What is your justification for believing in the supernatural?

Reply Fri 11 May, 2012 06:34 pm
@reasoning logic,
I don't feel bad for the people that get suckered into this guys scam. Sure they are being taken advantage of but they are abandoning the one thing that would reveal this guy.
reasoning logic
Reply Fri 11 May, 2012 06:42 pm
they are abandoning the one thing that would reveal this guy.

Are you certain that they had it in the beginning? I think that some folks are at a greater risk than others because of the way their brains function.
Reply Fri 11 May, 2012 07:00 pm
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:

they are abandoning the one thing that would reveal this guy.

Are you certain that they had it in the beginning? I think that some folks are at a greater risk than others because of the way their brains function.

Well you might be right, however; there are things in our every day lives that we use to be able to function in the world. This ability is what I am referring to. Like a simple problem of crossing the street. There are essentially rules to crossing the street, safely to be successful. Bend those rules and you might not make it. I know that might sound too simplistic but the aspect of mind I am referring to relies heavily on this ability to acomplish this simple task.

The problem is when it comes to religion, people shut this part of their mind ability off. They completely ignore it as if it is completely useless. It is never useless, you use it every second of your life. It helps us to actually interact with reality in a meaningful, safe and successful way. Yet this is why they are headed down a potential path of danger called cultism.
reasoning logic
Reply Fri 11 May, 2012 07:27 pm
people shut this part of their mind ability off

That does seem true but I wonder if there is something else going on. I wonder if some people have something going on that makes them less able to be logical when confronted with questions about superstition, religion and so forth.

I think that a similar mystery happens to all of us during certain situations like falling in love or during a tragic event. These things can keep us from acting logical in the moment but with religion it seems permanent.
Reply Fri 11 May, 2012 07:56 pm
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:

That does seem true but I wonder if there is something else going on. I wonder if some people have something going on that makes them less able to be logical when confronted with questions about superstition, religion and so forth.

Well not really. You see how hard the guy breaks them down in the video? He works them into this state to back them out of their ability to use reason and then attacks. Once he has them there he can insert his own programming which makes future attempts easier and thus he has control over them. He can say anything, no matter how strange or absurd it is and they will take it as actual truth. The words I really should be saying is, he is brainwashing them. Using techniques that are known, tried and true methods to manipulate people. All they would have to do is use some of this inborn reasoning they use in every other aspect of their lives to break free from it.

reasoning logic wrote:

I think that a similar mystery happens to all of us during certain situations like falling in love or during a tragic event. These things can keep us from acting logical in the moment but with religion it seems permanent.

Yeah it is true we do become more prone to being taken advantage of when we are not in our usual mental states. But I also this this aspect itself is a cultural failing. We get into these states because our culture has fed into us traits that lead to ignoring reason and rational thinking. I am not saying morning the loss of a person is silly, but I think our coping mechinism has been heavily damaged by social fairy tales and misguided truths.

The same for love. People place such an extremely high importance on it when in reality it is the most fickle of emotions and often times leads to disaster at the other end. Why people praise it so much is strange to me. I think compassion is a better state than love. Compassion is much more grounded and reasonable where as love is often driven and needs reassurance. Some might mistake the two but they really are two seperate emotions.
reasoning logic
Reply Fri 11 May, 2012 08:14 pm
We get into these states because our culture has fed into us traits that lead to ignoring reason and rational thinking.

Bingo! Idea I think that this is the major problem but do not get me wrong because I do think some minds are more vulnerable.
Reply Fri 11 May, 2012 11:10 pm
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:
Bingo! Idea I think that this is the major problem but do not get me wrong because I do think some minds are more vulnerable.

But western culture has this cultural thing where anything deem or considered "spiritual" is not respectful to be critical of it. So things like this are let lose and there is no way to reel it back in. Our society allows this mental rape to continue because the majority are afraid to realize that all this nonsense is not true. They want to believe, they are desperate for it because our society creates this artifical hole and make people believe they need to fill this whole with something "spiritual".

Reply Sat 12 May, 2012 04:42 am
I presume you believe you're above all that Krumpie.

Dream on.
Reply Sat 12 May, 2012 11:37 am
spendius wrote:

I presume you believe you're above all that Krumpie.

Dream on.

I don't think I am above anything. I am just skeptical of claims that are made that have no supporting evidence. There is no reason why you must accept something to be true without a supporting basis. If it is truth then there needs to be something to back it up. Truth shouldn't require blind acceptence.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 12 May, 2012 11:54 am
I don't think I am above anything. I am just skeptical of claims that are made that have no supporting evidence. There is no reason why you must accept something to be true without a supporting basis. If it is truth then there needs to be something to back it up. Truth shouldn't require blind acceptence.

I agree with you, Krumble.

