Kerry's war record Vs Bush's

Reply Sun 22 Feb, 2004 09:46 am

My experience with this fellow has some history. By way of introducing that history, let me pass on a wonderful anecdote.

At a highbrow art and music-crowd party in New York, a lyricist was talking with Andrew Lloyd Webber when a third person, unknow to Webber, came up and engaged him in a short conversation, which didn't go well. After the person had left, Webber turned to the lyricist and asked rhetorically, "Why do people take an instant dislike to me." The lyricist replied, "Because it saves them time." The brief below is offered in order to save you folks some time.

The fellow, as you've quickly gathered, has no aim nor interest related to exchange of viewpoints or ideas. Such an endeavor, taken up with any small portion of honesty or integrity, would entail the notion that there's some reason to actually listen to other viewpoints. This isn't a notion with which Tantor has much familiarity. On the plus side, he does provide us with a quaint 'fire and brimstone' odor when he sets off to the shouting and 'the devil's-a-trickin' you' talk.

He's really...what's a good word for this...resolute, that's it, he's really resolute. And we respect resolute. We respect it in the President, we respect it in a farm ox, and we respect it in Tantor.

And more, there's the wonderful and refreshing originality. You read a Tantor post and, "By gum!", you say to yourself, "This phrasing...this voice...these ideas...you can't find them ANYWHERE else."

Finally (and you thought there could not possibly be more to celebrate about the fellow, yes?) we are privledged - in each post! - to complex and beautiful tapestries of classical greek logic. If there is an ad hominem or an argument from authority anywhere over the horizon, he'll find it, and like Jesus, will burden himself with it so that we don't have to.

So, that's the story, in a bit of a moldy nutshell. But we were talking about time up there at the beginning, and I meant to save you a lot of time later with a tad of it now.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 22 Feb, 2004 10:03 am
blatham wrote:
You read a Tantor post and, "By gum!", you say to yourself, "This phrasing...this voice...these ideas...you can't find them ANYWHERE else."

Yes you can, bern. In your toolbox. Right there, next to the screws:

0 Replies
Reply Sun 22 Feb, 2004 10:10 am
Tantor's post can be likened to a bad TV program and be dealt with in the same manner. Turned off.
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Reply Sun 22 Feb, 2004 10:30 am
0 Replies
Reply Sun 22 Feb, 2004 10:46 am
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
In Tantors world a lefty or liberal is a euphemism for dumb ass and unpatriotic american.

Not just Tantors world... :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Sun 22 Feb, 2004 11:42 am
McGentrix wrote:
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
In Tantors world a lefty or liberal is a euphemism for dumb ass and unpatriotic american.

Not just Tantors world... :wink:

I didn't realize that either your or Tantors world was large enough for two to live in.....
0 Replies
Reply Sun 22 Feb, 2004 12:10 pm
More lefty drivel Wink
You Can't Skip Vietnam Twice!

Folow the link for page two.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 22 Feb, 2004 04:29 pm
While the respective wings of the media delight in blasting one another, folks here should try to do better. Neither side is going to sway the other side to change position, and neither side is particularly given to ferreting out the truth from among the partisan opinion and inuendo rife on both sides. When an argument has devolved into name calling, casting of aspersions, labeling, and groupthink, neither side of the issue is addressing the issue; they merely confirm there are issues separating their respective points of view, making that the over-riding issue.

Kerry saw combat and received combat citations. Bush didn't. Both were in the military, both were awarded honorable discharges, meaning quite unambiguously that both fulfilled their obligations honorably. The particulars of how either discharged their duties 30-some years ago are subject to some imprecision of record keeping and divergence of anecdotal reference, and, apart from partisan posturing, have little to nothing to do with the matter of which of the two is better suited to be president, IMO. That notwithstanding, however, there are those who press vigorously to make it an issue. Somehow, it seems manufactured issues are so much more engaging than truly significant issues.

To put it terms of Kerry's war record vs. Bush's, I think it quite pertinent that Kerry's actual war record is a generation past, was one of junior command, no strategic significance, lasted four months, was capped by leadership in anti-war, anti-military, if not explicitly ant-US, theatrics, and was followed by decades of legislative action directed at the inhibition and reduction of the US military and intelligence establishments, while the actual war record of Bush is contemporary, of the most senior command, the greatest of strategic significance, and has been characterized by dilligence, perserverance, and notable success in the face of tremendous domestic and foreign opposition. Perhaps I'd be comfortable in a foxhole with Kerry next to me, but I know I'm more comfortable with Bush as Commander-in-Chief than I would be with Kerry or his like in that position. What is at issue is leadership, resolve, and consistency. Those qualities I do not find to any measure in Kerry.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 22 Feb, 2004 09:59 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
In Tantors world a lefty or liberal is a euphemism for dumb ass and unpatriotic american.

