Cycloptichorn wrote:You're a nutter, man.
You're no different from the sexist pigs who demeaned the suffragettes once upon a time.
Cycloptichorn wrote:You're free to believe whatever you wish, but at the end of the day, you're not part of any militia and you don't have the right to own the sorts of weapons that you say would be necessary to be a part of any such group.
Yes and no. You are only assuming that I've not joined the Michigan Volunteer Defense Force.
Your assumption is correct, though. I've not joined the MVDF. (Though I might if they ever invade Ohio to reclaim Toledo.

However, such members do have such a right. The Second Amendment is very clear on the rights of militiamen. They have the right to
keep arms, as well as to bear them.
Cycloptichorn wrote:You can mutter all you like about how unconstitutional that is, but you're full of **** and everyone knows it.
Nope. I provided a wealth of links to prove my case, and you've not been able to mount any sort of argument whatsoever against what I said.
Your complete inability to make any sort of counterargument to my points is a pretty good indication that I am right.
Cycloptichorn wrote:No different than the gold-bugs or those who say all modern taxes are illegal.
No, if someone said modern taxes were illegal, it would be possible to confront them with a solid argument as to why they are mistaken.
That is quite a contrast to your profound inability to address any of the evidence I laid out.
Your failure to mount any sort of argument does not reflect on *my* position. It reflects on *your* position.