Women need to get over themselves and accept the truth.

Sat 25 Aug, 2012 08:01 pm
Those who believe that women are in any way equal to men are incapable of independent thought and can only form opinions based on those of friends, family, and, in particular, those of the popular media. The hidden knowledge being kept from the masses, and i'm going to start getting people to expose these truths.

At one time, all was right with the world. It was lorded over by men who imposed their will by force. Women kept their mouths shut, underlings knew their place, and those who opposed the prevailing order had their heads cut off. So far, so good. In this bygone Golden Age, sadistic values determined the quality of life. Sadistic values are exclusively male values, values predicated not upon baseless intellectual abstractions or wishful thinking, but upon hard biological truths.

One such truth involves testosterone, the hormone responsible for shaping the male character. It lies at the root of man’s aggression and domination and has consequently played the key role in shaping mankind’s history.

And the history of mankind is, quite simply, the history of man. It is the story of his creativity and his daring. It is the story of his strength, his courage, and his invention. Every great idea, great empire, or great undertaking has been the byproduct of man and man alone. History’s great epochs are those in which male domination and male force reigned supreme.

Just as testosterone ordained man’s preeminent role as creator and master of world history, woman’s position was likewise decided by her hormonal predisposition. Estrogen lies at the center of the feminine character, and it is this hormone, says science, that is responsible for woman’s overabundance of emotion and apparent lack of logic. This primary biological difference is the basis of what is commonly referred to as sexual differentiation.

Woman is quick to embrace the concept of sexual/hormonal differentiation when she can use it to her advantage – to explain, for instance, why men are such brutes. But when the same criteria are applied to explain her own shortcomings, she dismisses it as a cruel construct invented by man to discredit her. She is far more comfortable with feelings than with facts. Facts, in her opinion, are made by man in the image of man, to be used against her, to keep her down. When confronted by the cold reality of facts, woman’s emotions fly into a tizzy, and her emotions have no origin in the intellect, or in instinct, or in any sort of observation or deductive reasoning. They are instead a primordial amalgam of overblown hopes and fears, childish fantasies carried to absurd extremes. They are lacking in logic, cognition, and critical thinking skills

As reactions to external realities, her emotions make no apparent sense. Only when recognized as the byproduct of an overwhelming internal reality-that of estrogen-do her emotions and perceptions finally begin to become comprehensible.

In a once – glorious past, woman was a creature without rights, a second – class citizen. In some places, she wasn’t considered a citizen at all – she was property. She was part cook, part whore, part servant, and all child. So what has changed to put woman on an equal footing with man, deserving of the same rights and privileges? Has woman herself changed? Decidedly not. Not in temperament, character, or ability. She is the same creature she has always been, with the sad addition of some rather unflattering conceits.

It is not woman’s advancement in the realm of character which has facilitated her upward mobility – rather, it is man’s loss of character. She has gained ground only because he has lost ground. And why has he lost ground? Because the white male has been bamboozled. He has been shamed into submission and made to feel guilty about his aggression and his will-to-power. But are not aggression and the will-to-power part and parcel of his character, stamped upon his soul by nature itself? Are they not in fact the very things which once ordained his greatness?

Modern woman would have us believe that she has been oppressed by countless centuries of male domination. Can this be true? She would have us believe that her standing was the outcome of some arbitrary bit of whimsy, concocted spitefully by man and imposed maliciously (unfairly!) upon woman.

Was woman forcibly held back by the superior strength and intellect of man, or was she simply in an “inferior” position due to some lack of those qualities within herself? Was it man who chose a second class existence for woman, or was it, in fact, nature? Man sought only to act in accordance with the reality dictated by nature’s wisdom.

Woman, in her bitterness, blamed man for the position in which she found herself. This was surely his doing. He had cruelly cheated her out of all that was rightfully hers. The cad! Allowing her emotions to run wild (as usual), woman blamed man for all the world’s ills, attacking male values at every opportunity. Ironically, it was the collapse and disappearance of male values which permitted woman’s rise to begin with. The “domination” which she so fervently attacked had, for all intents and purposes, long since vanished from public life. The positive, aggressive male values behind every step of upward evolution have been superseded by a soft and passive female ethic.

What can be done to subdue the sickly sway of feminine values? How can we silence the interminable whining of feminism’s sob sisters? In a nutshell: Woman must be put back in her place. Man’s great error was to put woman on a pedestal, when she is far more at ease on her knees - where she belongs. The only way to subdue feminine values is by subduing the female herself. Woman must be reacquainted with truth and force. She must be reacquainted with truth through force.

