Are you saying that girls commonly want to join the boy scouts, and to go on overnight camp outs with them? Without knowing exactly what you mean by "breaks through some 'all boy" barrier," it's really impossible to judge whether or not you have constructed a valid analogy. The girl in the video is objecting to children who have been raised as boys being allowed to participate in all-girl activities because they declare that they are really girls, rather than boys--in spite of their apparent anatomy. The video which BF provides is of a child who has been raised as a girl who feels that she is, in fact, a boy. The situation there is certainly not analogous to an objection to children who have been raised as boys being allowed to participate in all-girl activities. Again, i will point out that children do not have, and in my opinion, should not have, the same rights as adults. If any child who has been raied as a boy wishes to become female, "he" may certainly do so, of his own accord,
when he is of the legal age to make such a decision for himself. That this discussion involves children is crucial to my position, and generalities about the rights of individuals, or the nature of those who are raised as one gender (and who physiologically possess the attributes of that gender) but wish to be the other gender, simply don't apply in that special situation.