Whatever makes you happy cycoptichorn. I've repeatedly stated my views, perhaps they lean too far to the right for your likings; however, the facts remain. I am a registered Democrat, can you see a staunch conservative ever doing this? I have voted many times on the Democratic party ticket; probably more times there than on the Republican party ticket. In the case of
Presidential elections, I know this is true. It is as I have said in the past, the easiest way to spot those on the far left or the far right is to criticize anything at all which their party does.
I have made posts against both sides and against posters who tend heavily towards either side. The vast majority of the posters on this board are liberal, some hard to the left, some closer to the center. Don't deny it cyclo. you know it's true, just go through any political thread and see how any criticizer of the left is thumbed down, while those who praise the left get thumbed up.
You wish to see this as me being a conservative, well then that is your choice.