Overkill and sort of ridiculous.
Most of these anti-smoking laws send the smokers outside where they are more likely to spread the smoke to others than if they were in the confines of their own home.
In New York City, no office smoking means smokers need to take a smokers break and they then stand in front of the office building. No smoking in bars has created major headaches and respiratory woes for the people who rented or bought their residence before the law came in as the patrons run in and out of bars and various eateries, puff away, the plumes of smoke wafting gently upwards to the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and higher floors unless they always keep their windows shut and sealed. People walking along have to navigate through these clouds of patron smoke and often with rather testy patrons. There are also often dozens upon dozens of cigarette butts littering the sidewalk where before these laws, the walkways were usually quite clean (or at least less ash laden).