Say that you're sitting down, with your eyes closed (indoors, outdoors, where ever) and you suddenly open them.
In one sense you will "see" everything within your range of vision. In another, you won't, because you can't focus your attention on "everything" at once. It might be a long time before you "notice" a bird on the branch of a somewhat distant tree, for example (if you notice it at all).
But since it is all within your field of vision, you might be "called upon" to pay particular attention to a given item. Your "subconscious" might immediately direct you to pay attention to a poisonous snake in the "corner of your eye," for example.
But not necessarily. It might depend on the circumstances. If you were walking down a forest path, your subconscious might "see" the snake first, because you have generally "instructed it" to be on the lookout for potential danger and to avoid potential harm. You might just veer away from the direction of the snake and keep on going, without consciously processing the fact that you even saw it.