my imput on jobs around the house: No job is specified to a be a man's job or a woman's job. All things need to be done equal, as far as the trash,changing light bulbs, dishes, LAUNDRY. Both of you use it, if it needs to be done then do it, THE ONE WHO SEE'S IT...... Dont leave it for the other to come home to take care of it. It needs to be done... Like I tell my husband you take your clothes off in the back room to jump in the shower,you see a pile of clothes then why not just start a load to help out.(since your right there) I place something in the trash and it falls on the floor because the trash is full then I have to empty it and take it out. Now since i'm cooking dinner and he needs a plate, I'm NOT doing dishes while i cook and he sits on his ass, No you can help me out, by doing them for me to deserve your dinner..... And vice versa on all...
As far as the oil changes well.... Most men know how and want to do that anyway. But if your car needs it ask for help on how!! Get involved.. Dont expect, get dirty together then clean each other If you know what i mean.. I am a woman that like to work on cars and we take turns, or work together on getting it done..
The best thing to do is comunicate.... If one or the other is overloaded with things to do, then ask for help, or ask him or her to do a job you want done, if they dont want that job, place the chores on the table and pick. And make it fair... example: dinner needs to be cooked, laundry, trash, dishes, and the lights out on the porch..
ask which jobs he would like to do first, let him choose. if all he picks is the trash, say ok how about this, I will cook dinner and do dishes. If you could please do the laundry, take the trash out and change the bulb, after dinner i will help you fold and put away the clothes. Deal? I make his plate and get his drink, if he is cooking I do expect the same treatment. Do to others as you want done to yourself.... I hope this make sence, and i hope it helps.... good luck