Reply Wed 19 Sep, 2012 09:55 pm
What does it taste like?
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 20 Sep, 2012 12:03 am
Polls: Obama Leads in Florida, Ohio, Virginia National Journal via Yahoo! News - 8 hours ago
Polls: Obama Leads in Wis.; Closer in Colo., Va National Journal via Yahoo! News - 10 hours ago

Bye bye Romney.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Sep, 2012 06:20 am
For a true cropped video look no further than the drudge report; repeated of course by Romney.

The Drudge Report cropped comments President Obama made in 1998 about government's role in creating a society where everybody has a shot and used those cropped comments to portray Obama as a socialist.

Drudge linked to a YouTube video supposedly taken from an October 1998 conference at Loyola University with a picture of Obama and the headline, "I actually believe in redistribution." The quote was picked up by Gateway Pundit blogger Jim Hoft who used the video to call Obama "America's Socialist In Chief."

But the quote leaves off the end of Obama's sentence: "at least at a certain level to make sure that everybody's got a shot."

Obama was actually talking about the role of government in providing services, but also criticizing ineffective forms of government. For instance, Obama says in the audio, "[W]e do have to be innovative in thinking, what are the delivery systems that are actually effective and meet people where they live?"

He was talking broadly about pooling resources to make sure that everybody has a fair shot.

Transcript of the YouTube audio:

OBAMA: Let me just close by saying, as we think about the policy research surrounding the issues that I just named, policy research for the working poor, broadly defined, I think that what we're going to have to do is somehow resuscitate the notion that government action can be effective at all. There has been a systematic -- I don't think it's too strong to call it a propaganda campaign against the possibility of government action and its efficacy. And I think some of it has been deserved. Chicago Housing Authority has not been a model of good policymaking. And neither necessarily have been the Chicago Public Schools.

What that means, then, is, is that as we try to resuscitate this notion that we're all in this thing together, leave nobody behind, we do have to be innovative in thinking, what are the delivery systems that are actually effective and meet people where they live? And my suggestion, I guess, would be that the trick -- and this is one of the few areas where I think there are technical issues that have to be dealt with, as opposed to just political issues -- I think the trick is figuring out how do we structure government systems that pool resources and hence facilitate some redistribution, because I actually believe in redistribution, at least at a certain level to make sure that everybody's got a shot.

source with links

Here Obama was actually talking about some government programs that didn't work and how to make them efffective to "redistribute" money around to make them effective.
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 20 Sep, 2012 08:47 am
Their desperation is showing big time now; Romney shoots from the mouth without knowing what he's actually saying. All those back-tracking of his statements recorded for the world to see has already damaged his campaign; only he and Ryan doesn't think so. More lies will be forthcoming, and a bigger shoe will be filling Romney's mouth between now and election day.

That's a promise.
Reply Thu 20 Sep, 2012 08:53 am
whose bon mot was it that Romney was born with a silver foot in his mouth.
Reply Thu 20 Sep, 2012 09:00 am
Ann Richards famously said that about George H.W. Bush during the 1988 Democratic National Convention.

Poor George, he can't help it. He was born with a silver foot in his mouth
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Sep, 2012 09:07 am
jeez, three out of the last four. way to go Republicans.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Sep, 2012 09:12 am
@cicerone imposter,
only he and Ryan doesn't think so

There's Finn. Don't forget Finn.
Reply Thu 20 Sep, 2012 09:46 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
I was among the poor, I don't need to know any of them personally now.

As I thought.

1) Despite his disregard for religion he is a superstitious fool.

Superstition is actually quite different than religion. It's the acceptance of the idea that we don't know all the forces that actually make up or control our universe, and the suspicion that things may work in different ways than a classical physicist would have us believe. Religion is the idea that these forces can be personified and appeased somehow by following a strict code of conduct. One viewpoint is open and inquisitive, the other is closed and narcissistic.

0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 20 Sep, 2012 09:57 am
I ignore finn's prognostications, because he usually doesn't know what he's talking about, and place his opinions at the lowest end of the scale.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Sep, 2012 10:36 am
Polling for Romney/Ryan has been dreadful over the last few days. Obama now has a commanding lead in electoral votes and has a much clearer path to victory than Romney does -


cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 20 Sep, 2012 10:43 am
I thought those toss-up states were leaning towards Obama?
Reply Thu 20 Sep, 2012 10:46 am
@cicerone imposter,
They are indeed. Here's the map with no toss-ups:


Obama is far enough in the lead, when no toss-ups are taken into account, that he could lose FL, OH and VA - and still win. That's not a great situation for Romney, no matter how you slice it, especially considering that Obama is leading OH by an average of 4.8%, FL by an average of 2%, and VA by 4.7%. Barring some large national collapse by Obama, and a surge by Romney across the board, it will be very difficult for Romney to win on election day.

cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 20 Sep, 2012 10:50 am
You know what's really funny about Alaska leaning red? They rely on government handouts to survive.

cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 20 Sep, 2012 10:52 am
With all the gaffs coming out of Romney's shoed mouth, I'm not sure how he can overcome that handicap.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Sep, 2012 10:58 am
And the rats are starting to flee the sinking ship....

Pawlenty to take over as Financial Services Roundtable CEO

Pawlenty has stepped down as co-chairman of Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign to take the position.
Reply Thu 20 Sep, 2012 11:21 am
Now we will see what Thurston is made of. I believe he sees his crash n burn campaign in a shambles.

Ill bet Ryan has second thoughts too.
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 20 Sep, 2012 12:02 pm
I think it exceeded second thoughts some weeks ago.

He sees Romney as a blunderer extraordinaire. His defense of Romney is half-hearted and the looks of defeat.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Sep, 2012 04:04 pm
Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney used an admission by President Barack Obama just hours before that he could not "change Washington from the inside" against him Thursday at a rally in Sarasota, Fla.

"The President today threw in the white flag of surrender again. He said he can’t change Washington from inside. He can only change it from outside. Well, we’re going to give him that chance in November. He’s going outside," Romney said to cheers. "I can change Washington. I will change Washington. We’ll get the job done from the inside -- Republicans and Democrats will come together.

Romney, campaigning against longtime Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) in 2007, took the opposite position . "So he certainly has political skill, but I believe that at this time, to change Washington, it would be helpful to have somebody who comes with more private sector skill, experience outside Washington. I don't think you change Washington from the inside. I think you change it from the outside."

a lot more details at the source

Reply Thu 20 Sep, 2012 04:10 pm
it's all just a game to Mr. R. eh

You put your right hand in,
You put your right hand out,
You put your right hand in,
And you shake it all about,

You do the hokey pokey
and you turn yourself around
That what it's all about.
0 Replies

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