Route to the sea.

Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2012 07:05 am
Mitt Romney wrote:
Syria is important because it's Iran's only ally in the Arab world. It's their route to the sea.

UM Mittens to get from Iran to Syria you have to go through Turkey or Iraq. And Iran already has ports on the Arabian Sea.

I won't go into the additional detail that Iran is not arabic, it's Persian.

Perhaps Mr Romney should review some geography along with a little history.


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Type: Question • Score: 19 • Views: 6,874 • Replies: 80

Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2012 07:12 am
raprap wrote:

Mitt Romney wrote:
Syria is important because it's Iran's only ally in the Arab world. It's their route to the sea.

UM Mittens to get from Iran to Syria you have to go through Turkey or Iraq. And Iran already has ports on the Arabian Sea.

I won't go into the additional detail that Iran is not arabic, it's Persian.

Perhaps Mr Romney should review some geography along with a little history.



Syria would be in the Arab world, and if you look at your map, there is a small sea that Syria borders called the Mediterranean.

Don't they teach you this stuff in school?
Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2012 07:20 am
At the point Romney was discussing that (water port), I drew a big zero on his forehead. Love to see Iran try to march though those countries on some military mission. One of whom (Iraq), lost millions at the hands of Iran in a senseless war that dragged on for years.

The portion of the public who think's he's Presidential material DOES NOT USE RATIONALITY as their guide. There are those that will vote for him without listening or verifying any facts coming out of his mouth. They're reacting to some gut level thing - a panic about the economy and will gravitate to anyone who is not Obama.

Romney's the same man that clung to his own descendant of immigrant status. He bragged that he was the offspring (grandfather) of a Mexican immigrant. In reality Romney's grandparents were polygamous Mormons who fled the United States with their children owing to the federal government's prosecution of polygamy.

Let's see him brag about his grand-dad being an exile?
Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2012 07:26 am
Even though the connection from the Med to the world's oceans is under the guns of Israel on the Suez or the UK at Gibraltar--Syria doesn't have a common border with Iran--or do you suffer from Romnesia and you've forgotten how to read a map?

Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2012 07:37 am
Mitt can also see Russia from his LA home BTW Iran already has oceanfront property
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Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2012 07:42 am
raprap wrote:

Even though the connection from the Med to the world's oceans is under the guns of Israel on the Suez or the UK at Gibraltar--Syria doesn't have a common border with Iran--or do you suffer from Romnesia and you've forgotten how to read a map?


He's (Mcblahtrix) so bloody desperate to turn the blatant mistake into a positive that he himself is blind about the really MINOR details like the need to fly over Iraq to get to Syria to use them as an open port to the sea. And would anyone answer the question why would Iran want access to the Mediterranean Sea anyhow?
Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2012 07:50 am
raprap wrote:

Even though the connection from the Med to the world's oceans is under the guns of Israel on the Suez or the UK at Gibraltar--Syria doesn't have a common border with Iran--or do you suffer from Romnesia and you've forgotten how to read a map?


I read the quote and fail to see where Romney said they did share a border. Can you point that out?

Do you deny that Syria and Iran are allies now too? You obviously have reading comprehension issues as you thought Romney was speaking of Iran being part of the Arab world when he was obviously talking about Syria. Maybe you are reading too much into his statement and are really desperate to find any kind of flaw in Romney and you, the Dem talking heads and others here will just stoop to any level to denigrate Romney.
Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2012 07:52 am
tsarstepan wrote:

raprap wrote:

Even though the connection from the Med to the world's oceans is under the guns of Israel on the Suez or the UK at Gibraltar--Syria doesn't have a common border with Iran--or do you suffer from Romnesia and you've forgotten how to read a map?


He's (Mcblahtrix) so bloody desperate to turn the blatant mistake into a positive that he himself is blind about the really MINOR details like the need to fly over Iraq to get to Syria to use them as an open port to the sea. And would anyone answer the question why would Iran want access to the Mediterranean Sea anyhow?

Ha! It's so cute when they let the mentally challenged use the internet.
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Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2012 07:54 am
The portion of the public who think's he's Presidential material DOES NOT USE RATIONALITY as their guide. There are those that will vote for him without listening or verifying any facts coming out of his mouth. They're reacting to some gut level thing - a panic about the economy and will gravitate to anyone who is not Obama.

That is about the saddest part of this whole election season, watching and listening to all spinning that has been going since Romney came out of the primary as the last man standing.

Washington, Oct. 23 (ANI): US Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney often sounded completely lost and had no original ideas on most world issues, including Syria, Iran and Afghanistan during the third and final presidential debate on foreign policy.

According to the New York Times, during the debate, Romney sounded as if he had read the boldfaced headings in a briefing book, or a freshman global history textbook, and had not gone much further than that.

Twice during the first half-hour, he mentioned that Al Qaeda-affiliated groups were active in northern Mali.

At other times, he announced that he had a "strategy" for the Middle East, particularly Iran and Syria, and really for the whole world, but gave no clue what it would be.

At his worst, Romney sounded like a 'beauty pageant contestant' groping for an answer to the final question.

"We want a peaceful planet," he said, adding: "We want people to be able to enjoy their lives and know they're going to have a bright and prosperous future and not be at war."

