My Mother displays her cleavage a lot to complete strangers!

Reply Sun 14 Oct, 2012 08:08 am
in a country where narrow minded people live in a higly ornate society, my mother is one of those women who stand out. Not in a good sense but in a socially inacceptable manner. she is a forty five years old mature woman with a size 36 c breast. she is considered to be a very liberal and secular woman in the entire family. i appreciate her guts but they sometimes intimidate me real bad. she shows her body especially her private parts deliberately or unintentionally to complete strangers around her. what pisses me off is the fact that she does not stop doing this even if she notices that some other person is looking at her. instead of covering herself up, she seems to enjoy that. "my mother has big boobs" was the most recent comment i heard about her from a school fellow. "yeah, did u ever look at her ass? a milf i tell ya.." another remark made by a senior student. she is one of those women who despite knowing her limitations does not want to stop. here in the place where i live, one can easily observe that despite her age she is very sexually active. there has never been a day when i have not heard moaning noises from my parents bedrooms. sometimes i do see them, half naked in their bedroom but consider it too personal to discuss. my father does not mind her slutty behaviour rather enjoys it. a few days back we had guests and my mother was constantly flirting with my dad's friend. bending low, showing ample breasts, touching intentionally...i did'nt have the confidence to interfere since my dad was there. later when we the house was empty, i contemplated suicide. thats so embarassing. here the weather is hot, and the clothes dont fit you...but that does not mean u r supposed to take them off in public. while my mom was washing laundry, she saw the servant standing close, observing her. considering him to be someone as part of the family; she took of her shawl that covered her breast and the guy, believe me did not move from his place. the pervert kept on staring while my mom never got up from her "appealing position" until i called him in. whenever i have a problem i consult my uncle. i discussed this and he reacted awkwardly. he came in to stay at our place and told me he'll take care of my mom. how he did this,...instead of taking care, he took photos of her while she was doing daily chores....when she was washing she showed her cleavage, when she was cooking she showed her cleavage...i have those photos with me yet dont want to tell this to my uncle....i dont know why my mom does this....in her entire office photo, there was no woman as sexually attractive as my mother....she makes it seem like a mistake but a man can judge that she does this deliberately: she took off her shawl, opened up her first three buttons of the shirt and displayed her balls to the public in an official photo. i mean what the hell...is'nt it against the decorum? i also overheared my mom's boss saying that my mom was a sex starved whore who desperately needed some cash....this really huret me, i could'nt do anything against this, could i? my mom hangs around the house without a bra, in skin tight nickers and does go topless when no ones there....in the house she always wears very loose shirts and never wears an underwear....this was observed by me quiet a lot of times....is she an exhibitionist? i dont know....thing is people have started calling her a slut and this really is a trauma for me....she is good looking but that does not mean displaying her body to strangers...does it? your view about my mom will help me picture her...feel free to comment whatever you want to:
Reply Sun 14 Oct, 2012 08:34 am
Tell your mother this makes you uncomfortable. Don't ask a bunch of Internet strangers to tell you how to think about this.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Oct, 2012 02:51 pm
Quite honestly, I think the main reason you are upset is all about the effect it has on you - how your friends react, how you get embarrassed, how you think others are feeling, what you think others are thinking, how you think things should be, how you...you...you.

There are other places on earth where none of this is considered out of place - and society hasn't stopped functioning well (because of that). Many also forget that in many tribal cultures of the world, it is NORMAL for women to go topless...so the strictures governing covering your breasts are not 'right' - they are just norms. And following on from that - a man will not lose control of his sexual urges at the mere sight of bare breasts - any that claim such are just fabricating excuses of their own behaviour.

You're also quite young - it's commonly accepted by people with more life experience that women reach their sexual peak in their 40's - so your mothers sexual activeness is quite normal. Do you notice how you don't comment on your fathers sexual activeness (yes, believe it or not, every time your mother has sex, your father is also having sex). Do you not see the discrimination, hypocrisy and disrespect inherent in singling out one gender for disdain - when both genders are involved in the sexual activity?

