@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:I was once a "right wing guy" too,
Do u have a bridge for sale ?
Did u
ever vote for a right wing candidate for political office ??
I bet u did
cicerone imposter wrote:but they no longer represent their primary thesis;
Are u accusing us of
rejecting the views
of George Washington & James Madison as expressed in the Constitution??
cicerone imposter wrote:they're now on discrimination of gays and women,
First and foremost, I continue to support
the freedom of
laissez faire capitalism,
( e.g., I have
vocally defended the right of any citizen
to discriminate against
ME, for
any reason or for
NO reason,
the same as when a lady rejects my social overtures).
In my personal dealings, I never discriminate against gays or women.
I bear them
good will on a
Liberty of volition is important in the
Land of the FREE and the Home of the Brave.
cicerone imposter wrote:don't tax the rich,
C.I., u
misrepresent my position
and after
misrepresenting it, then u condemn the invention of your straw-man
Our position has been and
IS that
everyone shud be taxed at the
The "equal protection of the laws" philosophy shud be applied in taxation.
The 16th Amendment does
NOT authorize discrimination based on financial success.
Discriminatory rates of taxation are
naked USURPATION of power by government.
I favor repealing income taxation
and fully funding all governments in America
from sales taxes, at
exactly the same rate for all purchasers.
That way each taxpayer personally,
freely determines how much
he will pay in taxation.
cicerone imposter wrote:control women's vagina,
I usually recognize their autonomy, but your comment is
not specific enuf
for me to give a comprehensive reply.
cicerone imposter wrote: and require government picture ID's to vote.
That is a superb idea (requiring picture id. to defeat leftist fraud),
as long as such id. is actually
available to any voter.
cicerone imposter wrote:I don't know where your heads at, but it certainly isn't as a true conservative.
I voted for Barry
Goldwater & Ronald Reagan.
How much
MORE conservative do u want me to
GET ????????
Your criticism is
false, and
unfounded in fact.
I challege u to identify where I 've gone rong
so far as being a "true conservative". (This shud be fun.)
I fully adhere to the
Original Intendment of the Constitution, as amended, per its Article 5.