DrewDad wrote:Can someone explain to me what an "elderly toddler" is?
I saw this article on Yahoo earlier today and sputtered a bit.
The cover seems manufactured for maximum controversy, from the choice of models (small, slim, "sexy" mother, large 3-year-old) to the pose (who breastfeeds with a kid standing on a step stool? which also made him look larger and older yet) to the clothing (she's in full hair and makeup and little black tank top and slim pants that in a non-breastfeeding context would undoubtedly read "sexy").
Plus this whole thing is about oooh Dr. Sears big new thing omigosh when in an article (forget which one, I couldn't read the whole Time article without registering but there were various related things that were available) the mother says that she was herself breastfed until age sex. So it's not so new as all that.
Anyway, the article itself may prove to be fine and even-handed, that's certainly happened before that a decent article gets the full shock treatment for the cover. But the cover really seems designed to get everyone's dander up.