Yeh - the whole story sucks. The day after, I saw this gruesome juxtaposition of photos on the front page of one of the papers here - on the left, the Orthodox church in Srbica, on fire, on the right, the mosque of Nis, on fire. The lunacy of it couldnt have been illustrated better.
Washington Post story has the same rundown:
Quote:Ethnic Albanians burned houses and churches and drove hundreds of Serbs from towns and villages across Kosovo yesterday, while Serbs outside the province retaliated by setting ablaze mosques in Serbia.
I was talking about this today with Anastasia. I'm reading this book, I cited it last time round, Ger Duijzing's "Religion and the Politics of Identity in Kosovo". I've just read the chapter that recounts how the small Croat community of Kosovo collectively decamped to Slavonia in 1992, after the war broke out, because they were afraid of their Serb neighbours (and a visiting Seselj ...). He calls it "the great ethnic unmixing" somewhere. Throughout the nineties, the former Yugoslavia has violently gone about forging those would-be ethnically homogenous nation-states out of the quilt of ethnic shatterzones and ambiguous identities.
Of course, we did the very same thing, a couple of centuries ago. The ethnic homogenity, which the modern French (German, Dutch, Italian) state arrived at midway through the last century, was itself forged no less in blood and war. Its just so sad that just when in the West the myth of the nation-state is being fragmented again into a more natural caleidoscope of regional, national and transnational identities and affiliations, the Yugoslavs are still caught in the mass murder that springs forth from wanting to
realise that myth. Its all such a goddamn waste.