Eva wrote:Great to see you back here again, brooke!!!
Thank-you Eva

That's very kind of you....and tis good to be back.
Quick answer!
Just a quick question:
Is it good for a guy to be more or easily available for the girl?
For example...whenever she asks to be go online..I go online. Whenever she goes online, I go online too. Whenever She asks me to talk on the phone..I call her up. Whenever she feels like talking to me for hours on the phone..I always give her of my time.
Is that good to do?
I sometimes think i'd be making myself "easy and available" .. which is equivalent to "cheap and boring" .. which is also equivalent to "nothing special".
On the other hand...I would also seem like someone "nice and caring and generous"
So which is true?
Tell me what you think guys
This is what I think...strickly from a females point of view, mind you.
If two people are in love....your heart seems to have a sort of "pull" in the direction of your lover. HOWEVER...there are still other parts to your life, and you should live em'.
Is she readily available to YOU when you need her? If not....it gets pretty one sided from that point. (And pretty sucky) So I would back off if that were the case.
In a nutshell.....the amount of time that two people want to spend together is going to vary from couple to couple. Different strokes for different folks, as they say.
If you want to give your time like you do....then don't stop just because you don't want to seem boring or easy to her. Don't change for anyone if that is who you are. I simply call that >> A Giver. But if you are doing it just to apease her.....then stop. Follow your heart and don't worry about the rest!
Vonderjohn, more available, in this situation, is probably not so good. You sound like you are suffering from "puppy dog" syndrome. I've done it myself. The problem is that she probably expects you to be there already, because of the way you always have in the past. Now, if you change it up and try not to be there, she will probably see right through it as a trick to get her more interested. I think you're going to have to be very subtle about this, or she will call you on it. And by the way, "nice and caring and generous" is good at times, but too much of it can easily turn you into a doormat. Or maybe that's just the way it always went with me.
The real solution would be not to artificially invent ways to make yourself unavailable to her, but to actually have other things to do that make you unavailable to her.
I really think you should find another girl (or even more than one) to hang with. When it comes to women, the more the merrier I always say!
And if none of this works, get drunk and go to a strip joint. Perspective can be found there, my friend.
You need to get away from that computer and get a life. What do you do all day? Go find some friends. Do what you like to do and quit waiting for her to tell you to call her or whatever. Women don't respect men who are limited. Ask yourself this question: do I want to meet her face-to-face or do I want to sleep with her? You're over-thinking this thing. If I do this, she'll do that. What kind of thinking is that?
Kayla lol dont worry I am living my life.
However you do have a point - I maybe exaggerating the whole thing, making it complicated when its actually a very normal simple and spontaneous behavior. It's just that I don't want to do any foolish mistakes, given the fact that many other guys did. Another reason is that I always aim for being special, unique, unlike any other (or most) guys. I know it is wrong to do that but eventually i'll get over it. In the end we WILL meet face to face no matter what happens, and ill make sure we do it properly - no probs with that..the thing is that im plannning AHEAD of that stage..im thinking of what should happen next, steps to take, decisions to make, plans to construct..etc..
Again, im complicating it..but that's me. Im just being myself.
vonderjohn wrote: Another reason is that I always aim for being special, unique, unlike any other (or most) guys.
Ahhhhhhh *sighs* A man after my own heart
Darlin'......guys like you don't have to try TOO hard. Just lighten up a little bit and enjoy what you have. Your "sweetness" will get you everywhere. *sighs again*
You meet the girl yet?
If you haven't...give up, and meet a new girl.
I told her that im going to see her next week.
She said she'll "think about it"
I told her you've got 1 week. I guess that's enough.
She said ok.
That's her final chance!
I wish her luck lol
OK she'll see you or OK, that's her final chance, fine with her, tootaloo?
hmm .. just a question.
What do you do in this case:
You're thinking of a girl every single day, every single hour of that day, when you're studying, eating, playing, watching t.v, listening to music or even sleeping, she is a part of your thoughts.
It is annoying you. Seriously bothering you and you really want to put an end to it.
What do you do??
Please advise!
I told you before. Go to a strip joint.
By the way .. it's been what? like a whole year ever since I opened this subject..and more than 2 whole years ever since I knew this girl. And guess what?? We still haven't met. Yep. She lives 20 minutes away, we talk on the phone and all, still haven't met. We'll hopefully gonna meet next week.
Strange story...