Olivier5 wrote:I'll try and come up with a definition.
I propose the following
definition of "agency":
The capacity of a sentient and self-aware being (often a human being, but could be another animal, or a machine) to further its goals – however these goals may be set – by representing its environment and itself within it, imagining a series of behavioral options and their likely results, and comparing these to select an optimal line of action for itself.
This would typically involve the capacities to:
1) explore/perceive some features of one’s environment (perception)
2) predict with some degree of precision the likely future risks and opportunities present in this environment (prediction)
3) imagine a series of potential actions or behaviors from one’s part, meant to avoid threats or grab opportunities (options listing)
4) apply a series of mental processes generally referred to as “reason” to compare or combine those potential behaviors (options analysis)
5) on this basis, select the preferred or optimal behavior (decision)
6) implement this behavior in a purposeful, goal-oriented way, adjusting/fine-tuning the behavior as may be required by subsequent changes in the environment (action)
Do we agree that this is what we are talking about? If not, what other possible definition could we use?