The banning of goods produced in the settlements is a better step than the symbolic acts of protests like the Gaza Flotillas, certainly, because it affects Israel economically. What are needed are boycott campaigns against goods and services produced in Israel itself as well.
But in light of the fact of the US' support of the Zionist cause--which includes the consumption of around forty percent of Israel's exports--these efforts will remain largely ineffectual.
The US' backing, as it stands now, is by and large comprised of 1) Christian Zionists who believe, more or less, that Jews must be left to their own devices in the land of Israel in order for prophecy to be fulfilled and thusly ensure the second coming of Christ, 2) people who believe that the Zionists are exempt from complying with Human Rights for the Palestinian peoples because "the Holocaust," and the hazy thinking brought about by the resultant paranoia thereof, 3) racist people who, for various reasons, loath the Arabs, and 4) Jewish Zionist lobbying groups with the capital to buy politicians' votes as concern Israel.
In the instance of the first group, I don't see these Christianists changing their "end times" theology, and their increasing militancy as concerns "the Holy Land" and their willingness for war as a means to secure it against the infidel Muslims, and bring about the second coming of their lord. They are more than willing to force the issue. It's astounding how the Zionists overlook the utter bigotry and chauvinism of Christian Zionism and its view of Jews as "latent Christians" in their pursuit of the Christianist’s endorsement and support.
In the instance of the second, these peoples' ideas might change with more education as concerns the irrationality of their position. Although there has been an increase in more, sober, less propagandistic information in regard to the Israel/Palestine conflict over the past few decades, these education efforts pale compared to the Zionists' propaganda machine.
In the instance of the third, hateful people operate on an acutely irrational emotional level. I don’t think efforts to change their views are very successful.
In the instance of the fourth, political lobbying reforms must be implemented in general to prevent what is essentially the legal bribing of politicians in the US.