Only one guy ever sincerely called me beautiful and I love him from long ago even now. He's the one who wrote me short poems in chem class. I think he was what my elders called "smitten". That didn't work out - religion. Which was just as well, looking back, for both of us, not about religion but that he was much more of an outdoor explorer. (Of course, the beautiful thing and the poetry was him making me into a person of interest mixed with fantasy, but a lot of us do that at the start.)
I've been called beautiful once in a while by guys on the street or on construction sites; eh, smile if you want to and walk on, that's all bull, though usually not meant as hostile. (We have a whole long thread about a famous photograph re that).
If you happen to be running the crew and a woman, that will stop fast, unless you foster it to some extent.
Other names can mean more. My husband called me his little avocado. Oh, and Prunella.