Mon 7 May, 2012 05:10 pm
ok i have been online exchanging emails with this girl back and fourth. it is like we are having a face-to-face conversation i mean we have exchanged over 60 emails all of them at least a paragraph long and within 10 minutes of each other; calculating reading time of 5 words/second - message gaps... we are looking at about 3 hours of conversation.
I figured I would ask her for her number, because... i mean if this was face to face it would be about that time to ask. she responds that she isn't too keen about giving out her number so soon, i just didn't think it was that soon... i thought 60 some emails was a good enough buffer, i guess i was wrong?
so defeated i kinda just let it go and wasn't planning on talking to her again. but she sent another email to continue talking about 5 min after my response of...."no that's cool i totally understand". and the conversation is still going strong.
*********** here is where i am stuck. i have already asked for her number and got rejected on that front. ( this was a few days ago) so now i am stuck i Cant ask for her number again. and it doesn't look like shes going to lead the conversation to a point where she will offer it up......
basically i am looking for someone to date not a pen-pal. so should i just let it go or what?
EDIT: MAME brought up a god point however i forgot to mention that in one of her first emails shes states that she goes to school 5 days a week and works full time. her only free day until her classes are over her only free day is sunday and that is her day to do things with her family, and she is not much of a night person.
You could always suggest meeting at a coffee shop instead of asking for her number. Make sure you wear a flower in your lapel.
She's GOT to eat, so ask her if you could buy her dinner or lunch - in a very public place.
Yeah, like the girls suggest, you might try coffee or casual lunch in a public place. Maybe she's just being cautious. If she is still evasive, maybe she's married. Maybe she's not even a she. Make the offer. If she picks it up, fine. If not, well, you've still got yourself a nice penpal.
Let her go, the facts are if someone likes they are usually willing to give you there number before the would meet up with you duh. another thing is you said it yourself if she is not leading to a giving up the number convo she sure as heck wont meet you face to face, that's more risky than a phone number anyone knows that. This girl sounds like she is either hiding something or just wants a pin pal like you said.