Sun 8 Feb, 2004 02:26 pm
Is it how many orgasms you have that is most important? Duration? Is it better to have marathon love-making sessions with one orgasm, or would it be better to have three or four orgasms over that same period of time? Does the amount of time even matter? Is it technique that is most important? I realize that being with someone who you love is definitely a plus, but being in love with someone doesn't guarantee great sex. So what's the answer?
Consensual, mutual... if you have to ask 'was it good for you?', it wasn't.
When your partners heart rate reaches the safety max point for five minutes.
So if I watch TV while she masturbates on the stairmaster, that would work, right?
Ripped clothing and screaming in ecstasy...oh, and chocolate........
chocolate? Too messy. You need to throw down dropcloths like your painting the house if you're doing that stuff.
Not having to fantisize that it's someone else! :wink:
I think were sort of saying the same thing in different ways, dlowan. Yep, love helps a lot!
Whatever happened to the good old-fashioned days of Nutella on the night-stand?
ehBeth wrote:Whatever happened to the good old-fashioned days of Nutella on the night-stand?

What??? I don't think I want to know! *covers innocent eyes*
ehBeth wrote:Whatever happened to the good old-fashioned days of Nutella on the night-stand?

Uh .... what for, ehBeth?
I REALLY want to know.
I must have lived a very sheltered life.
I'm waiting to see how ehBeth puts this into words...
ehBeth wrote:i'll be back.
*flees! skert outta her mind!!!*
I was thinking of blueberries and cream the other night - but I really didn't have a towel old enough - had 'em for breakfast instead. Well, I had 'em sans cream....
Oh - the question..... I have to say loving someone helps sooooooooooooo much. When you really do, their pleasure is so wonderful, it makes yours much better - at least quadruples it....but loving someone doesn't make up for not good sex (in the technical and attitude, as it were, sense) forever. When they are
dlowan, I would pick love over sex, if it were an either/or situation. No contest.
LOL! Indeed, love has other benefits.
However, not good sex tends to erode love over time....most couples end up fighting about sex and/or money....
Yep, thank god I'm poor and not lousy in bed.
dlowan has been dropping soooo many hints that she's gettin' some...
Yay dlowan!
Not having to do a little Coyote Ugly action?