And touching people is not wrong, contrary to your beliefs. Psychologists who study such think that touch is one of the most healing activities anyone can share with another. In babies, touch is actually essential to their healthy development, and as you get older the form & effect simply adapt but never leave. China has long considered massage one of the great healers of family rifts. Many Friends touch either all the time. Flirting within bounds happens much more than you think - whatever boundaries you wish to put on such...and people also set their own boundaries (which you are apparently unable to recognise). Quite seriously, I consider this aversion of yours one of the most ugly things I've ever heard anyone say - and yet I understand it will have been what you were brought up with to consider 'right'.

And calling your mother a slut? Has she ever slept around? Has she cheated on your father? What you describe of her describes flirtation yes, and also plenty of self control. I think your use of the word again comes back to your own insecurities and fears and embarrassments...oh yes, you, you, you.

You considered suicide because of your mothers behaviour towards other people? That is completely idiotic.

Get some more life experience, start looking at your own hypocrisies and insecurities, and grow up.
Reply Sun 14 Oct, 2012 03:22 pm
I agree with what you say on this, Vikorr, with the exception of your saying the poster's comments are one of the most ugly things. They are understandable comments to me; you and I disagree with the poster's horror at the display and strongly think it is misplaced. I'll also disagree that it is all about her or him - it is about what she or he has been taught is moral and dealing with what the mother is enacting.

I was raised, some of the time, in what I take now, years later, as a similar subculture. Now I'd call it a bubble, but my mid teen experiences in the fifties with an order of catholic nuns known in the U.S. for their strictness helps me see what disturbs Lava.
Reply Sun 14 Oct, 2012 03:27 pm
This kid gives me the creeps! If he doesn't like seeing his mom's cleavage, he should not stare at it.
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Reply Sun 14 Oct, 2012 03:35 pm
Hi Osso,

Yes, I see where you are coming from with your thoughts.

In regards to me saying a particular comment was the most ugly thing (that was made in relation to his view on touch) - I personally find such a view ugly for the simple fact it removes a source of so much connection, empathy, and compassion from the world - to me beliefs that result in such, are ugly. You will note that I did say directly afterwards, that I understand why he would feel that way, being brought up such...that doesn't change the ugliness of it.

Now I'd call it a bubble, but my mid teen experiences in the fifties with an order of catholic nuns known in the U.S. for their strictness helps me see what disturbs Lava.
I understand the reasoning behind him being disturbed. A lot of people who find themselves in this sort of situation, need to look at who they are, why they believe what they do, and why they act the way they do.

He has a right to be disturbed, and his mother has a right to do what she does...there are consequences for both sets of behaviour & beliefs. The way through the middle is understanding (of both yourself, and the other person) and respect (of both yourself and the other person). That's difficult when you don't comprehend yourself, don't comprehend your hypocrisies, and have little awareness of the multiple issues involved.

