Bi-Polar Bear wrote:In Tantors world a lefty or liberal is a euphemism for dumb ass and unpatriotic american.
Thank you, Bear. I certainly believe the former but not the latter. Most Lefties I meet are indeed ignorant though moderately to heavily indoctrinated. Most liberals I meet are patriotic, though misquided in my view. I'd say at least a third of the hard Left are indeed unpatriotic. That would include the ones carrying Saddam's flag during the anti-war marches here in DC. And the ones shouting on a bullhorn at Lafayette Square, next to the White House, that they don't give a damn about the troops. And the one at this last anti-war march who was wearing the sign that said that the US should be destroyed. Of course, maybe I'm just being hasty in my judgement.
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
From the lips of a lefty liberal it seems that Tantor would not believe the statement the sky is blue, and not only would this statement become false it would become a purposeful deception.
Bear, we do agree on something. No, I wouldn't believe a Lefty if s/he said the sky was blue. I'd need to look out the window. That's because the Left cooks its facts most of the time. The AWOL slander against Bush is a classic example of the dishonesty of the Left.
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
Any news source presenting an alternative opinion to his own is disreputable re his statement regarding the BBC. I would offer that perhaps the BBC is being dismantled (if that occurs) for not towing the party line well enough to suit the government. Very nasty.
Another overgeneralization. Most of the hard left is dishonest in its presentation of the facts. There are honest liberals, but they are becoming fewer in number. Wellstone was an honest liberal, desperately wrong, but honest. There just aren't many Hubert Humphreys or McGoverns any more who will give an honest defense and promotion of liberalism. In my view, much of this is due to the failure of liberal ideas where ever they have been put into practice. Lying is the only way to make their case because there are so few liberal success stories upon which to draw.
The BBC is being considered for dismantling because a British government investigation demonstrated that the BBC lied in its stories asserting the government was "sexing up" it's Iraq dossier. It's part of a general leftist ideological campaign by an unaccountable media outlet that relies on forced TV taxes extracted from an unwilling population.
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
In any case, how does one debate with this type of Sgt. Fury wannabe? You might as well debate the merits of Ozzy with Jerry Falwell.

You might begin your side of the debate by marshalling facts which dispute the points I make.
I have no love for Ozzy nor Falwell. They both look like different brands of idiot to me.
And by the way, I'm no Sgt Fury wannabe. I flew F-4E fighters as a navigator/WSO in the Air Force. That makes me a been there, done that guy. The Air Force is the premiere military organization, though I empathize with those grunts way down there in the woods, trudging up and down the hills.