Thank you, Bear. I certainly believe the former but not the latter. Most Lefties I meet are indeed ignorant though moderately to heavily indoctrinated. Most liberals I meet are patriotic, though misquided in my view. I'd say at least a third of the hard Left are indeed unpatriotic. That would include the ones carrying Saddam's flag during the anti-war marches here in DC. And the ones shouting on a bullhorn at Lafayette Square, next to the White House, that they don't give a damn about the troops. And the one at this last anti-war march who was wearing the sign that said that the US should be destroyed. Of course, maybe I'm just being hasty in my judgement.

Bi-Polar Bear wrote:

From the lips of a lefty liberal it seems that Tantor would not believe the statement the sky is blue, and not only would this statement become false it would become a purposeful deception.

Bear, we do agree on something. No, I wouldn't believe a Lefty if s/he said the sky was blue. I'd need to look out the window. That's because the Left cooks its facts most of the time. The AWOL slander against Bush is a classic example of the dishonesty of the Left.

Bi-Polar Bear wrote:

Any news source presenting an alternative opinion to his own is disreputable re his statement regarding the BBC. I would offer that perhaps the BBC is being dismantled (if that occurs) for not towing the party line well enough to suit the government. Very nasty.

Another overgeneralization. Most of the hard left is dishonest in its presentation of the facts. There are honest liberals, but they are becoming fewer in number. Wellstone was an honest liberal, desperately wrong, but honest. There just aren't many Hubert Humphreys or McGoverns any more who will give an honest defense and promotion of liberalism. In my view, much of this is due to the failure of liberal ideas where ever they have been put into practice. Lying is the only way to make their case because there are so few liberal success stories upon which to draw.

The BBC is being considered for dismantling because a British government investigation demonstrated that the BBC lied in its stories asserting the government was "sexing up" it's Iraq dossier. It's part of a general leftist ideological campaign by an unaccountable media outlet that relies on forced TV taxes extracted from an unwilling population.

Bi-Polar Bear wrote:

In any case, how does one debate with this type of Sgt. Fury wannabe? You might as well debate the merits of Ozzy with Jerry Falwell. Confused Rolling Eyes

You might begin your side of the debate by marshalling facts which dispute the points I make.

I have no love for Ozzy nor Falwell. They both look like different brands of idiot to me.

And by the way, I'm no Sgt Fury wannabe. I flew F-4E fighters as a navigator/WSO in the Air Force. That makes me a been there, done that guy. The Air Force is the premiere military organization, though I empathize with those grunts way down there in the woods, trudging up and down the hills.

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Reply Sun 22 Feb, 2004 10:10 pm
blatham wrote:

My experience with this fellow has some history. By way of introducing that history, let me pass on a wonderful anecdote.

Blatham's history with me consists of posing as reasonable online while making slimy threats to kick me off A2K offline. He demands that I not press my views. As you can see, it didn't work.

blatham wrote:

The fellow, as you've quickly gathered, has no aim nor interest related to exchange of viewpoints or ideas. Such an endeavor, taken up with any small portion of honesty or integrity, would entail the notion that there's some reason to actually listen to other viewpoints. This isn't a notion with which Tantor has much familiarity. On the plus side, he does provide us with a quaint 'fire and brimstone' odor when he sets off to the shouting and 'the devil's-a-trickin' you' talk.

That sounds pretty damning but if you will examine the exchange of posts that precedes this, you will find that I guote the viewpoint with which I disagree and give the reasons why.

Blatham simply is another liberal who is offended by ideas different than his own and seeks to marginalize them through this sort of pseudo-reasonable blather. However, his message is basically: Anyone who doesn't adhere to the liberal party line is an extremist whom you should hate.

blatham wrote:

And more, there's the wonderful and refreshing originality. You read a Tantor post and, "By gum!", you say to yourself, "This phrasing...this voice...these ideas...you can't find them ANYWHERE else."

That's why I'm here, blatham. Liberals like you don't find conservative ideas anywhere because you don't look for them. You live in a little liberal bubble that tars any idea from outside as extremist and hateful. It's blasphemy to you.