According to the report, he added that the United States "didn't ask for" the mantle of global leadership, but was willing to wear it.

Romney's problem is that he does not actually have any real ideas on foreign policy beyond what President Barack Obama has already done, or plans to do, the report said.

He supported the planned withdrawal from Afghanistan - and was quick to insist during the debate that he would pull out by 2014.

The president virtually attacked Romney at virtually every opportunity, showing no sign of the oddly disconnected Barack Obama who lost the first debate.

When Romney called for spending more money on the military than the United States can afford or the military wants, Obama moved in: "You mentioned the Navy, for example, and that we have fewer ships than we did in 1916. Well, Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets."

Obama hit Romney hard on his ever-shifting positions on world affairs, including comments he made in 2008 disparaging the idea that killing Osama bin Laden should be a priority, the report said.

According to the report, Romney's closing statement summed it all up. He said almost nothing about foreign policy. He moved back to his comfort zone: cheerfully delivered disinformation about domestic policy.


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Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2012 08:02 am
Romney said Syria is Iran only ally in the Arab world and was Iran's route to the sea. Neither is correct.

Mitt Romney is not particularly new to gaffes but when it comes to one about the relationship between Syria and Iran, he has shown extraordinary courage in repeating it at least six times just in the past year.

During last night's foreign policy debate, Romney said: "Syria is Iran's only ally in the Arab world. It's their route to the sea."

In fact, Iran, a close ally of Bashar al-Assad's regime, has direct access to international waters through its large coastline on the Gulf and is not even a neighbour to Syria in order to rely on it as a route to the sea.

Instead, Syria gives Iran a physical access to Lebanon and its Hezbollah militia which is strategically important for Tehran leaders because of the group's geographical position in respect to Israel.

It is not the first time that governor Romney has referred to Syria as a country that provides Iran with a route to the sea.

Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2012 08:11 am
McGentrix wrote:
stoop to any level to denigrate Romney.

Unfortunately I don't have to denigrate Romney--he opened his mouth.

Granted I think he could have been making a metaphor, but his words were poorly chosen. Something that a leader and diplomat have to carefully watch. He didn't and he stepped into a pile of poo.

Not the only poo Romney and/or Obama stepped into BTW, but Obama stepped into poo less and when he did he managed to scrap it off his feet better, in many times onto Romney's shoes.

As a result Obama came out of this debate head and shoulders over the challenger.

Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2012 08:14 am
"It is wonderful to be back in Oregon," Obama said. "Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go. Alaska and Hawaii, I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit, but my staff would not justify it."
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Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2012 08:20 am
raprap wrote:

As a result Obama came out of this debate head and shoulders over the challenger.


Nope. You only think that because Obama is your guy. He was aggressive and agitated and wasn't stoned like the first debate. Therefore, in your Obama loving view, he must have stomped Romney. It's a common flaw in many that look at things like aggression and pettiness as traits to be admired and adored at a debate. Obama did not say anything new, did not lay out any plans, and did not come out "head and shoulders" above Romney.

Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2012 08:22 am
“I would tighten those sanctions. I would say that ships that carry Iranian oil, can’t come into our ports. I imagine the E.U. would agree with us as well.” Iranian oil has not come into the United States since Ronald Reagan signed an executive order in 1987 banning all U.S. imports from Iran.

more at source
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Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2012 08:29 am
7:39AM EDT October 23. 2012 - President Obama won Monday's foreign policy debate in a pair of instant polls, one of them decisively.

In a survey by CBS News, 53% awarded the debate to Obama, to 23% for Republican Mitt Romney and 24% undecided.

An instant CNN poll found a closer closer contest, with 48% favoring Obama and 40% going with Romney, and the remainder undecided.

Now both campaigns will be looking to other polls to see if the debate moves actual votes. Election Day is two weeks away.

"Before the debate, 46% said they would trust Romney, and 58% said they would trust the president. Those numbers spiked to 49% and 71%, respectively.

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Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2012 08:35 am
Snap polls from multiple outlets gave President Obama the victory over Mitt Romney in the foreign policy debate.

In a CNN-ORC poll, 48 percent of voters said Obama won; 40 percent said Romney did. A CBS poll of uncommitted voters was more dramatic: Obama took 53 percent, Romney took 23 percent, and another 24 percent called it a tie.

A survey done by the Democratic automated firm Public Policy Polling, taken in 11 swing states, found Obama won 53 percent to 42 percent. Among independents, he won 55 percent to 40 percent.

Historically snap poll results don’t say much about changes in head-to-head polls, the New York Times’ Nate Silver notes, but at this point even a tiny bump for Obama could matter.


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Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2012 08:55 am

Speaking of the sea, Obama doesn't know that any ship that
goes under water is called a ship wreck. Obama is an idiot.
Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2012 09:01 am
According to the Waterdude, then submarines are shipwrecks.

Waterdude, you are soooo easy.

Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2012 09:05 am
Speaking of the sea, Obama doesn't know that any ship that
goes under water is called a ship wreck


If you're in the Navy, a submarine is a military ship that goes under the water. If you're hungry, it's a type of sandwich

Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2012 09:07 am
Waterdude, you are soooo easy

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