Jasper10 wrote:
I would suggest that the 4 off dualistic logic possibility statements derive from an inward only meditative practice.In other words one goes inward and carries out dualistic reasoning.
I would suggest that the biological computer brain ultimately computes these 4 off possibility statements.
I would suggest that this is why Buddhism for example concludes that SELF does not exist.The dualistic reasoning appearing to cancel out.
I would suggest that there is more to it than just drawing the line there because this type of inward only concluding meditation is an “out of the moment” consciousness experience.
I would suggest that there is an “in the moment” consciousness experience as well and I maintain that inward only dualistic reasoning does not take this into account.
Your computer seems to have missed the most important logical possibility...the one that goes, “I do not know if I exist…and I am not even sure of what 'I' or 'exist' truly mean. "
We...you and I...if we exist...and if "exist, I, me, we, you" are assigned what might be termed "a conventional definition"...are just part of the dominant species on a non-descript pebble of a planet circling a non-descript star in a non-descript galaxy with (an estimated) over 300 billion such stars in a known universe of trillions of such galaxies.” The chances of us figuring out the truth of things such as existence, infinity, eternity, and such is almost certainly not in our favor.
But you have a reason for asking what you are asking...and I am still interested in what it is.
There are no Perry Mason traps that can be laid for those of us who have done this kind of thing for decades now. So...come out with it. Tell me where your reasoning leads...and why it is important whether I exist or not...regardless of whether I know or guess if I do.
Allow me help you along. For the purposes of this exercise (and for the purposes of this exercise only) I will stipulate that...
...I do accept that if I have the capability to guess whether I exist or not, that means that I exist, otherwise I wouldn’t have the capability to guess?
That was one of your "do you accept" offerings earlier.
So...where would that take us?