How do you achieve helping a person along the path to such in a forum (without taking up a plethora of posts)?
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Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2012 11:23 am
My mom is one of those women who does not touch out of mere curiousity, but because she wants to flirt. its okay and understandable because its her own life. i agree with what you say. But the problem is that what she does is not what she has taught me. she bred me up and this was in a strict environment. once i got senses, is it not completely natural to rebel because what you teach is not what you follow? i am still not allowed complete privacy where as my mom enjoys full liberty? showing off her cleavage can mean she has reached sexual height yet she is about fifty and has'nt reached social maturity. in my country no one is allowed to go out at night but she does and that too in quiet appealing clothes. And by the way, i have never called my mom a slut. this is what the people think about her and how i grt to know about my mother from other people. she might be acting normal to herself but acting "slutty" to the worls. i consider my mother to be a pure and chaste women, a bit open minded but the society does not. at my age , you feel a lot of social pressure. how can i have a girl friend when all my class fellows discuss my mother as their neighbourhood MILF??? is this not terrible for me. and calling my feelings as ugly is not just. there is no such thing as attraction between me and my mom otherwise that would be incest. how many of you have not stared at your mom or sister's cleavage. thats a reality that 90 percent men have. i come from a country where the veil is common and skin tight jeans, deep necked tees are only attributed to sluts and ultramodern women. she does not fit that category in any case. why then do it? i asked my mother about her behaviour after posting this and she started laughing. later she asked me whether i was fascinated or obsessed with her breast. she insulted me by saying that i am one of those who sucked her milk and came out of her vagina. how come i stare at that and fantasize about her ALTHOUGH deep at heart i kbow there is no such thing like that. she told me she'll continue what she wants to so. Believe me the very next morning, she had a really deep cleavage photo as her dp on facebook. she also ignored my concerns by not wearing any bra (she told me she was not) and calling in a plumber. she told him to fix a pipe on the roof and took of her shawl to let him see her massive boobs. she oiled them in front of me and those gave a rather attractive look. the guy delayed the work deliberately. my mom stood right below him and he was looking at her cleavage. i sat there on the sofa, trying to ignore but got constantly bugged. when the plumber left, my mom whispered in my ear that she bet he had an errection. depressed and aghast i went out and returned in the evening to take my guitar lessons from the tutor. he was sitting in the common room and this time my mom was with her bra on and a transluscent white collared shirt. she was not wearing anything below her belly except for a jeans that showed her butt crack, the guy did not stop me for playing wrong because my mother was constantly trying to interfere by displaying her self. one more thing, my dad does not mind this at all because he is'nt here...and i am afraid to share cux this might end up in divorce. this has to stop because she is now doing this intentionally. please help. i know she is very sexy, and i love her the way she is, but she is destroying my personality that way. i also searched through her phone just for the sake of checking whether she has some friends who force her to do so. i found out she smokes cigarettes, (my dad knew this) i also found a video in which she was having sex in my car in the garage with my father. although she was clothed, i could ofcourse know she was doing this. at the end of the video, she spoke that this was for me and she would post it on some porn site (that my friends can access) so better keep my mouth shut in front of my dad. i love my mother but this has to stop. pleeeeease help,
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Joe Nation
Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2012 11:45 am
I call bullshit.

Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2012 12:30 pm
@Joe Nation,
maybe if you have suffered this in your life and you cant face the reality, you should stop being so discouraging Joe Nation. You are not invited here to act in a manner that is degrading or hurtful to others. calling this fake may be because you cant stand freedom of expression. bullshit is what you have posted...a completely useless piece of your insulting mind
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Joe Nation
Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2012 12:53 pm
I repeat....this is bullshit.

Joe(except for the parts that are horseshit)Nation
Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2012 01:01 pm
@Joe Nation,
what is ur problem? did i call u in....keep ur comments to yourself....stop interfering
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Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2012 01:44 pm
Lava, you wrote this about your own mother, (who sounds like a sensible woman)

she insulted me by saying that i am one of those who sucked her milk and came out of her vagina

(This is not an "insult" - it is the literal truth.)

...and you say she is the one who behaves inappropriately! Your suspiciously long and lingeringly detailed posts make me wonder if you are a masturbating incest fantasist such as we often get here on A2K, or alternatively a troll. If your posts happen to be true, you need to get a goddam life! if you are a child, shut up and stop insulting your poor mother. If you are an adult, start acting like one. Maybe you should find your own home and stop acting like you own your mother.

Lava, you need to understand something: many people are reading your thread and deciding that YOU ARE A DICK. If they choose to post a reply to tell you this, THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT. That's reality. Accept it.

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Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2012 03:53 pm
yes, she did breast feed me and i came out of her body, yes i am her son and yes she is sensible. No i am not a troll, no i am not incest-crazy and no my mom is just curious about sex and that she does not want to have sex. my mom is a good woman, but i confronted her about something i did not like. instead of being caring, she intimidated me by her new acts of sexual display. does a muslim woman show off her body when it is prohibited by the law? OK, religion is personal, OK religion is individual...BUT the society has dragged me into believing what my mom does is wrong. I still love her BUT y does she do it when i hate this habit of hers. i am so confused at the moment that to take out my frustrations i am relying on your help and writing down everything that comes into my mind. i am just a 16 year old school going boy...why does she not comprehend that my friends deliberately visit my place to see her boobs even though i've told this to her several times. why does she think that her cleavage and her butt crack need to be displayed all the time when its not necessary? even if she thinks its necessary, she should stop if she loves me....maybe i am not her true son, may be thats why i am talkin like that...help me guys instead of insulting me please....my grades are suffering, i am loosing concentration and i might take drugs...Sad
Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2012 07:40 pm
I'll call you a liar and a creep.

