Well, I've never had sex with a virgin (ha ha, I slay myself sometimes.... never had SEX with a VIRGIN

), but I once had sex with a Virgin Mary. Thankfully, I used Immaculate Contraception, because who really needs an "Eddie Christ: Lounge Singer and Internet Advice Columnist" running around stealing big brother's thunder, what with that new Mel Gibson flick and all reminding us how daddy's favourite suffered for all of us, like anyone asked him to do it in the first place.
But I digress...I may think this bet thing is a bit silly, but who am I to question a strange sort of foreplay that may enhance this relationship? I'm happy Fred found someone who won't treat him like an ass, and who helped him help himself. Now, if only he could get rid of that monkey avatar when he talks about sex. It brings shuddering, fearsome images to mind...