Thanks for the comments guys, once again.
Alright - for those who are doubting she might be a man..or a 56 year old married woman..or anything similar : I'm 100% sure she isn't...we talk regularly on the phone, she's a university student and my friends do know her.
By the way she is not a woman..she's 19, and im 20. She's not western. We're both in the middle east
About her not wanting to be more than a friend? Well .. I can see signs of attraction: (or interest)
1) She sends me messages several times a day..sometimes right before she sleeps..and right after she wakes up
2) She thinks of me everyday. (I do the same)
3) She says things like "do you miss me?" "I like you" "you're a great guy" ...we were once joking about sex and she said it would be her pleasure to do it with me ...
4) We talk about personal stuff, and she has the tendency to tell me about her secrets. This shows trust.
Oh wait I just got a message from her..
okay back..
well...its past midnight and she sent me a goodnight message while she's in bed! I mean - I don't think she would do that to a FRIEND you know..not to any kind of friend at least. This obviously shows that the girl IS thinking of me quite often..
Well im pretty much doing the same too...
I have no doubts about the 'being' of this girl...but her previous experiences do trigger a question:
What kind of experience is she looking for now??
We talked about that once and she told me she's been into so many bad experiences she doesn't feel like going into one again...unless its really serious and worthful.
I am a serious guy..and what we have between us is definitely if there is a good would be me. And she SHOWS an attraction.
Now how and when should I do the approach???

Should it be gradual or all of a sudden?
How long should I wait before the whole thing simply fades away..or..just turns "off" ?
Lots of questions in my mind. Im doing my best to get some answers..but I do need some luck
Thanks again guys