Oh my indeed!
First, standard disclaimer -- I doubt any answers will help settle the argument. Just keep talking, try to come to some sort of a compromise. But I'll give it a shot.
1. Age range (by decade atleast)
2. Who takes out the garbage?
Usually hubby, sometimes me.
3. Have you EVER had more than twenty bags stacked outside your back
4. How many times have you had to change the oil, check it, put brake
fluid in etc.(f)? How many times have you asked her to? (m)
Maybe twice? Never asked. (Didn't start driving until I was 27.)
5. Who does the stuff like.. changes light bulbs(stupid example i know)?
Whomever just saw it go out. Probably me more than him.
6. Does dishes?
Have a dishwasher -- he usually loads, I usually unload.
7. Do you feel anxious at all leaving the children in his care (female)? or
(male) does she take the kids if she leaves the house?
I don't feel anxious, anymore anyway, did for a while when daughter was tiny (she's 3 now.)
8. What is the percentage ratio of household chores to each?
Uhh. I dunno. Whatever feels fair. If it doesn't feel fair to one or the other of us, we re-negotiate. Also depends on definition -- how does everyday care of a three-year-old fit in there? (Fixing all meals, cleaning up after all meals, starting art projects, cleaning up after all art projects, etc., etc...)
9. Do you make his plate?(female) or (male) does she make your plate
for you?
"Make his plate"? Like, put the food on it? Depends on the food, how rushed we are, any number of things. Probably (sheer guess) 15% I put the food on his plate, 75% we put our food on our own plates, 10% he puts the food on my plate.
10. Are you employed? Full or part time? significant other?
I'm a consultant and do a lot of volunteer work, mostly a stay-at-home mom. He works his li'l butt off. 80 hrs +/ wk.
11. Who has the majority of the control over financial stuff.
Majority? Control? I guess hubby since I stopped working, but no major decision is made solo. We have separate bank accounts.
12. Who runs the errands? pays bills, deals with landlords, loans etc.
I see errands as separate from the second part of your question -- grocery shopping et al. I do a lot of the everyday errands, he tends to do more bill-paying sorts of things.
13. Do you trust him to go to the store and get the right thing(female)? or
(male) If you go to the store, does she find something to *itch about?
I trust him.
14. Does he ever offer to go to the store for you (f)?
Do you ever offer to do ANYTHING nice for her(m)?
15. Has he ever even BEEN to the goddamn store?
Hee hee... Good luck, soserene...