For goodness sakes, you people. Try to gain the maturity to recognize a smear campaign when someone is shoving down your happy throats.
Make an equation...put McCain in Vietnam on one side and George Bush's Vietnam contribution on the other.
Make a second eqation...put Kerry's Vietnam contribution on one side and Bush's on the other.
You aren't sure Kerry has the 'stuff'? What the fuk does 'stuff' mean? And how the hell do you evidence it? A strut? A claim from a PR machine that it is present? Unsophisticated and uneducated speech? **** on his boots? Arrogance?
And Clinton did nothing re terror threats??? Cast your memory back to the first WTC bombing. The four men responsible are where now? In jail, yes.
Clinton increased the FBI counter-terrorism budget by how much? By thrice what it had been.
When Clinton asked for futher funding, Orrin Hatch said what? "The administration would be wise to utilize the resources Congress has already provided before it requests additional funding."
Who, after the embassy bombing, signed a presidential directive authorizing the assassination of Osama? Yes, Bill.
After the Cole attack, Clinton assigned Richard Clarke to create a comprehensive plan to take out al Qaeda. That plan was described in Time by a senior Bush official as amounting to "...everything we've done since 9-11". Note that the implementation is AFTER was NOT implemented when the Bush administration took office. There was, after all, the critically important star wars thing they had to do.