Since woman is above all an emotional creature, appeals to her “intellect” are worthless. She must be shown in no uncertain terms the absolute nature of the master/slave relationship endemic to the sexes. What plainer way to demonstrate this relationship than the simple act of rape? This primary act reveals beyond a reasonable doubt certain irrefutable verities: Man is taller, woman is smaller. Man is strong, woman is weak. Man is master, woman is not.

The ritual we now call marriage originated as abduction, rape, and enslavement. In those happy-go-lucky days, one’s rights were not mere abstractions based on legislation, but rather the outcome of what could be imposed by physical force alone. Force was recognized as truth in action, and the outcome of force was acknowledged as justice. Although this principle has been widely disavowed, it’s truth is as absolute now as it ever was.

And the only truth a woman is capable of understanding is that which she can feel wholly within the depths of her childlike emotions. At one time, those emotions could be swayed by the sweet notion of romance, but her envy has long since destroyed that. These days, the only way to restore balance between the sexes is by fear and pain. Fear commands respect, and pain demands understanding

Rape is the act by which fear and pain are united in love. It is the triumph of harmony through oppression.

Rape teaches balance, the natural balance of man=above/woman=below. This balance is a lesson which woman must learn, and only man can teach her.

The only way to teach subjugation is through hands on oppression. And woman must learn subjugation. The only way to teach submission is through active domination. And woman must learn submission. She must be brought down to her natural kneeling position. She must be returned to the bottom, where she’s happiest. Only then may man be happy once more.

If it takes war to reinstate this happiness, then let there be war. Not a war between the sexes, but a war of the sexes, against the pernicious doctrine of sexual equality. And if the chief weapon in this war is rape, then let there be rape. Let there be triumphant male force riding roughshod over woman and her values. Let there be brutal male force instructing and enlightening woman in absolute terms. Each rape is but a battle in a war. And each battle won is but a link in a glorious chain – a chain which will one day be used to keep woman in her naturally ordained place – beneath man.

Most Women who want equality are lesbians who wish that they had the power of the penis which men wield daily to control the world and most important the shiny metals that reside within the world. They have "evolved" to have verbal fights with men, so that they can either feel powerful, try to deny a man his rightful use of her vagina or simply because they like drama, losing battles and being revenge-fucked.

People often wonder why women exist despite having contributed jack **** to society. This is mainly because it's a man's world, and God was a man, so he made the universe the way it was supposed to be in his eyes. One could ponder why he didn't just create natural vaginas in flowers or in tree stumps or something instead of turning them into the bitching, period-having, sorry-excuse-of-a-human known as the women, so it would make the world a better place for men to live in peace and prosperity. Technology would be a million times more advanced than it is today, and men wouldn't be thrown in prison for useless, petty **** like rape and domestic abuse; as well as carrying financial burdens on their shoulders for "paying" child support all over busting a nut inside a woman's vagina to express their natural right in enjoying sexual activity.
Just take a look and see who has the best positions, best jobs, highest salaries, most historical achievements and more control in society. If you look into the real world you'll see that politically and economically men are superior. Science has even proven men to be smarter, stronger, richer, and more successful in everything, but like I said before, the truth is being hidden from everyone to make women feel equal to us men. Women's only uses extend to cooking for men, cleaning after men, sucking men's penises, getting fucked, and taking care of the unfortunate end-results of sex. In truth, a man would undoubtedly do a better job at these things than a woman ever could, but it's nice to have the service.

It has been always been a universally recognised scientific and historic fact that the female brain is smaller than its male counterpart. It could also be suggested that women in America have IQ points in the 65-70 range.

Need more proof? https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=T0xoKiH8JJM

This man is like a messenger from God sent to enlighten women around the world about why everything sucks because of them. Like a real man, Dick puts out his contact info for directly handling death threats. Of course, all of the women who call keep on proving Dick's point that women are stupid because they just ramble on about **** nobody cares about. The angrier they get the more they know it's true. I'm always amazed at the lengths women will go to to avoid admitting that men are clearly superior.

But enough of talk. The time for words is over. The time for action has come. Now is the time to rise up. Now is the time to go forth. Now is the time to educate. Now is the time to subjugate. Now is the time to dominate.
Sat 25 Aug, 2012 08:02 pm
Ya fuckin dipshit. Go somewhere and play with yourself.
Sat 25 Aug, 2012 08:45 pm
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Sat 25 Aug, 2012 09:14 pm
Meh. I give it 2/10.

