McGentrix wrote:Both went through basic training. The biggest issue here is the left's unwillingness to believe that the reserves counts as being a soldier.

Your a trip, man. It seems You won't see things from my point of view, not matter how hard I or anyone else tries, so I just

to the other stuff you wrote,
but that last comment just took it over the edge, and at that, I have to stop, take a deep breath and walk you through it. Take my hand...
A big reason why people are ragging on Bush about his national guard service is because he got a blatant hook-up, while Kerry actually went to war when he was called to go. Thus:
Bush=hook-up / avoid any chance of getting killed by VC
Kerry=no hook-up / risk of death or injury
Now, there is nothing wrong with that (hell, I've gotten a job or two through friends. Who hasn't?). The problem is that
Bush is playing like he was a GI Joe when he was just some lucky schmoe from a powerful family who was able to avoid going to war.
In fact, he's even SAID he's gone to war!
Bush joked, "I've been to war. I've raised twins. If I had a choice, I'd rather go to war."
-Houston Chronicle, January 28, 2002, Monday 3 STAR EDITION
(By the way, I just verified that myself on Lexis-Nexis... one of the perks of being a law student

Still with me? I hope so. I'm almost done.
YES, Bush went through basic training. The difference is AFTER basic training, he was shuttled into the national guard, which was well known as a great way to avoid going to 'nam back then. No big secret there. I'm not ragging on those in the national guard, but you CAN'T just gloss over the fact that they were the fortunate ones who were not shipped right out to Vietnam.
After Kerry went through basic training, he was sent over to fight and risk his life. I think that merits a little more credit than your allowing for.
Last point:
The left acknowledges the national guard as being soldiers. Nonetheless, there is a considerable difference from those who were in the national guard during Nam from those who went over to fight in Nam. Conservatives have no ground to criticize or question Kerry's service, especially when compared to that of Bush.
Come on, dude. Be real, if just for one moment. If you don't agree with that point by now, then your nose is just too deeply buried up the collective conservative a$$ for you to EVER come out. (I'm trying not to offend, but damn, your making it hard for me).