What is your justification for believing in the supernatural?

Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 01:00 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Doesn't look like the sidelines to me!

Poor bay-bee . . . that's what the conjunction "but" means, Frank.

I have in the past hunted down things you had said that you have subsequently denied, such as that agnosticism is a superior position to take, so i could probably find quotes to support what i've written. I wouldn't think you'd need to apologize to anyone--just to be honest about it. However, i don't think you're worth the effort.

An implicit assertion about what one can or cannot know is at the heart of your drumbeat about the superiority of the agnostic's point of veiw. At times you have made the claim explicit.

Then there's the signature line you're using:

To acknowledge what you do not know – is a display of strength. To pretend you know what you truly don’t – is a display of weakness.

That's the essence of your silly claim to superority--the inferential claim that you are strong while those who don't agree with you are weak. Because, you see, Frank, you're also somewhat of a bully.
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 01:21 pm
@failures art,
Are you one of the "it's just a theory" types, Frank?

What dilemma do you think I'm facing here? A theory of gravity does not prevent us from knowledge of gravity, does it? "Knowing" is not in conflict with theory.


Knowing IS NOT in conflict with theory...but a theory is not knowledge.

C'mon, Art, you are going nowhere with the game playing. I asked you if you KNEW that "nothing is unexplainable"...and you indicated you did KNOW.

Now you are suggesting it is a theory.

Earlier, you suggested it was a belief.

Why not just acknowledge that it is not what you KNOW. If you really feel more comfortable calling it a theory or a belief or something else rather than a guess, I will go along with it. But acknowledge it is not what you know. (Unless you actually do know it, in which case, tell us how you know it.)
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 01:28 pm
Re: Frank Apisa (Post 4973080)
Doesn't look like the sidelines to me!

Poor bay-bee . . . that's what the conjunction "but" means, Frank.

I have in the past hunted down things you had said that you have subsequently denied, such as that agnosticism is a superior position to take, so i could probably find quotes to support what i've written. I wouldn't think you'd need to apologize to anyone--just to be honest about it. However, i don't think you're worth the effort.

Your quote in it's entirety is: "I'm content to watch this from the sidelines, however, you are being dishonest. You constantly make assertions about what people can or cannot know."

The word "but" is not even in there. And even if it were (rather than "however")...the following clause goes to your opinion of me being dishonest rather than you crossing the sidelines.

You are getting sloppy here, Set.

As for the "superior" nonsense that you bring up in so many posts, I consider my philosophical position to be superior to all other positions...which is why I have adopted it as my position. Most people seem to do that.

If you have adopted your philosophical position despite the fact that you do not consider it superior to others, you are even stranger than I think.
failures art
Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 03:13 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:

Knowing IS NOT in conflict with theory...but a theory is not knowledge.

Sure, but let's examine how silly your semantic protest is. You don't know if gravity is going to work in the next second?

Frank Apisa wrote:

C'mon, Art, you are going nowhere with the game playing. I asked you if you KNEW that "nothing is unexplainable"...and you indicated you did KNOW.

Now you are suggesting it is a theory.

Earlier, you suggested it was a belief.

I know how things become explained (as do you), and I'll not continue to repeat myself.

Frank Apisa wrote:

Why not just acknowledge that it is not what you KNOW. If you really feel more comfortable calling it a theory or a belief or something else rather than a guess, I will go along with it. But acknowledge it is not what you know. (Unless you actually do know it, in which case, tell us how you know it.)

I know because no alternative is logically resolvable.

Alternative 1: "Nothing is explainable" - Fails because we successful find reasonable explanations which are both internally and externally consistent.

Alternative 2: "Some things are explainable" & "Some things are inexplicable" - Fails because no defining criteria exist such that one thing will be explainable while another is inexplicable. This fails to produce explanations which are both internally and externally consistent.

If we have three cups and a ball, and we know the ball is under one of the cups, can we ever know which? The answer is yes, if two of the cups are transparent, and the ball is not in either. The third, opaque cup has the ball. We know this, we do not simply believe it.

Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 03:21 pm
@Frank Apisa,
If you take the entirety of Art's posts he has explained his position. If you choose to take parts of what he said out of context then that suits your position but it is mere sophistry.

You on the other hand have only repeated (as you always do) the same empty words like some cornered politician.

Your defense is none other than the 'god of gaps' defense. Which is no defense at all. History has shown that our improving understanding leads to practical benefits. It has never led to a greater belief in the supernatural... it has only led away from it being thought of as supernatural. If you take all of Art's posts this is what he is saying... you on the other hand are only defending the possibility of myths.

Your philosophy is absurd not superior.
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 03:52 pm
@failures art,
Art, the fact that gravity works is not proof that all theories will work…and you know it.

