@reasoning logic,
i dont know what r u talkin about or meaning, i guess that u r creatin an objective form to ur wills to b
if truth told me ever anything is what it keeps repeatin to my perspectives and my senses that there cant b other justifications then truth, and how any pretense of other justifications is of liars always, while liars dont exist when only truth exist
let me get out of topic for a minute just to tell u smthg else that clarify my position here from my general stand relation to what is not right
what i reasonned myself alone is why im so different then others in many terms
from there some head points appeared one of the most essential is this
ur sense of superiority is the opposite to mine while superiority is the truth
for u superiority is what subjectively keep gettin higher or/and what objectively is constant in increasin itself expansion on the ground
that is how u jump to always conclude that god exist for sure since necessarily one will get it all, and that nothing exist too since necessarily by guettin higher u r meaning nothing
so everything and nothing is superiority always of one and none
stupid conclusions while truth would say evil wills ways
for me superiority is what subjectively keep never getting anything while becomin always more out clearly of any need or will concept in justifyin its present individual absolute point out of true existence fact
and/or what objectively is constant in never being related to else inferiority while always real by considerin else superiority in recognizin else existence rights from knowin itself present existence being true
in general true terms, superiority is out of what is always superior to zero as constant fact so superiority is from constancy which is truth and constncy is from freedom value which exist too, so superiority is bc of freedom and constancy that make a reality of value
but more subjectively i was meaning my sense of realizin true superiority being more to the fact of realizin that inferiority never exist as a true fact
immediately a sense of being true urself become real as present positive free sense bc there is no negative nor inferior ever
which confirm that absolute truth is exclusively from considerin the past rights in objective real terms
so what is meant from what i said is more the right of zero that allow to realize true superiority
zero was first true in what it is never negative nor inferior while constant free, realizing the objective value of zero existin is the reason of bringin superior fact out, and i guess that is why we have two freedoms and not one on each side of existence realisation, both are wat is brought out of recognizin past true rights that must come first