That is why when an atheist says there are no gods or that they believe there are no gods…I am skeptical. I say, where is the evidence. I say, there is no reason to accept that without supporting basis. I say, If it is true, there needs to be something backing it up. I say, truth should not require blind acceptance.
Reply Sat 12 May, 2012 01:17 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
I agree with you, Krumble.

That is why when an atheist says there are no gods or that they believe there are no gods…I am skeptical. I say, where is the evidence. I say, there is no reason to accept that without supporting basis. I say, If it is true, there needs to be something backing it up. I say, truth should not require blind acceptance.

Absence of evidence is evidence.
Reply Sat 12 May, 2012 01:33 pm
There is no reason why you must accept something to be true without a supporting basis.

I never said anything about must Krumpie. I only suggested that those who do accept something to be true without a supporting basis are, from the gist of your post, stupid, and thus inferior to those clever people, like you and Frank, who don't accept something to be true without a supporting basis.

Which must make the superior specimens rather boring if all they ever say has to be supported by evidence such as that the train is late when it is departing 10 mins. after the timetable said it would.

Or things like "I say, where is the evidence. I say, there is no reason to accept that without supporting basis. I say, If it is true, there needs to be something backing it up. I say, truth should not require blind acceptance" all day long on a continuous loop.

Reply Sat 12 May, 2012 01:47 pm
Absence of evidence is evidence.

Absence of evidence is NOT evidence of absence!!

I am currently absence of evidence that people in Australia are drinking right now....Do you believe that some are??

I am currently absence of evidence I may die someday...Because I can not "FULLY" prove it....Do you think it is gonna happen?

I am currently absent, of evidence, that anyone will respond to my post....Do you "believe" someone will? Or will not???
Reply Sat 12 May, 2012 01:56 pm
Saying "I don't believe in God" is a positive assertion, right?

It is a positive assertion if it is a "belief" that something is not....

It is NOT a positive assertion, to claim you are something because you are NOT Something, or have a REJECTION of something....

Is it more clear, and less deceptive, for me to "claim" I am Christian, because I believe this??

Or is it MORE CLEAR for me to "claim" I am Christian, because I have a REJECTION of atheism???

If I claimed I was Christian, based on atheism....Would you not ask me to explain it? Or why I have the atheism part in there at all??? Of course you would! So if people do not understand you, it is not because they lack intelligence, it is because of the direct way you label who you are, and who you are not....

If you back science, then claim your a Scientistismist or something....

Tell us what you believe, do not tell us what you doubt....

Or, are you atheist, because you have a REJECTION of spaghetti Monsters??

Are you atheist because you have a REJECTION of Unicorns??

Nope, for both....

So why do you say it pertaining to God? If he is not real?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 May, 2012 02:02 pm
@reasoning logic,
It sounds like you are giving lessons on how to be a better atheist. Are you sure this is something that God has put in your mind?

Yes, I am...Because, it shows how backwards atheism belief, lack of belief is....

If you guys were to say what you are based upon what you believe....It would be more credible....

Also, if people are happy with themselves, I am happy for them....

God can do the rest of it....

My mission is also to accept people, not condemn them...If they are happy "thinking" a God is not real...They have my best wishes....If they tell me, they do not believe God is real, because they have a REJECTION of God...It points squarely to the fact they are in denial....

I feel that me telling them what I said about atheism being more credible, and what they say they are now, points to denial...Is the truth...And informative....

Why would God be opposed to me telling people things, that could help them?

Perhaps, God will allow every atheist to rot in the ground, if that is truly what they want to do...IDK....

All that I know, Is helping people is always good....

Denial is not....

Uncertainty is not either....though much less harmful....And safer....

Denial is worse, than advancing people who appose God...

Because once you are true, to yourself, and others...Is when you understand things that you are uncertain about....

Or misrepresenting....
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 May, 2012 02:07 pm
Krumple wrote:
Absence of evidence is evidence.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

Absence of evidence is NOT evidence of absence!!

Yeah I am aware of the theists attempts to snuff out truth by creating this motto as if it were true. Sorry to tell you, absense of knowing something you can realisticly say it is not.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

I am currently absence of evidence that people in Australia are drinking right now....Do you believe that some are??

This is such an idotic response, I don't even know where to begin to help you understand where you have gone wrong. I honestly am skeptical that you are this stupid. Yet you said it so this must be some justification for you? Really?

Saying you have no evidence that no one is drinking in a location that you can't readily experience in a fact DOES support the fact you can not claim anyone is drinking. You still require evidence. How do you determine someone is drinking? You go observe, you go look for the clues. You look for empty alcohol bottles and or people who are enebreated. If you don't gather this information then by all means it is not happening. You can not honestly make the claim.