You have indicated that your supposed knowledge is actually a theory and a belief. That says it all. Some theories prove out; some fall flat—some beliefs hold; some do not. A theory or a belief is not KNOWING…and you could easily have responded to my first question with, “No, I do not KNOW it.” But you didn’t.

Obviously you are going to continue to insist you KNOW “nothing is unexplainable”…and I guess we can end it there. Some people are going to insist they KNOW there are no gods; some people are going to insist they KNOW there is a GOD. That says more about people who cannot acknowledge when they actually KNOW something and when they guess, theorize, or suppose it. And of course, mocking people willing to acknowledge when they do not know is part and parcel of that groups methodology.

This insistence that you KNOW “all things are explainable” is one of the reasons I gave you high marks in entertainment quality. Now that I think about it, I should have given you an A+ rather than just an A.

We’ll talk more in other threads, Art. Perhaps we can even talk about that supposed discussion of Pascal’s Wager that supposedly caused me to take my ball and leave! I doubt seriously if any discussion with you on Pascal’s Wager would ever cause me to leave…but I am willing to revisit what you suppose happened and continue that discussion.
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 03:53 pm
If you take the entirety of Art's posts he has explained his position. If you choose to take parts of what he said out of context then that suits your position but it is mere sophistry.

You on the other hand have only repeated (as you always do) the same empty words like some cornered politician.

Your defense is none other than the 'god of gaps' defense. Which is no defense at all. History has shown that our improving understanding leads to practical benefits. It has never led to a greater belief in the supernatural... it has only led away from it being thought of as supernatural. If you take all of Art's posts this is what he is saying... you on the other hand are only defending the possibility of myths.

Your philosophy is absurd not superior.

Thank you for sharing that, igm. I disagree with you, but I am always pleased to hear from you.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 04:13 pm
@Frank Apisa,
What do you allege is the functional difference between but and however, Frank? Igm has you pegged when he speaks of sophistry. The only sloppiness is in your attempt to suggest there is any significance in it hat makes it "go" to dishonesty.

If you consider that your position is superior, why then did you, but a few months ago, deny that you'd ever said that? One of those two statements is dishonest. Maybe you just can't help yourself. It's hilarious, though, because many, many people adopt a position without knowing something to a certitude because they have chosen that position in preference to others. Surely the great arbitrator of what is pretence can understand that.

You don't even get a "nice try" for dodging the substance off what i orginally charged you with as dishonesty.
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 05:03 pm

What do you allege is the functional difference between but and however, Frank? Igm has you pegged when he speaks of sophistry. The only sloppiness is in your attempt to suggest there is any significance in it hat makes it "go" to dishonesty.

I merely called attention to the fact that the word “but” was not in your comment...and I called attention to the fact that after the word "however" you went where you did.

Nothing wrong or underhanded about that. You made a mistake with the "but", but anyone can make a mistake, Set, even you.

If you consider that your position is superior, why then did you, but a few months ago, deny that you'd ever said that?

I denied that I ever said the position I advocate is superior?????? Where did I do that?

One of those two statements is dishonest.

Well, perhaps the “dishonest statement” is your statement.

What did I say?

Maybe you just can't help yourself. It's hilarious, though, because many, many people adopt a position without knowing something to a certitude because they have chosen that position in preference to others. Surely the great arbitrator of what is pretence can understand that.

And that is fine to do so. But to suggest that when a choice is made…that it is certitude…that a person KNOWS…is dishonest. I am not saying Art is wrong here…I DO NOT KNOW IF EVERYTHING IS EXPLAINABLE OR UNEXPLAINABLE. I am merely asking him for an explanation of how he KNOWS. I honestly have not seen a reasonable explanation so far...everything he is saying seems to indicate he "believes" it or "theorizes" it. And that makes more sense.

You don't even get a "nice try" for dodging the substance off what i orginally charged you with as dishonesty.

Set, you make a habit of calling people liars at the drop of a hat. I accept that I will be one of the targets of that charge from you. So what is your point?
Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 05:16 pm
@Frank Apisa,
I did not say it was wrong or "underhanded"--i'm pointing out that there is no functional difference. There's no question of where the word "goes," Frank, that's just more of you typical bullshit when you want to weasel.

I'm not going to play some stupid ******* game in which i have to run off to find quotes of what you've written either because your memory is failing you or your dishonesty is overcoming you. I wrote that you claim you position is superior. You denied that. I searched and quoted more than one post in which you had written exactly that, and you commented that you were surprised that i'd gone to all that trouble.

So this is the game we can expect from you in future, huh, Frank? Whenever your inconsistencies or contradictions are pointed out to you, you'll deny them until someone hunts them down to quote you? We are supposed to work hard to show how chronically dishonest you are? For my part, you're not worth that much effort, especially now that it becomes clear just how dishonest you are willing to be.

