Finn dAbuzz
Reply Wed 1 Aug, 2012 05:39 pm
"Word on the street?"

You mean the cheapshit crap seeping out of Harry Reid's lips.

He also said this:

"Now, do I know that that's true? Well, I'm not certain."

Someone told me that you have been having sex with chickens for the last ten years.

Now, do I know that's true? Well, I'm not certain.

Your hypocrisy shines like a super-nova.
Reply Wed 1 Aug, 2012 05:43 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

"Word on the street?"

You mean the cheapshit crap seeping out of Harry Reid's lips.

He also said this:

"Now, do I know that that's true? Well, I'm not certain."

Someone told me that you have been having sex with chickens for the last ten years.

Now, do I know that's true? Well, I'm not certain.

Your hypocrisy shines like a super-nova.

He's not the only one who has/is alleging this.

And it could be cleaned up really quickly if Romney would just release his returns. Wouldn't you agree?

Re: the chicken thing, look, just don't tell my wife, mkay?


It's pretty ******* pathetic how your side flips out when the other side decides to play hardball. Like you expect to be the only ones who can get away with it. Romney lies every time he opens his mouth about every aspect of Obama and his presidency that he can possibly think of. Brazenly lies. You don't give a **** then; why give a **** now?

Finn dAbuzz
Reply Wed 1 Aug, 2012 05:43 pm
RABEL222 wrote:

The blind stupidity of the U.S voter. But dont worry, when Romney and the republicans reduce us all to surfdom they will once again blame the democrats.

I almost always stay away from commenting on a poster's misspellings, but this one is too rich to pass up.

But then, maybe I'm wrong in thinking you don't include yourself among the mass of blindly stupid voters.

I can see it know, once Mitt & Co are done with us we'll all be toking on joints and calling each other Dude.

Reply Wed 1 Aug, 2012 05:44 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Oh. You showed back up. No comment on your wrongness about the GOP going after pre-FLOTUS Michelle Obama?
I mean, you seemed so sure, and you were wrong.

Nothing at all?
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 1 Aug, 2012 05:45 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
LOL, [quote]I can see it know, once Mitt & Co are done with us we'll all be toking on joints and calling each other Dude.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Wed 1 Aug, 2012 05:50 pm
When was the last time you heard Romney say anything like

Someone told me that Obama is a sleeper terrorist for Al Qaida. Now, do I know that's true? Well I'm not certain.

If you want to equate Romney's public comments about Obama with Harry Reid's outrageous ****, then intellectual honesty requires you to do the same about Obama's comments about Romney.

They are facing off in a political contest with the highest of stakes. It gets ugly more often than it should, but there are limits which each of them seem to observe...not Harry though.

Oh wait, I forgot it was you I was responding to. Intellectual honesty is a non sequitor.
Reply Wed 1 Aug, 2012 05:54 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
When was the last time you heard Romney say anything like

Someone told me that Obama is a sleeper terrorist for Al Qaida. Now, do I know that's true? Well I'm not certain.

Well, Obama didn't say the line about Romney - Reid did. So, your analogy is dreck to begin with.

I will point out that Romney's surrogates say scurrilous **** about Obama constantly. But you knew that already. He's had to put up with defamatory bullshit about his religion and place of birth from your party, from day one of his presidency. And what makes your comment really funny is that he is regularly accused of having 'palled around with terrorists' by your most prominent media voices and even members of Congress on the GOP side.

So, you're full of ****, yet again. You wouldn't know intellectual honesty if it slapped you in the face.


0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Wed 1 Aug, 2012 05:57 pm
Yeah, I'm back.

I figured you folks may have gotten tired shouting in an echo chamber, and drumming up inane contraversies to keep you piqued (you seem to be pretty adept at this).

As for Michelle, do you really think that I duck anyone's posts in this forum (and least of all yours)? Point me in the right direction and I'll take a look.
Reply Wed 1 Aug, 2012 06:19 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

Yeah, I'm back.

I figured you folks may have gotten tired shouting in an echo chamber, and drumming up inane contraversies to keep you piqued (you seem to be pretty adept at this).

As for Michelle, do you really think that I duck anyone's posts in this forum (and least of all yours)? Point me in the right direction and I'll take a look.