You're welcome,

0 Replies
Reply Sun 22 Feb, 2004 10:53 pm
timberlandko wrote:

Kerry saw combat and received combat citations. Bush didn't. Both were in the military, both were awarded honorable discharges, meaning quite unambiguously that both fulfilled their obligations honorably. The particulars of how either discharged their duties 30-some years ago are subject to some imprecision of record keeping and divergence of anecdotal reference, and, apart from partisan posturing, have little to nothing to do with the matter of which of the two is better suited to be president, IMO. That notwithstanding, however, there are those who press vigorously to make it an issue. Somehow, it seems manufactured issues are so much more engaging than truly significant issues.

Timberlandko, this is a largely correct summary of the case. Bravo for making sense.

I disagree with the part of your argument about the military record of each candidate having nothing to do with their performance as president. Serving in the military enhances your performance as President. It gives you a bond with the people who may give their lives to enforce your decisions. It gives you perspective.

In this respect, I see Kerry and Bush as roughly equivalent in different respects in their military experience. However, Bush is a proven performer as a war president. Kerry is an unknown. Worse yet, he doesn't seem to acknowledge that there is a war. He thinks our most pressing problems are domestic rather than barbarian invaders crossing our borders to kill us.

timberlandko wrote:

Perhaps I'd be comfortable in a foxhole with Kerry next to me, but I know I'm more comfortable with Bush as Commander-in-Chief than I would be with Kerry or his like in that position. What is at issue is leadership, resolve, and consistency. Those qualities I do not find to any measure in Kerry.

Exactly. Well said, Brother Timberlandko. I take back half the things I said about you.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Mar, 2004 07:39 am
BUSH TO MAKE UP MISSED GUARD SERVICE THIS WEEKENDhttp://www.theonion.com/images/369/article2719.jpg

tHE 0nIoN
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Mar, 2004 10:19 am
Hahahaha! I must alert my relatives in Wichita Falls!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2004 10:27 am
And the Liberal Slime Machine rolls on, oblivious to facts and contemptuous of the truth. It doesn't matter that military records say Bush fulfilled his obligations. The Left simply continues its slander that he was AWOL. It doesn't matter that eyewitnesses have come forward to say he made his drills at Alabama. The Left simply lies and says he didn't.

This is exactly why I have such contempt for the Left. If the truth favored their case, they would not need to wallow in lies.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2004 11:00 am
And, of course, there's no Right Slime Machine like the one that concocts digitally doctored movies and mistresses. Politics has always been fight fire with fire. The public can characterize both sides as mud slingers. It's the one that sinks in the quicksand that seals the deal.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2004 11:18 am
Boo Hoo Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad nobody believes the poor baby about his "military service" I can't understand why since he has been such a paragon of honesty. Laughing Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2004 12:02 pm
Lightwizard wrote:
And, of course, there's no Right Slime Machine like the one that concocts digitally doctored movies and mistresses. Politics has always been fight fire with fire. The public can characterize both sides as mud slingers. It's the one that sinks in the quicksand that seals the deal.

Not a very convincing argument. I haven't heard of either side concocting digitally doctored movies. The kerfuffle over Kerry's purported mistress came first out of Democratic candidate Wes Clark's campaign and pursued by the press until it was dead. Conservatives had nothing to do with that.

There is simply no Republican equivalent for the liberal AWOL slander against Bush. If you claim there is, name it. Democrats have the monopoly on Big Lies in this campaign, starting with McAuliffe's smear that Bush was AWOL and eagerly followed by the liberal lemming horde, witlessly following this lie right to the cliff of truth and over.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2004 12:07 pm
au1929 wrote:
Boo Hoo Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad nobody believes the poor baby about his "military service" I can't understand why since he has been such a paragon of honesty. Laughing Laughing

Only the people who value eyewitnesses and documents which prove he did his service believe it. Lefties who don't let truth get in the way of their agenda, of whom you seem to be a classic example, will never concede to the facts.

He said he did his drill in Alabama. The documents back him up. Eyewitnesses back him up. The lefty AWOL slander has been decisively refuted by the facts.

But the facts don't matter to you, do they, au1929?

0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2004 12:08 pm
They sure haven't seemed to hinder au1929 much, anyways...
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Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2004 12:10 pm
Demanding facts from some people here is like demanding blood from a stone. (In both cases the other party is very unlikely to have what you want, and even less disposed to provide it to you.) Cool

These people FEEL that their statements are true, and that's where their thought processes start and end on the subject. Your failure to see things as they do can not possibly be based on your knowledge and acknowledgement of available facts and data relating to the issue, it is quite simply a failure on your part. These people respond to requests for factual support by attacking your character, your intellect, or anything else they can think of to distract themselves from the weakness of their own argument.
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