I see you get your typical passive-aggressive cheap shot in before playing up your innocence. The point is, and has been since i put my oar in here, that you constantly tell people what they can or can't know. Look at your signatue line. Who is to determine what is pretense? You, Frank? How can you know?
Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 05:17 pm
@Frank Apisa,
So what is your point?

Without wishing to prejudice Setanta's position I think that he thinks you are an egocentric asshole in seven no trumps.
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 05:26 pm
I'm not going to play some stupid ******* game in which i have to run off to find quotes of what you've written either because your memory is failing you or your dishonesty is overcoming you. I wrote that you claim you position is superior. You denied that. I searched and quoted more than one post in which you had written exactly that, and you commented that you were surprised that i'd gone to all that trouble.

I think you are full of it. As far as I am concerned, the reason I have the personal philosophy I have is because it is superior to any others that are on the table. I most assuredly think saying "I do not know" when I do not know IS SUPERIOR to pretending that I do know.

Not sure of what the conversation was, but I am willing to bet I did not compromise any of what I just said in whatever you are remembering or inventing.

Try to stay in control.

So this is the game we can expect from you in future, huh, Frank? Whenever your inconsistencies or contradictions are pointed out to you, you'll deny them until someone hunts them down to quote you? We are supposed to work hard to show how chronically dishonest you are? For my part, you're not worth that much effort, especially now that it becomes clear just how dishonest you are willing to be.

Wow, calling me a liar twice in one paragraph. You must be breathing hard now.

I see you get your typical passive-aggressive cheap shot in before playing up your innocence. The point is, and has been since i put my oar in here, that you constantly tell people what they can or can't know. Look at your signatue line.

Let's look at it together, Set...and you can explain how what I say there indicates that I am telling people what they can or cannot know.
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 05:27 pm
Without wishing to prejudice Setanta's position I think that he thinks you are an egocentric asshole in seven no trumps.

Hummm...I hadn't considered that.

You may be right, Spendius.
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 06:23 pm
@Frank Apisa,
the reason I have the personal philosophy I have is because it is superior to any others that are on the table. I most assuredly think saying "I do not know" when I do not know IS SUPERIOR to pretending that I do know.

On a serious note I have to agree that it is an excellent approach but jokingly don't you think that you might be taking it a bit to far with you allowing the possibility of elves, fairies and so forth into your reality?
Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 06:35 pm
@reasoning logic,
here we go again. Jeez Luweez.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 08:47 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Of course, no one is saying that they know something when in fact they are just pretending--that's your bullshit, and it's evidence of you being willing to tell people what they do or do not know. Who are you to determine is someone is pretending to know something, rather than that they do know it? You could only say that it you yourself know the answer--yet you beat your drum on the basis of not knowing.

I'm doing just fine with self-control--you're the one who seems to be losing, just as you did with FART. The "conversation" was in a thread a few months ago, in a thread in which you denied that you'd ever said that yours is a superior position. I found several posts in which you had done so, quoted them and linked them. Here you are just a few weeks or a few months later saying you can't remember. Maybe you need a medical evaluation.

I've already explained, more than once, that you are in no position to tell someone they are pretending to know what they do not in fact know, unless you know for a fact that they don't. To claim someone is pretending is a case of telling them what they do or do not know. As for calling you a liar, although it wouldn't bother me to call you that, i'll take a page from your playbook to point out that at no time in this conversation have i called you a liar. In truth, i'm beginning to think that either you never had a very good memory or a very long attention span, or that those faculties are failing you with age. That would excuse you of being a liar.
failures art
Reply Fri 4 May, 2012 12:18 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:

Art, the fact that gravity works is not proof that all theories will work…and you know it.

That's not what my point was. My point is that something being a theory, doesn't prevent us from knowing.

Frank Apisa wrote:

You have indicated that your supposed knowledge is actually a theory and a belief. That says it all. Some theories prove out; some fall flat—some beliefs hold; some do not. A theory or a belief is not KNOWING…and you could easily have responded to my first question with, “No, I do not KNOW it.” But you didn’t.

Some theories fall flat? Can you expand on this? Theories aren't guesses. They aren't a hypothesis either. They predict, and are disprovable. Anything that actually is a theory doesn't fall down, it's that alternative theories come along and make better models. Guess what makes the newer model's better? Enhanced observational ability (typically instrumentation).

Frank Apisa wrote:

Obviously you are going to continue to insist you KNOW “nothing is unexplainable”…and I guess we can end it there. Some people are going to insist they KNOW there are no gods; some people are going to insist they KNOW there is a GOD. That says more about people who cannot acknowledge when they actually KNOW something and when they guess, theorize, or suppose it. And of course, mocking people willing to acknowledge when they do not know is part and parcel of that groups methodology.

The ball can only be under one cup, and the other two are transparent. You can pretend you don't know, but you're no different.

Perhaps this is the best example of how it's hard to give up supernatural superstitions. You are holding out for that second cup, not because there are any reasons to, but because you want that reality. It's an aesthetic philosophy--nothing more.

