That's about the size of it.
I have no idea why we had Republican governors for so long. I am guessing people liked Weld (helfino why) and thought they'd continue in that mode. But, truly, Swift in particular was an abomination.
As for Romney, my main thought about him was always
meh. He just struck me as hair and a suit and little else. Now, of course, he's also a rabid homophobic bully and isn't nice to dogs, among other fun stuff. Oh, and panderer to the far right.
I recall a lot being said about Bill Clinton being a panderer, but Romney is right up there. Pretend at liberalism (or what can pass for it) in order to be the Mass. gov, then pretend at conservatism and Tea Party, er, -ism in order to get the Republican nomination for President. Then, I bet, pretend at middle of the road, uh, -ism in order to try to get elected President. I predict a shift to the middle right about the time of the convention (actually, a week after it), mainly fueled by will o' the wisp polls.