Do you boycott certain businesses?

Reply Sun 23 Sep, 2012 12:02 am
Since you're apparently having problems with reading comprehension tonight, it is not at all clear that they are in fact changing their donation policies (see post above yours). If they made a large donation to a pro-same-sex-marriage organization to atone for past misdeeds, I might change my mind. As it stands, I don't like their whole holier-than-thou attitude or their whole political outlook. There's certainly no dearth of fast food places who haven't yet offended my value system, so I see no reason to eat at ChickFil-A, or to suggest anyone else should eat there either. They made their choices. I've made mine.
Reply Sun 23 Sep, 2012 12:19 am

I have no choice to make,
in that none of their restaurants exist around here, so far as I know.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Sep, 2012 12:23 am
I approve of your de facto boycott of them, david. (actually you do have a choice--you can test your convictions: there's one in Greenwich Village, 5 University Place, near NYU). Google is your firend, David.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Sep, 2012 12:58 am
it is not at all clear that they are in fact changing their donation policies

it is not at all clear that they needed to change their donation policy to keep you happy according to your previous position

Even Joe Moreno, a Chicago alderman securely in the pro-homosexual camp, confirmed to WND that the company’s giving should not even have been an issue.

Responding to a question about his review of Chick-fil-A form 990 for 2011, he confirmed that there were no donations “of concern.”

He was asked, “Does the alderman reviewing the 990 for 2011 and finding no donations of concern mean that Chick-fil-A was already meeting a demand before it was even a demand since at least 2010.”

“I believe that is the case,” a statement from Moreno’s office confirmed to WND.


but I understand that now that you demand that they atone for their alleged previous sins it is going to be very difficult to get you into one of their stores.

I would consul them to not bother trying, as it is likely that you will continue to move the goal posts, since you seem to have hate in your heart for all those who dont agree with you on this matter.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Sep, 2012 01:53 am
Nope, what I've said all along: if someone does something I find odious, which includes but is certainly not limited to who they donate to, I'm not gonna patronize them.
Reply Sun 23 Sep, 2012 02:09 am
MontereyJack wrote:
Nope, what I've said all along: if someone does something I find odious,
which includes but is certainly not limited to who they donate to, I'm not gonna patronize them.
U r more intense than me. Credit to u.
Some years ago, the NRA indicated that Sara Lee cake donated
to anti-freedom organizations, against my right to bear arms.
It was implied that we shud decide whether we wanted our cash
to end up there. I resolved to stop buying the cake; that lasted about 1O minutes.
Then I abandoned the boycott. We won the HELLER case in the USSC anyway.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Sep, 2012 03:53 pm
A leopard never changes its spots!

The Chicago alderman who claims Chick-fil-A executives promised him the company was changing its antigay ways is now demanding an explanation for President Dan Cathy's recent behavior. And if he doesn't get one, then the alderman says Cathy can forget about expanding in Chicago

Reply Mon 24 Sep, 2012 03:59 pm
Just goes to show that while the Daily Machine is gone some of the anti democracy leavers of power still remain. One person should not be able to on his own keep a particular sandwhich shop from opening in a particular ward, much less in the whole city. If I were a democrat I would be very embarrised.
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Mon 24 Sep, 2012 10:37 pm
You don't seem to get it.

When it comes to haters, the Constitution be damned!
Reply Mon 24 Sep, 2012 10:52 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
which is worse?

A) allowing businesses and business owners to give money to whom ever they want, to include causes we dont approve of

B) allowing alderman to block projects on their own with no oversight for what ever reason they choose (perhaps because they never got a demanded bribe)

I will go with "B"

It is a no-brainer...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Sep, 2012 12:16 am

It hardly seems likely that a city government
has jurisdiction to freely decide who can do business within that city.
Reply Tue 25 Sep, 2012 12:29 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

It hardly seems likely that a city government
has jurisdiction to freely decide who can do business within that city.

a business needs city permits, which this alderman thinks he can squash, not based upon the franchisee not meeting the requirements for the permits but because this alderman does not approve of corporate decisions. The ACLU is on record that they intend to sue if this is allowed to happen, on the grounds that it violates the Constitution.

Aldermanic privilege refers to the power of Chicago city council members (aldermen) to initiate or block city council or city government actions concerning their own wards. Sometimes written into official council rules, it is often based on unwritten understandings among members or on arrangements with city administrators who find it expedient to routinely comply with aldermanic requests.

Mid-nineteenth-century city councils ordered street improvements and assessments to pay for them only if approved first by the local alderman, but because the alderman was expected to carefully represent local property owners, he enjoyed little independent discretion. By the 1890s, informal understandings among city council members allowed an alderman to “dry up” liquor sales in areas within his ward. As city government acted more vigorously and its regulatory powers grew, “council courtesies” gave members veto power in council votes relative to their wards, notably in cases of zoning changes and variances. Aldermen regularly intervened in city departments seeking such favors for voters as tree-cutting, alley cleaning, and permits for driveways and building conversions.

Aldermen, in turn, typically exercised this power only with the approval of their party's ward committeeman. Those aldermen who were also committeemen acted as “little mayors” of their wards. Reformers objected that aldermanic privilege led to inconsistent application of ordinances, legislative inefficiency, and outright corruption.

Aldermanic privilege reached its zenith in the mid-twentieth century. In 1955, however, Mayor Richard J. Daley centralized zoning variation and driveway permit procedures, denying aldermen veto power and concentrating decision-making in the hands of expert city officials. But changes in the zoning ordinance remain the prerogative of the council, and in the 1980s and '90s members could block city sales or acquisitions of property in their wards. Scandals spurred adoption of an ethics ordinance in 1997, making the exercise of aldermanic privilege more transparent but not eliminating it.

