because he believed it echoed his own horror at what he'd been through (and done).

Now - were the stories those vets told, all true? And if not, how many were not? Were those "vets" actually really vets, or was this political activism turned sick? The articles posted here say much of it was politically motivated fraud, theater. Then again, Kerry, for one, was an authentic one - was he really the only one, among all those vvaw? But yeh - doubts. Allegations that much of it was fraudulent, underpinned with all kinds of evidence.

Those, to me, clearly seem two different issues though. Kerry didnt pull random bits of slander out of his top hat - he drew upon what had seemed like a group of authentic vets recounting their own experiences. And he did so, because it apparently seemed recognizable enough from his own, all too real experience. Nothing particular lowdown and slanderous about that, I'd say.
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Reply Sat 6 Mar, 2004 11:29 am
I believe Nimh is suggesting that if one repeats a lie in sworn testimony before a Congressional panel, one is guiltless of deception. In Kerry's case the lie was also central to his own basic assertion that such calumnies were common - which they most certainly were not. This defies common sense. Young Lt. Kerry saw and seized his main chance to get his mug before the public eye and launch a political career. This was quite evident to most observers at the time. He betrayed the military comrades he so pretends to value, and the purposes of the organization he pretended to serve - all for his own personal gain.

His subsequent mawkish self indulgence concerning the supposed heroism of his 5 month tour in swift boats insults the memories of the many who truly did serve in Vietnam at some considerable risk.
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Reply Sat 6 Mar, 2004 05:47 pm
georgeob1 wrote:
His subsequent mawkish self indulgence concerning the supposed heroism of his 5 month tour in swift boats insults the memories of the many who truly did serve in Vietnam at some considerable risk.

Uhmm ... you really want to go on record contrasting Kerry with people "who truly did serve in Vietnam at some considerable risk"?

Like, Kerry didn't?

And that Silver Star, Bronze Star, and those three Purple Hearts the US army honored him with were, err, just for "supposed" heroism?

That's just getting silly. There's a limit to where partisanship can reasonably take you ...
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Reply Sat 6 Mar, 2004 06:54 pm
He was in the Navy, not the Army. I have a great deal of direct personal knowledge of the situation he faced, the military organizations involved and of the actions of many people in this and related situations.
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Reply Sat 6 Mar, 2004 07:43 pm
Yeah. They guy went to Vietnam, killed the enemy, was injured and earned metals....

...What a p*ssy. Rolling Eyes

(the small amount of respect I had for the hardcore right is quickly dissipating as a result of their sad attempts to demean Kerry's service when the man they worship was able to avoid it himself...)
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Reply Sun 7 Mar, 2004 06:47 pm
I said it once, I'll say it again. If the left wants to make an issue of his service in Vietnam, it is fair for everyone to discuss it.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 7 Mar, 2004 07:07 pm
georgeob1 wrote:
He was in the Navy, not the Army. I have a great deal of direct personal knowledge of the situation he faced, the military organizations involved and of the actions of many people in this and related situations.

I agree with Nimh, George.

You are allowing your dislike of what you perceive to be a liberal to cloud your mind on this issue.

The guy went to war -- and he distinguished himself.

I know you are a military man -- and that should mean something to you.

You really owe it to yourself to detach youself from your animosity toward him because of his political position -- and give him his due on this account.
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Reply Sun 7 Mar, 2004 07:18 pm
I gotta go with Frank and others on this one. I personally think Kerry is a plastic phony in the political world, but his War Record speaks for itself.
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Reply Sun 7 Mar, 2004 07:22 pm
Perhaps John Kerry is exaggerating and playing up his Viet Nam service.
Obviously Fedral and McGentrix find this abhorrent.
And yet they defend george bush who plays himself up as a military style patriot when at best, he spent some time in the Alabama guard, and staged a couple of photo ops in a borrowed flight suit.
Odd contradiction that. Laughing
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Reply Sun 7 Mar, 2004 07:36 pm
Discussing Kerry's war record is a far cry from defending Bush. Geez, maybe I should start discussing Clinton's war record? That has about the same bearing on Kerry as Bush.
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