heh heh! That was worth staying up for!
It sounds like you are going out with my last boyfriend! These guys have two things in common:
1; nosy, going thru your private stuff
2; want you to get off at least 3 times
#1 is bad!
#2 is good, but sometimes a girl justs wants a quickie, am I right?

Although my guy really was good in bed. he read a quote by Larry Flint and designed his life around it. Lucky me! But our sex was three-part, because he was older and out of shape and couldn't last too long.
#1 foreplay
#2 the old beast with two backs, as seal said, and #3 more foreplay, because heaven forbid I only had one orgasm! He was a man on a mission.
I hate to say, sometimes I did fake it, because

you can't always come just because it feels good, and I wanted him to be satisfied at completing his mission! I don't feel guilty or that it took anything away from his masculinity. He was the first and so far only man to give me an orgasm (and we didn't meet until I was 30 years old)!
But yeah, if a guy's bragging about how good he is, especially when you're already having sex with him, that's insecurity.
Your last statement speaks to me, as well. I was with this guy for many years, but I'm not sure I was ever 'in love" with him. we were together five years before he suggested we move in together. I wasn't crazy about the idea of couple-hood to that extent, but I did it anyway. For the nookie.
Which is the only thing about him that I miss. That, and having somebody here to un-do my bra when I get home from work! You know what I'm saying! :wink: