OK, that's some new information. You're putting too much responsibility on the barn, though.
You also seem to be assuming that we have knowledge of how this whole system works. As far as I can tell:
- You want to take riding lessons once a week
- You need to be evaluated before you can take those lessons
- You haven't scheduled an evaluation yet
If that's the case, just put a hold on everything and focus on your mom. Your dad seems onboard already. Say to your mom, "Is there anything I can or should be doing to help you come to a final decision about the barn?" I assume they're paying -- is it expensive? Your mom might not want to pay a lot of money for a nice barn when you already had to leave one because of drama. (Is that what "It's also partially because my behavior what my mom says to me" means? I wasn't sure.)
Then IF your mom gives a final go-ahead, then either call, yourself, or have your mom call to set up the evaluation. (15 seems old enough to make the arrangements yourself, but not before getting official approval from your mom.)