Mon 1 Mar, 2004 04:42 pm
When someone tells another person that they're good in bed(like real good)does that mean they're actually good in bed or is that just a way to boost someone's confindence to make them them feel good?
With the right person, either is just wonderful.
Ok, what if it was a one night stand? Or does it matter if they mean it or not? They still said it.
I guess the best thing to do if you want to be sure is read their diary, but I can pretty much guarentee that will throw a wrench into the relationship. Hey, if it was said, so it shall be. No point dwelling on it.
If it was a one night stand, then it wasn't really all that good, now was it.
Bed is much, much more than sex! Mrs. SealPoet and I spend a third of our lives together in bed. Very little of that time is spent making the beast with two backs, and yet, we enjoy being in bed together.
Making the beast with two backs?? *LOL* Gee, you have such a romantic way with words!
Maybe you were the best banana in a bad bunch.
lol...good one Joe! Just so were all on the same track here, this is not me were talking about, it's someone I know quite well. Just trying to get my point across to the inividual.
Ah, leave him (her). It might have been true. And if not, why burst his/her bubble. Even if it was just said to boost someone's confidence, why would you want to un-boost it?
SealPoet wrote: Bed is much, much more than sex! Mrs. SealPoet and I spend a third of our lives together in bed. Very little of that time is spent making the beast with two backs, and yet, we enjoy being in bed together.
standupandP - maybe the sex was great, and the rest of the relationship-to-be wasn't? That's always a real possibility. Maybe they were just meant to be one-time or occasional sex-buddies.
One can be absolutely great in bed with some partner

and terrible with another

It depends on the chemistry and body language understanding.
It's not a competition, anyway (and this also means you're not competing with your friend).
Aah, now here's an interesting topic. There is no such thing as being good in bed. What one person likes, someone else may not.
And what is this crap about one-night stands not being good? That makes no sense. Almost every one night stand I've ever had has been great!
But there is no way to know why the person said it. If she said he was good, then he was probably good, for her. And even if she was just saying it to boost confidence, why analyze it? Just accept it, and don't forget, practice, practice, practice!
People say a lot of things, doesn't neccessarily means it's the truth. You can tell a whole lot about what a person's going to be like in bed, just by talking to them.
kickycan wrote:Aah, now here's an interesting topic. There is no such thing as being good in bed. What one person likes, someone else may not.
One man's mate is another man's person.
I don't understand why you would ask this question. That's like saying, "hey, I ran into an old relative, and they said I looked they REALLY mean it?"
Doesn't make much of a difference, it could mean either way.
Yeah Slappy. Would you sleep with someone then afterwards brag to her about how good you are in bed? Like how the hell would you know, wouldn't it be up to the woman to decide if your good or not?
Like, how the hell is someone on a message board going to know if her comment was sincere?
You should be able to figure out if she meant it or not.
Let's say, you're done banging her, and you say, "baby, you're so good in bed," and she replies "you too, honey. I'm hungry." That's probably not very sincere.
Let's say you're done banging her, and she's short of breath, sweaty, flushed skin, rubbing her hands all over you saying "oh my God, how the hell did you learn how to do THAT? You're amazing!" That's a better sign. Probabaly sincere.
I'm not as good as I once was ... but I'm as good once as anyone ever was :wink: