Bush's "Leave no promises behind."
Clarence Page
Bush leaves no promise behind
Published January 25, 2004
WASHINGTON -- There are people out there who "need our help," President Bush said in his State of the Union address last week, and he proceeded to promise it to them. In large bundles.
His promises seemed to open up the coffers of government like a pinata: $15 billion to fight AIDS in Africa and the Caribbean, a new option of retirement savings accounts under Social Security, a $1.2 billion research initiative to develop affordable non-polluting hydrogen-powered cars, ...
Oops! Sorry, folks. I'm reading from the wrong speech. The president made those promises in last year's State of the Union address.
This year's speech made little or absolutely no mention of those promises, among others, from last year. Bush had new promises to make.
This year's speech made no mention of last year's big surprise, the costly AIDS package. Maybe that's because none of the promised $15 billion over five years has been disbursed yet. For 2004, the president asked for $2 billion instead of the expected $3 billion, but Congress eventually settled on $2.4 billion.
Meanwhile, 2.3 million more HIV-infected patients died in sub-Sahara Africa over the past year and another 3 million people were infected, according to the World Health Organization. Yet the Bush administration is pushing for the third year in a row to reduce funding to the cash-strapped Global AIDS Fund. You have to pinch pennies someplace.
Instead, Bush brought up another surprising health issue this year, a cost-free challenge to the sports industry to "get rid of steroids now." Pass the word to your buddies at the gym, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Bush also called on everyone to oppose same-sex marriage, support the USA Patriot Act with all of its assaults on civil liberties, yet also love one another regardless of race, religion, ethnicity or sexual orientation. That's the sort of red-meat rhetoric Bush's political base loves to hear and, unlike most of his other proposals, it doesn't deepen the deficit.
As for those nifty-sounding retirement savings accounts into which younger workers can set aside some of their Social Security money, Bush first pushed that golden oldie during the 2000 campaign. He formed a high-profile study commission to study it. But he has not pushed it toward legislation, maybe because the transition costs alone would deepen the deficit, now approaching a half-trillion dollars. Nevertheless, look for it to come up again in the next campaign, opening soon at a campaign stump near you.
And those cool-sounding hydrogen-powered cars? You'll find the $1.2 billion research proposal tucked away somewhere in the Senate Finance Committee. You did not find it or any other mention of the environment in this year's State of the Union address. Like President Bush's dramatic moon and Mars exploration initiatives, which he unveiled earlier in the month in an echo of John F. Kennedy's lunar ambitions, the hydrogen idea seems all but lost in the rhetorical ozone again.
But the biggest elephant missing from the room was the weapons of mass destruction that took up so much of last year's address, as Bush argued for an invasion of Iraq. Last year he charged former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein with hoarding "38,000 liters of botulinum toxin ... 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent ... several mobile biological weapons labs ... to produce germ warfare agents ... a design for a nuclear weapon" and, of course, the now-infamous CIA-discredited claim that Hussein had tried to get uranium from an African country.
This year? All of that fearful stuff was reduced to a claim that weapons inspectors have identified "dozens of weapons-of-mass-destruction-related program activities." That may rank as the longest hyphenated presidential phrase in American history, a masterpiece of obfuscation.
Sure, Bush's State of the Union address was a very political speech. Aren't they all? But the address served the president's purposes. On the night after the Iowa caucuses, he looked properly solemn in comparison to former Democratic front-runner Howard Dean's maniacal-looking televised outburst the night before.
Or maybe that was a look of quiet disappointment on Bush's face. Maybe he was saddened to see his best chance for a re-election landslide self-destruct on national TV. Of all the leading Democratic candidates, Dean was considered easiest to beat by Team Bush and its Amen Chorus of media conservatives. After Dean's Monday night error--his "I Have a Scream" speech, some called it--quite a few Democrats suddenly agreed with them.
Sure, as my friends in the Dean camp insist, Dean was just trying to rally his troops after coming in a surprising third in the Iowa caucuses before heading to New Hampshire.
But, then, politics is 95 percent perceptions. Bush understands that. He'll promise us anything, as long as we have short memories.
[email protected]
And, boy, does Americans have short memories.