Too long.
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Sat 25 Aug, 2012 10:00 pm
He was and he is.
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Sat 25 Aug, 2012 10:04 pm
The day you know what truth means will be blody long time coming--- keep wanking yourself... dipwhit.
Sat 25 Aug, 2012 10:17 pm
tenderfoot wrote:

The day you know what truth means will be blody long time coming--- keep wanking yourself... dipwhit.

even if you are right that I am wrong you have not given an explanation for the aversion towards looking for the truth about the relations between men and women. where we are now is that we must either except the feminists teachings on the subject or voice alternate opinions at our own substantial risk of being labeled women haters and trouble makers. this is no better than the church heretics faced back when the Church was in power.

what we need is more smart people who are willing to question the propaganda that has been spoon fed to them since birth. this most certainly is not you.
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Sun 26 Aug, 2012 02:13 am
What a fuckin' drama queen.
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Sun 26 Aug, 2012 02:58 am
If you know so much, why the user name BLIND?

At one time, all was right with the world. It was lorded over by men who imposed their will by force. Women kept their mouths shut,

Really? Wish I could recall how to link this properly with youtube/ but you will soon get the picture.


Equal world... Good luck in not living your life alone for the rest of it.
Sun 26 Aug, 2012 03:21 am
Those who believe that women are in any way equal to men are incapable of independent thought and can only form opinions based on those of friends, family, and, in particular, those of the popular media. The hidden knowledge being kept from the masses, and i'm going to start getting people to expose these truths.

At one time, all was right with the world. It was lorded over by men who imposed their will by force. Women kept their mouths shut, underlings knew their place, and those who opposed the prevailing order had their heads cut off. ....

I read as far as this, BlindBandit. Thanks for the laugh.
No need to read any further. I get the gist.
Maybe women here are *supposed* to start getting upset, all wound up & indignant & come out with their boxing gloves on?
Nah. This has got to be a joke.
Are you a comedian?
Where are you playing?
I'd love to come & see your act.
1950s humour is very funny! Smile
Sun 26 Aug, 2012 10:44 am
Really? Wish I could recall how to link this properly with youtube/ but you will soon get the picture.

Found use the youtube tags.

Use the [ ] brackets and put the word youtube inbetween them to start the tag. Then add another tag at the end of the link that is identical as the first tag but add a / at the beginning of the tag but still inside the brackets.

It looks like this.

Sun 26 Aug, 2012 11:18 am
If you know so much, why the user name BLIND?

Blind Bandit is the name of a cartoon character. She's a blind 12 year girl who has the amazing ability to dispose of all the male wrestler thugs in a tournament. In other words, she's superior to them.

Maybe the OP is actually female and trying to provoke an anti-male response, or a defensive reaction from women. He/she certainly is trying to stir up anger in the most heavy-handed over-the-top manner possible, but, like msolga, my immediate response was to laugh while reading it. Sexism carried to such an absurd extreme is funny--and it exposes sexists for the nitwits that they are. Whether or not that was the OP's intention really is beside the point, that's the effect of a post like that--it's so absurd and exaggerated it becomes comic.

Women don't need defending in response to that sort of post. They don't need to prove either their superiority or their equality, and neither do men. Thinking in those terms is ridiculous. We have two genders which are mutually complementary and neither is inferior or superior to the other, and to engage in a discourse within those parameters is just idiotic.

Trolls like to dangle bait. The best way to deal with them is not to take it.

Sun 26 Aug, 2012 11:26 am
I just figured it was a Hawkeye sock puppet.
Sun 26 Aug, 2012 11:26 am
He/she certainly is trying to stir up anger in the most heavy-handed over-the-top manner possible,

under that theory howard stern wants everyone to be angry with him. doubtul.

We have two genders which are mutually complementary and neither is inferior or superior to the other,
was this proven somewhere, because i have not seen the proof.
Sun 26 Aug, 2012 11:29 am
JPB wrote:

I just figured it was a Hawkeye sock puppet.

i have far more integrity than that. unlike me however this person shows no interest in examining the question, does seem to have other motives. starting three threads on the same subject and never returning to them indicates unsavory motives.
Sun 26 Aug, 2012 12:16 pm
1950s humour is very funny!

Actually, I think we're in humor from the 1930's.

Did you know that Woman Haters was the name of a 1934 3 Stooges movie?

And the Our Gang comedy of 1937, Mail and Female, had the He-Man Woman Haters Club presided over by Spanky

It was childish humor even back then.

And the best thing to do with this thread is to use it for humor.
As in, the OP forgot to mention this...Laughing
And, can you believe, they used to run ads like this one?

Just for laughs...


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Sun 26 Aug, 2012 12:40 pm

Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
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Sun 26 Aug, 2012 12:51 pm
I love George Carlin. Wish he was still around.
0 Replies
Sun 26 Aug, 2012 01:10 pm
[quote=" Whackeye" ]i have far more integrity[/quote]

Ah-hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha . . .

This is a humor thread!
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