Frank Apisa wrote:

This insistence that you KNOW “all things are explainable” is one of the reasons I gave you high marks in entertainment quality. Now that I think about it, I should have given you an A+ rather than just an A.

You're not my teacher, so your grade cards don't mean anything.

Frank Apisa wrote:

We’ll talk more in other threads, Art. Perhaps we can even talk about that supposed discussion of Pascal’s Wager that supposedly caused me to take my ball and leave! I doubt seriously if any discussion with you on Pascal’s Wager would ever cause me to leave…but I am willing to revisit what you suppose happened and continue that discussion.

You have doubt? Well it's good that you've got doubt about something.

Reply Fri 4 May, 2012 02:47 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:

...to suggest that when a choice is made…that it is certitude…that a person KNOWS…is dishonest. I am not saying Art is wrong here…I DO NOT KNOW IF EVERYTHING IS EXPLAINABLE OR UNEXPLAINABLE. I am merely asking him for an explanation of how he KNOWS. I honestly have not seen a reasonable explanation so far...everything he is saying seems to indicate he "believes" it or "theorizes" it. And that makes more sense.

You are deliberately missing the point. We have 'some' knowledge of, for example the climate. This enables us to have a climate model which predicts better than chance the weather. We seem to be able to improve on our knowledge and make better predictions year on year. In the past, civilizations had no knowledge and could not predict the weather.

We have some knowledge but not full knowledge of many things and do not have any full knowledge of anything. We understand that if the correct causes and conditions are present then an effect will arise but when we examine in ever greater detail exactly how that takes place with regard to natural phenomena we do not have a full picture. Will we ever... it is unlikely.. but do we have enough growing knowledge to benefit mankind... yes.

You deliberately miss the point because you are saying that we can never fully know anything but that is not the point we are making.

If there was an obvious supernatural event, the type a playful god could cook up then we would all know that cause and effect could not of caused this event but this never happens. We only ever have events that are hearsay or possibly explainable if we knew more about the causes and conditions surrounding the unexplained event.

You want the gaps in understanding or the hearsay recognized possibly supernatural because you want to argue that when we say we have knowledge it doesn't mean 'full' knowledge... but we never said that it was... you are deliberately missing the point.
Reply Fri 4 May, 2012 03:24 am
All we have is experience. Perhaps we can say experience of perception. When we call something knowledge, belief, guess, estimate etc. we are only categorizing experience. Everything we know is only true in the contrast we experience through; what is sometimes called the human experience.
In that regard, the supernatural is everything we believe to be impossible. So the term says more about us.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 4 May, 2012 04:59 am

Of course, no one is saying that they know something when in fact they are just pretending--that's your bullshit, and it's evidence of you being willing to tell people what they do or do not know. Who are you to determine is someone is pretending to know something, rather than that they do know it? You could only say that it you yourself know the answer--yet you beat your drum on the basis of not knowing.

I'm doing just fine with self-control--you're the one who seems to be losing, just as you did with FART. The "conversation" was in a thread a few months ago, in a thread in which you denied that you'd ever said that yours is a superior position. I found several posts in which you had done so, quoted them and linked them. Here you are just a few weeks or a few months later saying you can't remember. Maybe you need a medical evaluation.

I have no idea of what the hell you are talking about. I most assuredly have adopted what most term the “agnostic” position because I see it as superior to the theistic or the atheistic position. I would hope that you are an atheist because you consider the atheistic position superior to the other two; and that theists are theists because they consider the theistic position superior to the other two.

I am not sure what we discussed in the other thread, but it will not differ significantly from what I just said here. If you have a citation to the contrary, just post it and we can see if I am a liar or if you are mistaken. You tend to distort what people say to suit your own purposes and I suspect whatever conversation we had on the issue is being handled that way right now. If you want to cite…cite; if not, do not. I will deal with it when I see the citation.

You also seem to think that my tag line supports your accusation that I am telling people what they know and what they do not know. IT DOESN’T!

You can be wrong, Setanta! By the way, you are most assuredly not doing fine with your self-control!

I've already explained, more than once, that you are in no position to tell someone they are pretending to know what they do not in fact know, unless you know for a fact that they don't. To claim someone is pretending is a case of telling them what they do or do not know. As for calling you a liar, although it wouldn't bother me to call you that, i'll take a page from your playbook to point out that at no time in this conversation have i called you a liar. In truth, i'm beginning to think that either you never had a very good memory or a very long attention span, or that those faculties are failing you with age. That would excuse you of being a liar.

You have said that I am not being truthful…you are correct that you have not used the word “liar.”

It is one of your favorite words. It must have taken lots of strength not to use it. That amuses me. Almost as much as the thought of you staying on the sidelines when there is a chance to spew venom.

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