Now why is it you want to say you can? Because you already know evidence is there. You mistake this to be a lack of evidence. If you find no evidence anywhere that people are drinking in another location then by all means they are not drinking. Where you find no empty alcohol bottles or enebreated people, then by all means there is no one drinking alcohol.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

I am currently absence of evidence I may die someday...Because I can not "FULLY" prove it....Do you think it is gonna happen?

Do you have difficulty tying your shoes? This has got to be one of the dumbest things anyone has ever said. Not only because you actually believe that you continue to live after you die. (you believe in an after life) Which means that you actually technically never do die.

Here is the thing. You can indirectly inferr a truth. There is evidence of people's bodies ceasing to function. You can find people before, during, and after they cease functioning. This is what we would referr to as death. Since we have never found a person who has never died, we can say as it currently sits in our knowledge, we can assume that you too, being of similar characteristics will some day die. All of this is evidence to that fact.

Will you have another life after this body ceases to function? I don't know, there is no evidence that supports the idea so we can safely say that there isn't an after life. As soon as we have supporting evidence, I will have an opportunity to change my point of view. Without that evidence I can safely say there is no after life.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

I am currently absent, of evidence, that anyone will respond to my post....Do you "believe" someone will? Or will not???

Do I honestly need to repeat myself here? Have you not understood yet? Or are you purposely WANTING to remain ignorant?
Reply Sat 12 May, 2012 02:07 pm
Wouldn't it be a justification for believing in the supernatural that it is less boring than not doing?

What evidence have you that religious ceremonies and rituals were not invented to provide boredom relief with opportunities to wear one's best outfits and see others in theirs, to stitch up real estate deals and oil drilling concessions and to engage in wild dancing and sing-songs in a spirit of togetherness varying in intensity depending upon such things as the mating cycle, the sowing and harvesting times and the memory of the first and last days of the founder of our culture.

Isn't the simple fact that nobody having any evidence that the bank bail-outs are a good thing or a bad thing is the very cause of all the debates about them? If we had evidence that they were a good thing what would be the point of the arguing.

Are you agnostic on bailing out Detroit? What action would an agnostic take on the matter?

The answer is none of course because agnostics would still be sitting in a hole in the bushes grubbing up nuts, waiting for the fruit season and slaking their thirst in the river whilst the maidens were cosying up to the ones who said that there's gold in them thar hills without a shred of evidence that there was.

An agnostic would have refused to help in the arduous task of building and stocking Noah's Ark and would thus be left behind when it set off on the rising waters. Predicting that it is going to piss down for forty days and nights in enough time to get an Ark ready for the flood is serious long-range weather forecasting way beyond anything our forecasters dare do.
Reply Sat 12 May, 2012 02:15 pm
spendius wrote:

An agnostic would have refused to help in the arduous task of building and stocking Noah's Ark and would thus be left behind when it set off on the rising waters. Predicting that it is going to piss down for forty days and nights in enough time to get an Ark ready for the flood is serious long-range weather forecasting way beyond anything our forecasters dare do.

I never had you down for a 'Noah's Ark' and 'Great Flood' defender... I'm truly surprised... surely someone like you would say it was a: metaphor, simile, analogy etc.. you get my drift... wood...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 May, 2012 02:24 pm
I am currently absent, of evidence, that anyone will respond to my post....Do you "believe" someone will? Or will not???

Do I honestly need to repeat myself here? Have you not understood yet? Or are you purposely WANTING to remain ignorant?

If that is what you call it, yes~! Thanks for the insult! It shows, you are the ones who BELIEVE you are superior, without saying it...You're more harmful, than believers are, like you posted before! NO ONE Is perfect, and no one knows everything...It did not even occur to you, I may be learning something, by asking! You just made a sneer, like every atheist does about their superiority complex they have....But do not admit!

That is far worse! Than all that **** you said above, about how harmful theists are!!

Tell me what evidence I had to believe you would reply to me?? Rather than not?

How did I know you would reply? Or ignore me?? Or how I knew others would/will reply to me, even though it was a post to you???

What evidence suggested this would happen??
Reply Sat 12 May, 2012 02:34 pm
Just look back carefully at some of the **** you said to me in ONE POST!!!

This is such an idotic response,

This has got to be one of the dumbest things anyone has ever said.

Or are you purposely WANTING to remain ignorant?

Where have I done that to you???

How do you "conclude" theists are MORE HARMFUL than atheists are???

By your beliefs and rejections...I am a skeptic of atheism...Tell me why I should "believe" or accept anything you say??? And if I do, does that make me smarter? If I don't, and test what you say, how does that make me dumb? And how does that limit me?? It doesn't, you have told me before...And others have said....Don't believe what anyone says, and go test things for yourself!!!

So, I am a Skeptic of you, Is it wrong for me to test you??

You do it to theists all the time!
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