@cicerone imposter,
Two weeks ago, I toured a plant in Ft. McMurray. They use unpotable water to extract the sand and other substances from the oil. When both are brought back to the surface, the oil is then separated from the water which is then cleaned and distilled. This plant claims a 98% retention rate on water and it's waaaaay cleaner than when they first use it. In fact, I drank a glass of the cleaned distilled water. This plant was the cleanest place I have ever been, you'd have thought they were producing milk. Farms are far dirtier. The days of holding ponds are fading.
This plant is the model which all plants are now following. Very few trees are cut and the land was littered with wild life. I saw Caribou, lynx, moose, deer, beaver, ducks, geese and so on.
Your report is almost 2 years old, and in that time many, many things have changed.