Beth, by now it has to be apparent that these guys understand exactly what I am saying...and have logically and consistently said here.
They are just being difficult for whatever reasons.
I do not have a belief that gods exist.
I do not have a belief that gods do not exist.
It is entirely reasonable to state that as:
I do not believe gods exist...but I do not believe there are no gods.
It makes sense...and explains why I am taking the trouble to mention it.
My first explanation post gives even more information about what I am communicating.
But, people like joefromchicago want to claim I am being illogical or inconsistent...and he wants to suggest I am not explaining myself properly.
By now, anyone who wanted to understand what I am saying has done so...anyone who wants very much to consider me illogical, inconsistent (or any of the other descriptions that have appeared) are rock solid in refusing to budge.
Beth...I simply am not willing to "believe" or "guess" or "estimate" or "suppose" gods exist...
...and I simply am not willing to "believe" or "guess" or "estimate" or "suppose" gods do not exist. Any kind of gods...any description of gods.