@Atom Blitzer,
I don't think you are a complete putz - I'm not sure yet - you seem so enraged that you lack any empathy - but I'm not sure on that. I don't think you get how down people can feel. The worst is that you are playing, joking.
Or maybe you are beginning to get the sorrow of life, thus the rage in your cuteness.
Of course people who post on line can be making stuff up and often do, but we don't know that about some posters and some may be cries for help that took some effort to post. A lot of us can picture being in that situation, including me, and I am not the only one.
Our community view is to answer the person in need.
The post I'm replying to by you is so repulsive I can barely read it.
Are you trying to look larger, braver, brighter? As the most fucked up poster?Person most trying to act eleven years old?