Reply Tue 25 Sep, 2012 12:43 am
now that whats his name is demanding clarification of Chicka's support level for gay marriage before allowing permits to be issued I think it is clear that the correct response from corporate is "go **** yourself, and we will see you soon in court if you insist upon continuing to be an un-american asshole".
Reply Tue 25 Sep, 2012 12:53 am
Should the personal opinions of a company owner affect that owner's right to do business in Chicago? City aldermen are divided on the question, but Moreno has some support from Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel.
"Chick-fil-A's values are not Chicago values. They're not respectful of our residents, our neighbors or our family members," Mayor Emanuel said.

Chick-fil-A's owner Dan Cathy -- a Christian who takes pride in his 1,600-restaurant chain's family values and its refusal to open on Sundays -- was quoted in a religious magazine saying he opposed gay marriage.

There's already a Gold Coast Chick-fil-A in downtown's 42nd Ward. The firm has applied for a second city outlet in Logan Square where Moreno vows to use his "aldermanic privilege" to refuse the company's needed permits.

"I will defend an alderman saying this is what's best for my neighborhood and I want you to respect that," Ald. Danny Solis, zoning committee chairman, said.

But the 42 ward's Brendan Reilly-- who supports gay marriage-- says there are limits to stopping a business based on what the owner believes:

"Zoning and business development I think should be done generally in a vacuum. If it's a solid business model, these folks should be given a chance to compete in the Chicago Market," Ald. Brendan Reilly, 42nd Ward, said.

Meanwhile other aldermen from the high-unemployment west side would love a taste of Chick-fil-A in their wards.

"Yes, if it produced jobs. And then if there was another business that they believe in gay marriage and wanted to locate in my Ward, I'd put 'em right next door to 'em," Ald. Michael Chandler, 24 Ward, said.

"We want to welcome them to our community. If Chick-fil-A wants to move a little further south, a little further west, God bless 'em," Ald. Jason Ervin, 28 Ward, said.


i bet that if push came to shove that the elites of the city would put down Moreno, as they dont come out well if SCOTUS rubs out "aldermatic privilege". Chicka should not bother trying to work with him, they should go around him.
Reply Tue 25 Sep, 2012 01:21 am
July 26, 2012
Although it’s not an official part of the city code, in the vast majority of cases, Chicago aldermen enjoy the power of “aldermanic privilege” when deciding what businesses receive the needed zoning to open shop in their wards.

That means, if an alderman does not support a specific project for his ward, even if most other aldermen would support it, they typically bow to their colleague’s wishes on zoning matters.

However, on rare occasions, the City Council has ignored the tradition of “aldermanic privilege,” on such matters.

Solis said that could happen in the ongoing dispute between Moreno and Chick-Fil-A if Moreno isn’t careful how he proceeds in his efforts to block the chain from opening a restaurant in Logan Square.

“I’m not going to be considering my recommendation on that item, if it gets presented to that committee based on the human rights issue,” Solis said. “I’m going to be considering it on the zoning issues, whether it’s traffic, safety, right of way issues – and that’s going to be the basis of our decision.


interesting. now I wonder why Chicka ever bothered to play with him in the first place...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Sep, 2012 01:55 am
As mentioned above, if Chick-Fil-A goes to court, they're just going to be shooting themselves in the foot. The more the story stays in the news, the more they're going to damage their image and the more damage they're going to do to their business. Public opinion on gay issues has changed dramatically in the last ten years, and the trendline is steepening. Chick-F is increasingly out of step with the country. They seem to want to expand out of the Bible Belt, but they're not gonna do it like this. Remember Denny's in a similar case. Their treatment of customers was widely perceived as racist, their marketing image tanked, and it took them years to recover. Chick seems to be following in their footsteps. It'll be scant comfort to them in years to come to realize they brought it on themselves.
Reply Tue 25 Sep, 2012 02:41 am
Public opinion on gay issues has changed dramatically in the last ten years
negative opinion on abuse of power is still pretty strong, and you seem to forget that Chicka promotes its views on purpose, and claims that this has been and continues to be good for business. taking the city of chicago to court would be nothing but net.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Sep, 2012 02:47 am
Doubtful. Won't fly in the north.
Reply Tue 25 Sep, 2012 03:56 am
A No_Buy/No_Patronize list?


  • The Wash. Post and NY Times (obvious).
  • The Denver Airport (lacks adequate restroom facilities) I recommend avoiding trips which even connect in Denver.
  • "Green(TM)" products.
  • Ben/Jerry's ice cream products.
  • Anything made in Albania, Checheniya, Gaza, or occupied Kosovo (that is, if those lunatics ever get to the point of producing anything at all other than murder and crime, and trying to sell it...)
  • "Organic(TM)" food products.
  • French, Swedish, or English motor vehicles (perfectly happy to buy furniture or food products from those nations but within my experience their cars and vehicles are garbage).
  • Questionable products from China. One big exception is optics products since they make that stuff for their own military and they've drastically lowered the cost of such items while retaining quality.

Most of the stuff on that list is just being a good consumer by avoiding.

0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 25 Sep, 2012 09:50 am
Let's face it; the facts are that most of us do not know the political leanings of business owners. We don't bother to check them out before we do business with them. To lambast one business based on the owner's statement is sort of myopic from my POV.

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