Damn, man. You're too small to admit you're wrong, and you use the pussilanimous "show me your research" dodge, too. Any halfwit can google and find examples. Even you. But the halfwit would have to have a little integrity.

Here's one I found in about 30 seconds...
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 1 Aug, 2012 07:47 pm
I think the Chick-A-Fil's support by christians and the right is a sign of why Romney is running neck-and-neck with Obama.

It just proves that homophobia is alive and well in the US. If sexual orientation is what wins the next election, our country is already in a destructive mode.

It's not about the economy, stupid!
Reply Wed 1 Aug, 2012 07:51 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

I think the Chick-A-Fil's support by christians and the right is a sign of why Romney is running neck-and-neck with Obama.

It just proves that homophobia is alive and well in the US. If sexual orientation is what wins the next election, our country is already in a destructive mode.

It's not about the economy, stupid!

The argument could be made that Mitt is in tune with all the little "dog whistle" issues that are red meat to the less tolerant crowd in the GOP. The way he used the NAACP appearance as a show that he was tough to the hard right; the reference to "culture" when talking about superior economies in his recent Middle East visit...
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 1 Aug, 2012 11:58 pm
Here's what Romney's presidency will portend for the middle class and the poor.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2012 09:27 am
Reid reiterated his attack on Romney today, claiming that 'several people' have told him that they know Romney paid no taxes for close to a decade. He asked the reporters interviewing him to press Mr. Romney on this point.

Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2012 09:41 am
I don't understand the Republican outrage against Democratic hardball either. The Democrats are saying nothing worse about Romney than his Republican competitors routinely said during the primary campaign. If what Reid said is so terrible, why did the likes of Finn not protest when Perry and Gingrich said it?
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2012 09:52 am

CNN is reporting today that the Romney campaign is colluding with outside groups in violation of Federal law -

Rove, Gillespie hosting joint political briefing in Aspen

CNN Political Reporter Peter Hamby

Aspen, Colorado (CNN) – Despite laws barring coordination between federal campaigns and outside groups, Karl Rove and Ed Gillespie are hosting a joint closed-door political briefing with leading Republican donors Thursday.

According to Republicans familiar with the schedule, the two operatives are headlining a lunchtime political briefing for top donors at the Republican Governors Association meeting in Aspen, a posh, closed-press affair where GOP governors mingle with some of their biggest financial backers.

RGA Executive Director Phil Cox will also be participating in the briefing, which will focus on the 2012 political landscape and various governors' races around the country.

Rove is a co-founder of American Crossroads, the ascendant Republican super PAC behind millions of dollar worth of television ads attacking President Obama and Democratic Senate candidates.

Gillespie, a former chairman of the Republican National Committee, is a senior strategist for Mitt Romney's presidential campaign.

Though Rove and Gillespie have known each other for years and are two of the GOP's most eminent strategists, it would be illegal for them to discuss internal campaign plans.

Rove and Romney have both stressed that there is no coordination between the campaign and outside political groups.

"Super PACs have to be entirely separate from a campaign and a candidate," Romney told MNSBC in December. "I'm not allowed to communicate with a super PAC in any way, shape or form. If we coordinate in any way whatsoever, we go to the big house."

A spokesman for the RGA declined to comment on the Aspen session.

Could be a problem for them. Of course, this is exactly what opponents of Citizen's United said would happen.

cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2012 10:34 am
They are good at hiding things, but it will only require one insider to come out and reveal their lies (and maybe criminal activities).

Romney will not show his tax returns. Their collusion behind closed doors is another.

I wonder when all this is going to implode?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2012 11:47 am
Jon Stewart on Harry Reid

(The end is hilarious when Stewart compares Reid to Fox & Friends' 'Veronica and the two Jugheads') !!
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2012 11:53 am
Nevertheless, it will be an effective tactic for Reid to keep raising this issue. The pressure on Romney to respond to it will only mount, and he will have to attempt to dodge an ever-increasing number of pointed questions regarding the contents of his tax returns. This will only make more and more salient the question: why doesn't he just release them and put an end to all this?

Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2012 11:58 am
@Cycloptichorn, laughed at the ouija board bit, though, right??? Razz
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2012 12:01 pm
Didn't watch - I take it as an act of faith that Stewart is very, very funny.


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