Where do you get twice as many Republicans believe Obama isn't American? It just doesn't sound quantifiable. I can definitely understand people with a proclivity to dislike him assigning his healthcare program as "European," or socialist-leaning - easily translated to not American or the ever popular anti- or un-American.
I think attempting to turn
foreign or this other verbiage into some sinister epithet is goofy, though.
Our country IS on the decline. I don't visualize a bunch of Chicken Littles running about - I think the economists and the rest of us can ably see that we are in a mess, and as experts report, there are no easy solutions. In these cases, hyper-partisans collect in bars, political war rooms, online political websites, and just about anywhere else two people stand still long enough in order to find a way to blame the other party.
I think we've been irresponsibly personally and collectively, and we will suffer for it in the same categories.
Fear is not exclusive to the GOP. I think when people, such as yourself, fall on some really simple, insulting reason for why a mass votes, you are REALLY insulting a lot of people and yourself.
"They don't like me cause they're stupid."
Perhaps a little objective self-assessment can show you your part in how they vote. But most of the Democrats or Democrat supporters here refuse to analyze weaknesses in their party or their candidate. They refuse to give credence to any values or realistic concerns of members of the other party.
They all just must be stupid.
Frightening to imagine such intelligent people seeing the world in stark black and white terms.