: she is a forty five years old vs yet she is about fifty
: Size 36c breasts vs her massive boobs (why do you know here bust size, and that size isn't massive)
: whispered in my ear that she bet he had an errection - bullshit
: she oiled them in front of me and those gave a rather attractive look - bullshit
: How many of you have not stared at your mom or sister's cleavage. - creepy

...and that's only a small portion - the whole of your post is creepy, obsessed with her breasts, and describing behaviour that is quite abnormal of a mother towards a son. Your 'school friends behaviour' of calling your mother a MILF in front of you is quite abnormal of anyone in front of that woman's son- and your lack of defending your mother physically (or apparently in any manner) against such insults is also quite abnormal. Your description of there being laws against going out at night (in which case there is nothing open at night) and your mother going out at night stinks of a weird lie.

I'm with the others, you appear to be sitting at home fantasising about this.

If it's real, there's an easy way out for you - show your mother these posts.
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Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2012 08:50 pm
The 'my grades are suffering' got me to switch views.
Reply Wed 17 Oct, 2012 03:58 am
Lava wrote:

she took off her shawl, opened up her first three buttons of the shirt and displayed her balls to the public in an official photo.

Your mother has balls?

Something ain't right.
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Reply Wed 17 Oct, 2012 04:04 am
Lava wrote:

i might take drugs...Sad

I think he’s already on them.
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Reply Wed 17 Oct, 2012 04:36 am
@Joe Nation,
Joe ain't no schmo wrote:
I call bullshit

Best answer to this thread.
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Reply Wed 17 Oct, 2012 07:05 am
thank you very much for your comments. i followed your advice, showed these posts to her and got kicked out of the house. u never believed that i was not in America but in a country of fanatics. my mom going out at night is okay as long as does not allow me to do that. yes my mom has a breast size of 36c because i asked her that when i was thirteen. yes they look big to me because most women i know and my close girls friends dont have such big breasts. yes she accepted that they were big for her slim body to her dietician. what do you think is the big breast size? probably your mom's double d's? she told me this during my sexual education counselling when i reached puberty. my mom is about fifty...that was not meant to be literal. she oiled them means she put lotion on them during the winters, completely normal! she told me about the erection part because i had been so straight forward with her about sex. she did not consider to be formal with me on this topic rather was very straightforward as she was actually pissed off. they gave an attractive look because the plumber although had sunglasses on always was pointing towards the breast. my friends have never called her something in front of me rather you get to know the speculations once you see their behaviour. my best friend told me this and i ignored her saying it was of disbelief and hypothetical saying. and she showed her balls means she showed her bold and brazen attitude when it was not required in an official photo...why dont u people understand slang? drugs, i work part time in a drug rehab centre, how can i be on drugs? BUT this situation might force me to. and this is no bullshit...i am agonized, my mom does not talk to me, keeps her attitude the way she is and insults me all the time....there has been no change in her rather she considered breast enlargemnt to a 40 D with my dad on the dinner table yesterday night which forced me to confront her. yes this is her life...prolly i should call in sluts in my home in front of my parents and **** them right in front of my family CALLIng it MY OWN LIFE ALL THE TIME??? there should be understandingand respect...sadly i dont see that with my mom.
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Reply Wed 17 Oct, 2012 08:06 am
Man, you are like a walking run-on sentence. Not only do you seem to be unable to break your text up into paragraphs, you can't even separate all of your words. People look at **** like that, like a two-page, one paragraph, one sentence text from a German book on philosophy, and their eyes glaze over. They just go on to something else. When you add to that that your text is often incoherent and contradictory, it's little wonder so few people have bothered to read this tripe.

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